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NCAA Rules Summary 2013/14. Ethical conduct – All Sports  Compete with honesty and sportsmanship at all times  Be forthcoming  Abide by NCAA Sports.

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Presentation on theme: "NCAA Rules Summary 2013/14. Ethical conduct – All Sports  Compete with honesty and sportsmanship at all times  Be forthcoming  Abide by NCAA Sports."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCAA Rules Summary 2013/14

2 Ethical conduct – All Sports  Compete with honesty and sportsmanship at all times  Be forthcoming  Abide by NCAA Sports Wagering prohibitions  You are ineligible if you participate in any gambling activity on intercollegiate or professional athletics.

3 Ethical Conduct – Sports Wagering Is it permissible to participate in a pro fantasy league, if money is involved? Yes or No Is it permissible to participate in a Super Bowl Pool, if gear is involved? Yes or No Is it permissible to participate in a NCAA Tournament Pool/Bracket, if a food coupon is involved? Yes or No

4 Ethical Conduct – Sports Wagering Violations include:  Accepting a bet or placing a bet for anything of value (e.g., food, clothes, money)  Providing inside information  NCAA PENALTIES:  FIRST OFFENSE = Ineligible for at least one year and a loss of at least one season of competition!  SECOND OFFENSE = Permanent loss of eligibility in all sports! Examples of impermissible gambling include:  Fantasy Leagues, Super Bowl Pools, NCAA Tournament Pools/Brackets

5 Ethical Conduct – Sports Wagering  IMPERMISSIBLE, IF YOU…  are involved in point shaving or other activities designed to influence the outcome or win-loss margin of a game, OR  solicit or accept a bet or participate in any gambling activity involving wagering on your institution, you lose all remaining eligibility immediately !

6 Amateurism – All Sports  You are ineligible in a sport if you ever:  Accept pay, or promise of pay,  Agree orally or in writing to compete in professional athletics,  Compete on any professional athletics team,  Use athletics skill for pay,  Promote a commercial product or service, OR  Allow your name to be used in commercial promotion

7 Financial Aid – Athletic Scholarships Your coach can offer you 4 year athletic grant in aid? Yes or No My financial aid will be increased, during the period of its award on the basis of my athletic ability? Yes or No

8 Financial Aid – Athletic Scholarships  One-year agreements  My financial aid will not be increased, reduced or canceled during the period of its award on the basis of my athletic ability, or because of an injury or illness that prevents me from participating in athletics. I am aware that the amount of this aid may be immediately reduced or canceled during the term of this award if: *I become ineligible for intercollegiate competition (for example, by carrying less than 12 units) *I give false information on my application, letter of intent or financial aid agreement *I engage in serious misconduct that brings disciplinary action from this institution *I engage in misconduct related to the athletics department team rules and/or compliance bylaws. *I voluntarily withdraw from the sport for personal reasons.

9 Financial Aid – Athletic Scholarships Financial assistance other than from those you are legally dependent needs to be immediately reported to Bobby Greer. Examples may include, but are not limited to: community scholarships, alumni scholarships, and any institutional aid. Bobby Greer Financial Aid Director

10 Awards and Benefits – Extra Benefits You may not accept anything that is not available to the general student body or the general public! You may not accept anything that is not available to the general student body or the general public! Special arrangements and benefits apply to you AND your friends and relatives. Benefits include, but are not limited to the following: –Transportation –Food –Clothing –Course supplies not covered via scholarship –Financial loan –Drinks and Cover (Admission) to Nightclubs and/or Events

11 Academics – Eligibility Requirements  Student-athletes must meet all academic eligibility requirements of the NCAA, Conference Carolinas and Limestone College

12 Academics – Eligibility Requirements What are the minimum number of credit hours you must be enrolled in per semester? –6–6 –12 –24 There is not an exception to the rule? True or False

13 Academics – Eligibility Requirements  All student-athletes must:  Be enrolled full-time ● Minimum of 12 hours ● See your academic advisor prior to making any course changes ● Never drop a course without first consulting with your academic advisor or coach  Exception to full-time enrollment  If you require less than 12 hours to graduate in either the fall or spring semester, you must: ● Have school/college advisor provide documentation to be enrolled in less than 12 hours prior to first day of class.

14 Academics – Eligibility Requirements  All student-athletes must successfully complete  6 hours per term to be eligible next term  18 hours during the academic year (summer classes cannot be used),  24 hours prior to the start of your 2nd year (summer classes may be used), AND  Declare a major before the third year of enrollment.

15 Academics – Eligibility Requirements You must achieve the following minimum grade-point average (based on a maximum of 4.000) at the beginning of the fall term or at the beginning of any other regular term of the academic year, based on you earning: You must achieve the following minimum grade-point average (based on a maximum of 4.000) at the beginning of the fall term or at the beginning of any other regular term of the academic year, based on you earning:  i. 24 semester or 36 quarter hours: 1.800;  ii. 48 semester or 72 quarter hours: 1.900;  iii. 72 semester or 108 quarter hours: 2.000;  iv. 96 semester or 144 quarter hours: 2.000. [Bylaw] [Bylaw]

16 Academics – Eligibility Requirements  a. You are not eligible to participate in more than four seasons of intercollegiate competition. [Bylaw 14.2]  b. You are not eligible after the first 10 semesters in which you were enrolled at a collegiate institution in at least a minimum full- time program of studies as determined by the institution, except for extensions that have been approved in accordance with NCAA legislation. [Bylaws 14.2.2 and 30.6.1]

17 All Limestone College student athletes are required by NCAA and Conference Carolinas to participate in drug education programs and drug testing.

