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Managing conflict and violence prevention Sexual Harassment Lesson 12 Sexual Harassment – Any unwanted and unwelcome sexual behavior, which interferes.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing conflict and violence prevention Sexual Harassment Lesson 12 Sexual Harassment – Any unwanted and unwelcome sexual behavior, which interferes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing conflict and violence prevention Sexual Harassment Lesson 12 Sexual Harassment – Any unwanted and unwelcome sexual behavior, which interferes with a person’s education or employment by creating a hostile or intimidating learning or work environment

2 Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment is a form of violence It can be: –Nonverbal –Verbal –Physical

3 Nonverbal Obscene gestures Suggestive looks Lewd notes Graffiti which degrades a person Stalking Staring Pornographic material Cornering or blocking free movement

4 Verbal Dirty comments Sexual innuendoes Gender-specific comments Requests for sexual favors Taunting and teasing Jokes about person’s body, clothing or gender Spreading sexual rumors Obscene songs Making noises Name calling Physical threats

5 Physical Unwanted touching Patting and or pinching Bumping Pushing Pulling at clothing

6 Flirting Fun, friendly can compliment another person, can show affection, exciting, welcomed, wanted, mutual

7 Sexual harassment Uses power, hostile, condescending, aggressive, exploits, a person, tries to dominate or control another person, unwelcome

8 Why do you think both men and women are harassed To control, demean, embarrass, or humiliate another person

9 Skills to use when dealing with sexual harassment Say “stop” the first time it happens Document incident Know school/work harassment policies Don’t laugh at obscene jokes or comments Trust your feelings Treat others with respect Maintain personal space Seek help from and adult you trust

10 How do you think someone who is sexually harassed feels Afraid, anxious, ashamed, embarrassed, angry, humiliated, devalued, insecure, guilty, dirty, weak, isolated

11 Title VII Of the Civil rights act of 1964 Prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace

12 Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 Prohibits sexual harassment in the educational facilities which receive federal funding

13 Quid Pro Quo If you do something for me I will do something for you If you don’t do something for me I won’t do something for you

14 Hostile environment Unwanted sexual behavior which creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive atmosphere in which it is difficult for an employee to work or a student to learn Non verbal gestures, name calling, pinching or grabbing, displaying graphic or suggestive pictures, etc.

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