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Food & Nutrition Services Madison School District Program Changes for 2012-2013.

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1 Food & Nutrition Services Madison School District Program Changes for 2012-2013

2 Law Requirements Sec. 201 – Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 Meals must reflect the Dietary Guidelines Regulations based on the recommendations from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Sec. 205 – Equity in Meal Pricing

3 Fruits Fruits/vegetables separated into two components A daily serving at breakfast and lunch ½ cup must be offered and selected by students No more than half of fruit offerings may be in the form of juice

4 Vegetables A daily serving at lunch that reflects variety over the week ¾ cup per day must be offered Vegetable subgroup weekly requirements Dark Green; Red/Orange; Beans/Peas; Starchy; “Other”

5 Grains Schools must offer the daily and weekly serving ranges 1 oz per day; 8-10 oz per week No more than 9 oz (K-5); 10 oz (6-8) At least ½ of grains offered during the week must be whole grain rich Beginning in SY 2014-15, all grains offered must be whole grain rich

6 Sodium Target 1: SY 2014-15 Less than 1,230 mg Target 2: SY 2017-18 Less than 935 mg Target 3: SY 2022-23 Less than 640 mg Current average sodium level is 1,377 mg in an elementary lunch

7 Implications Currently offer a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables including dark green, red/orange and legumes Currently offer a majority of whole grain items including breads, brown rice, and pasta Increased food costs and possible loss of program participation

8 Section 205 – Equity in National School Lunch Program Pricing Effective July 1, 2011, Section 205 of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act requires districts to receive the same monetary level of support for all lunches served. This includes students who are not categorically eligible for free or reduced price lunches (paid lunch). Site Paid Lunch Price Paid Lunches Served FY11 Paid Lunch Revenue Madison #1 & Meadows $2.25X70,610=$158,872.50 Camelview, Park, Simis, Heights, Rose Lane, MTA $2.00X199,658=$399,316.00 Total Paid Lunches Served FY11Total Paid Lunch Revenue 270,268$558,188.50 Total Paid RevenueTotal Paid Lunches Served FY11District Average Price $558,188.50÷270,268=$2.0653

9 What does this mean to Madison School District? The federal reimbursement rate for each paid lunch is currently $.26 cents. Combining this with the district average paid price of $2.07 would equal $2.33. Madison is in a shortfall of approximately $.44 cents per paid lunch served. District Average Paid Lunch Price Paid Category Reimbursement Total Paid Category Revenue $2.07+$.26 cents=$2.33 Category Free Reimbursement Total Paid Category Revenue Shortfall in compliancy of new rule $2.77-$2.33=$.44 cents We are now required by law to raise the paid lunch price in order to be equitable to the category free reimbursement rate of $2.77 per lunch served

10 What are our Options? Option 1 – Increase paid lunch by $.10 for Camelview, Simis, Rose Lane, MTA & Heights. Increase Park paid lunch by $.25 to be the same price as Madison #1 and Meadows.  A price increase would happen again the following year. Option 2 – A direct payment from school district funds (M&O) to food service paid lunches account. This would be approximately $14,200.00. The minimum required increase to the average paid lunch price is 10 cents each school year. This would be done annually until a paid lunch price is equitable to the free reimbursement rate. We are able to increase prices more than 10 cents per year and would be credited in following years for the additional increase.

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