18  If you test positive a second time for a banned substance during an NCAA administered drug test you:  will lose all remaining regular-season and post season eligibility in all sports  If you test positive for a banned substance during an NCAA administered drug test you:  will be declared INELIGIBLE to compete during the regular season and postseason competition for ONE CALENDAR YEAR (i.e. 365 days) after your positive test, and  will be charged with the loss of a minimum of one season of competition in all sports YEAR ROUND TESTING OCCURS IN ALL SPORTS! Drug Testing

19 Countable Athletically Related Activities – In-Season 20 hours/week (Week defined by coaches at start of year) 4 hours/day Day of competition = 3 hours 1 day off per week Travel day can be used as day off Unlimited practice during institutional vacation periods

20 During the preseason practice period before the first day of classes, No more than six hours of countable athletically related activities per day, only five of which may be devoted to physical activities (e.g., practice, weight training, conditioning). Any session with physical activities shall not exceed three hours in length. Must be provided with at least three continuous hours of recovery time between any session occurring that day. During this time, student-athletes may not attend any meetings or engage in other athletically related activities (e.g., weight lifting); however, time spent receiving medical treatment and eating meals may be included as part of the recovery time. Countable Athletically Related Activities – In-Season

21 6 hours/week – Must be strength & conditioning activities, 2 hours/week – a student-athlete’s may participation, team activities and/or skill instruction, 2 days off per week; No countable athletically related activities (CARA) from one week prior to the beginning of the institution’s final exam period through the conclusion of each student- athlete’s final exams. Countable Athletically Related Activities – Out-of-Season

22 Countable Athletically Related Activities – Countable and Noncountable Activities

23 Countable Athletically Related Activities Playing and Practice Seasons Coaches are required to report your weekly hours to compliance. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your team’s countable hours (in-season or out-of-season) or voluntary activities, please contact: Dennis Bloomer Compliance 488-4561 Colleen Cannon Compliance 488-4457

24  Must not be required to report back to a coach or other staff member (e.g. trainer, manager, strength coach),  Noncoaching staff members who observe the activity may not report back to the coach any information related to the activity,  Must be initiated and requested solely by the student-athlete (NOT required),  Attendance and participation (or lack thereof) may not be recorded for the purpose of reporting attendance to the coach or teammates,  Must not be subjected to penalty if you elect not to participate,  No recognition or incentives can be given based on attendance or performance To be considered “voluntary” and not count in your maximum practice/competition hours, the following conditions must be met: Countable Athletically Related Activities – Voluntary Workouts

25 Open Gym, Batting Cage, Field.. If you participate in pick-up games in the gym If you participate in pick-up games in the gymor take extra swings in the batting cage outside practice take extra swings in the batting cage outside practiceor participate in any type specific skill development outside scheduled practices, you are not covered by the athletics department secondary insurance coverage. participate in any type specific skill development outside scheduled practices, you are not covered by the athletics department secondary insurance coverage.

26 General Rules

27 Hazing Limestone College interprets hazing as any act: Limestone College interprets hazing as any act: whether physical, whether physical, mental, mental, emotional or emotional or psychological, psychological, which subjects another person, voluntarily or involuntarily, to anything that may: abuse, abuse, mistreat, mistreat, degrade, degrade, humiliate, humiliate, harass or harass or intimidate the person, or intimidate the person, or which may in any fashion compromise the inherent dignity of the person. In addition, any requirements by a member which compels another member to participate in any activity which is against College policy or South Carolina state/federal law will be defined as hazing. A member is defined as student athlete, manager, head coach, assistant coach, strength coach, trainer or other athletic department staff person.

28 Hazing Any individual student athlete, team, coach and/or staff member found guilty of hazing or participating in hazing is subject to disciplinary action. Individual student athlete - may be subject to not limited to: Individual student athlete - may be subject to not limited to: loss of athletic grant-in-aid, loss of athletic grant-in-aid, departmental or College probation, departmental or College probation, suspension from the team and/or the College; suspension from the team and/or the College; expulsion from the team and/or the College. expulsion from the team and/or the College. Team may be subject to group discipline not limited to: Team may be subject to group discipline not limited to: team probation, team probation, cancellation of individual contests; cancellation of individual contests; cancellation of the entire season. cancellation of the entire season.

29 Hazing Coaches are expected to: Coaches are expected to: understand this policy; understand this policy; educate their student athletes in the meaning and importance of the policy. educate their student athletes in the meaning and importance of the policy.

