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Definition  An uncontrollable focus on details, neatness an thriving for perfection at the cost of production, flexibility, an efficiency.  Meaning.

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2 Definition  An uncontrollable focus on details, neatness an thriving for perfection at the cost of production, flexibility, an efficiency.  Meaning OCPD’s obsess on small details of projects or assignments where they are unable to complete it if they cant meet their own standards or put so much effort in small details, production is slowed down

3 Associated FeaturesAssociated Features  DSM-IV-TR (4/8)  Is a packrat  cannot work with others unless they’ll do it their way  Stingy with money, saving it incase of an emergency  Shows very high stinginess and stubbornness

4 Associated FeaturesAssociated Features  Obsessive with minor details that you lose sight of the purpose for the activity  unable to finish due to inability to achieve the standards  is a workaholic (not due to economic reasons)  stubborn and inflexible when it comes to morals and religious beliefs

5 Associated FeaturesAssociated Features  Those with OPDS tend to be alone since they prefer their own company. They aren’t good with emotional business and tend to have relationship problems. At their work place they try to dominate over projects. OPDS tend to stress over work In strife for perfection but even if they go on vacation they bring work with so they wont *waste time*. Usually when they come back to their office they get a sense of relief.

6 Etiology  Biological  OCPD can have children who can also develop the disorder  Family and social Environment  OCPD’s tend to have had parents who were very strict during the anal stage of the psychological development process  As children they can be very bossy to other children and tend to hold back anger towards abusive parents but remain respectful (emotions bottle up)

7 Prevalence  This particular disorder isn’t very common in the general population  Only about 1%  The amount of men with OCPD is twice the amount of women with OCPD which could be because it is is more socially acceptable for a man to be controlling and stubborn than for a women

8 Prognosis  OCPD’s tend to be very respectful to authorities in the work force, but can be overly demanding and disrespectful to those who work under them  Due to OCPD, they can have many issues during relationship or makes it difficult for them to be in a very large social group  Many of the reasons why OCPD end up in therapy due to relationship problems and the disorder is later diagnosed

9 Prognosis  Because of their difficulty in socializing they end up feeling very lonely  This can also lead to depression  It has also been known that people who have problems with animal hoarding also have OCPD and OCD  The only way for treatment is long term therapy, it all depends on the patient

10 Treatment  Medicine  Prozac (an anti-depressant) is a short term use drug for OCPD long term use is highly opposed  Therapy  Seeing a psychologist and talking about daily problem can help those with OCPD become more open  But OCPD’s are very controlling and question their psychiatrist  They will even go as far as fooling their psychologist that treatment is working when it really isn’t

11 Treatment  Support groups  This can really help OCPD’s become more emotionally open and it really does provide them with emotional support  HOWEVER it is not recommended for everyone since OCPD’s are very stubborn with morals and can even go out and say other members in the group are in the wrong

12 Discussion QuestionDiscussion Question  How can OCPD lead to animal hoarding


14 Empathy  Scott always works really hard day in and day out, and even if he had leisure time (which he doesn’t) he knows he wouldn’t be doing anything since he doesn’t have that many friends. His fellow employees want to throw a surprise party for a girl he likes. He ask to help for the party but they shun him since he is too controlling and know he will obsess over even the smallest details. Scott feels socially isolated by the time he gets home and worry’s he will be alone for the rest of his life. Think about this to have a better understanding about those with OCPD

15 References  Grohol,J.(2010).Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder. Retrieved from  Louk,M(2011). Hoarding; One Aspect of Obsessive- Compulsive Personality Disorder. Retrieved from aspect-of-obsessive-compulsive-personality-disorder- a343935

16 References  Confessions: Animal Hoarding. (2010). From Animal Planet database.

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