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A non-geek’s introduction to the benefits new technology can bring to your campaign #tech4change presents...

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Presentation on theme: "A non-geek’s introduction to the benefits new technology can bring to your campaign #tech4change presents..."— Presentation transcript:

1 a non-geek’s introduction to the benefits new technology can bring to your campaign #tech4change presents...

2 what do people mean when they talk about ‘new technology/media’? “web 2.0”

3 democracy, people + the internet... now we talk to each other to get information

4 why are campaigners using new technology? to reach greater numbers e.g. – MySociety, MPs expenses vote to involve your supporters e.g. – Greenpeace, GreenMyApple to engage a younger audience e.g. – The Scouts Association, Rain Tax Campaign to save money e.g. – BullyingUK to increase speed of communication e.g. – / /

5 the ‘If you build it, they will come’ philosophy using tools as an ‘add-on’, not as part of a broader strategy not understanding supporters’ or targets’ relationship with technology disconnect from other campaign activities common pitfalls of online campaigns

6 build a strong database brief, focussed communication make it personal strategise for different levels of engagement coordinate online and ‘offline’ activism don’t obsess over the numbers! tips for new ‘e-campaigners’

7 what’s out there for e-campaigners? join the eCampaigners’ Forum email group start a campaign on get some help from Duane @ read Advocacy Online’s client’ case studies

8 Thanks for taking part! liam barrington-bush email: web: twitter: @hackofalltrades mobile: +44 (0) 7775732383

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