30 Hazing Recommendation for positive and acceptable team-building activities Recommendation for positive and acceptable team-building activities Welcome back to school dinner for team. Welcome back to school dinner for team. Attend seminars, workshops, peer education, workshop series on leadership, alcohol, drug, gambling, stress management, etc. as a team. Attend seminars, workshops, peer education, workshop series on leadership, alcohol, drug, gambling, stress management, etc. as a team. Experience certified team building course. Experience certified team building course. Team outings; bowling, movies, etc. Team outings; bowling, movies, etc. Early season senior recognition night (underclassmen roast and show appreciation to seniors.) Early season senior recognition night (underclassmen roast and show appreciation to seniors.)

31 Appeals Process All athletes are expected to follow the coaches' instructions regarding practice, discipline, and team matters. Each student-athlete and coach has the right to appeal unfavorable decisions to: – the Athletics Director, – the Faculty Athletics Committee for Intercollegiate Athletics; – ultimately, to the President of the College. (Submit your appeal in writing.)

32 Transfer Policy You will have a two week period from the completion of your team’s season to inform your coach of your intentions for the following year. If you decide to transfer after the two week period, the Athletics Department will not guarantee you a release from your athletic commitment. In order to transfer, you must meet with your head coach and request the transfer.

33 Transfer Policy If your request for transfer is denied by the coach you have the right to appeal the decision to the director of athletics. This must be done in writing. If your request is denied you have the right to appeal to the Faculty Athletic Committee for Intercollegiate Athletics (FACIA) chaired by the FAR. This must be done in writing.

34 Be A Good Neighbor

35  Playing and competing for Limestone College is a privilege. Student ‐ athletes at LC are held in the highest regard and are seen as role models in the community. As leaders you have the responsibility to portray your team, your College and yourselves in a positive manner at all times. Sometimes this means doing things that are an inconvenience to you, but benefit the whole team.  Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites have increased in popularity globally, and are used by the majority of student ‐ athletes here at Limestone in one form or another.  Student ‐ athletes should be aware that third parties - - including the media, faculty, future employers and NCAA officials - - could easily access your profiles and view all personal information. This includes all pictures, videos, comments and posts. Inappropriate material found by third parties affects the perception of the student-athlete, the athletics department and the College. This can also be detrimental to a student ‐ athlete’s future employment.

36  Examples of inappropriate and offensive behaviors concerning participation in online communities may include depictions or presentations of the following:  Photos, videos, comments or posts showing the personal use of alcohol, drugs and tobacco e.g., no holding cups, cans, shot glasses etc.  Photos, videos, and comments that are of a sexual nature. This includes links to websites of a pornographic nature and other inappropriate material.  Pictures, videos, comments or posts that condone drug-related activity. This includes but is not limited to images that portray the personal use of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.  Content online that is unsportsmanlike, derogatory, demeaning or threatening toward any other individual or entity (examples: derogatory comments regarding another institution; taunting comments aimed at a student-athlete, coach or team at another institution and derogatory comments against race and/or gender). No posts should depict or encourage unacceptable, violent or illegal activities (examples: hazing, sexual harassment/assault, gambling, discrimination, fighting, vandalism, academic dishonesty, underage drinking, illegal drug use).  Content online that would constitute a violation of Conference Carolinas or NCAA rules (examples: commenting publicly about a prospective student-athlete, providing information related to sports wagering activities; soliciting impermissible extra benefits).  Information that is sensitive or personal in nature or is proprietary to the Limestone Athletics Department or the university, which is not public information (examples: tentative or future team schedules, student-athlete injuries and eligibility status, travel plans/itineraries or information).

37  If a student ‐ athlete’s profile and its contents are found to be inappropriate in accordance with the above behaviors, he/she will be subject to the following penalties:  1. Written warning  2. A meeting with Director of Athletics and Head Coach  3. Penalties as determined by the athletics department, including but not limited to possible suspension from his/her athletic team.

38 For your own safety, please keep the following recommendations in mind as you participate in social media websites:  Set your security settings so that only your friends can view your profile.  You should not post your email, home address, local address, telephone number(s), or other personal information as it could lead to unwanted attention, stalking, identity theft, etc.  Be aware of who you add as a friend to your site – many people are looking to take advantage of student ‐ athletes or to seek connection with student ‐ athletes.  Consider how the above behaviors can be reflected in all Facebook applications.  If you are ever in doubt of the appropriateness of your online public material, consider whether it upholds and positively reflects your own values and ethics as well as the LC Athletics Department’s and the College’s.  Remember, always present a positive image and don’t do anything to embarrass yourself, the team, your family or the College.

39 Procedures in the Event a Student Athlete is Arrested In the event a student athlete is arrested:  1. The student athlete may be immediately suspended from athletic participation pending the outcome of the trial or the resolution of the matter. It will also be referred to the Limestone College judiciary process;  2. No conviction - At the conclusion of the trial or upon resolution of the matter, the student athlete's situation will be reviewed by the Director of Athletics and the individual's head coach and may result in permanent dismissal from intercollegiate athletics and loss of athletic scholarship.  3. Any conviction, plea bargain or other resolution of charges will be reviewed by the Director of Athletics and the individual's head coach and may result in permanent dismissal from intercollegiate athletics and loss of athletic scholarship.  (NCAA Bylaws do not allow your coach to post bail.)

40 Good Luck

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