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Words  Abort  Abrasive  Canvas  Impromptu  Obsession Parasite Rebuttal Recluse Sparse Unwittingly Study the definitions, synonyms, & antonyms, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Words  Abort  Abrasive  Canvas  Impromptu  Obsession Parasite Rebuttal Recluse Sparse Unwittingly Study the definitions, synonyms, & antonyms, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Words  Abort  Abrasive  Canvas  Impromptu  Obsession Parasite Rebuttal Recluse Sparse Unwittingly Study the definitions, synonyms, & antonyms, and know how to use them in a sentence.

2 Abort  (v) to stop an activity because it would be difficult or dangerous to continue it  They had to abort the mission because of the explosion.  Synonyms: terminate, end, abandon  Antonyms: start, begin  Also: abortion, aborted

3 Abrasive  (adj) rude or unkind; having a rough surface, especially one that can be used to clean something or make it smooth  I had to use an abrasive cleaner because the oven was covered with food.  Synonyms: rough, coarse, harsh  Antonym: smooth  Also: abrasion

4 Canvas  (n) a strong cloth used to make bags, tents, shoes, etc.  The artist painted the portrait on a canvas.  Synonyms: painting, picture, image  Antonyms: n/a  Also: canvassed, canvassing

5 Impromptu  (adj) done or said without any preparation or planning  The teacher asked the surprised student to get up and give an impromptu speech about prepositions.  Synonyms: unprepared, unrehearsed, unplanned  Antonym: prepared  Also: improvisation, improvise

6 Obsession  (n) an extremely unhealthy interest or concern about something, which stops you from thinking about anything else  All my friends are obsessed with fashion magazines. In fact, their walls are plastered with the pages.  Synonyms: fascination, fixation, passion  Antonym: indifference  Also: obsessed, obsess

7 Parasite  (n) a plant or animal that lives on or in another plant or animal and gets food from it  Dogs can get very sick from parasites called worms.  Synonyms: pest, leech  Antonym: host  Also: parasitic

8 Rebuttal  (n) a statement or charge made to prove that the charges are false  The lawyer gave his rebuttal against the prosecutor.  Synonyms: disproof, denial, negation  Antonyms: acceptance, endorsement  Also: rebut, rebutted

9 Recluse  (n) someone who chooses to live alone, and does not like seeing or talking to other people  Hoarders are often recluses who don’t have many visitors because they are ashamed of their homes.  Synonyms: hermit, loner, solitary  Antonym: extrovert  Also: reclusive

10 Sparse  (adj) existing only in small amounts  Diamonds are expensive because they are sparse and hard to find.  Synonyms: thin, scant, scarce  Antonyms: dense, plentiful  Also: sparseness, sparsely

11 Unwittingly  (adv) in a way that shows you do not know or realize something  Shaggy and Scooby unwittingly solve crimes on every episode.  Synonyms: innocently, unsuspectingly, unintentionally  Antonyms: knowingly, deliberately  Also: unwitting

12 Review  Click on each synonym for the correct vocabulary word.  Click on the picture on the word slides to take you back to the review.

13 List 7 Review UnknowinglyHarshAbandon Disproof Unprepared Leech Scarce FixationHermit Image

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