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Published byCaren Lester Modified over 10 years ago
МУНИЦИПАЛЬНОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБЩЕОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ СРЕДНЯЯ ОБЩЕОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНАЯ ШКОЛА № 44 Урок английского языка в 9 классе «Do your parents understand you?» Учитель: Сабитова Гульнара Рифовна г. Сургут 2013 г.
Тема урока: «Do your parents understand you? » Unit 4 Lesson 6 Тип урока: обобщающий Цель урока: обобщить и систематизировать материал по разделу «Do your parents understand you?»
Образовательный компонент цели: -расширение лингвистического кругозора учеников (в рамках знаний по теме); -закрепление и активизация лексики по теме «Do your parents understand you?»; - закрепление грамматического материала по теме «Сложное дополнение». Воспитательный компонент цели: -поддержание интереса к изучению английскому языка и культуре стран изучаемого языка; -воспитание уважения к родителям, одноклассникам и их мнениям. Развивающий компонент цели: -развитие языковых и речевых навыков учащихся; -развитие умения анализировать и выделять главное; -развитие коммуникативной культуры; - развитие памяти, мышления, языковой догадки, творческого воображения; -совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.
Задачи урока: - повторить и закрепить лексический материал по теме «Do your parents understand you»; - повторить и закрепить грамматический материал по теме «Сложное дополнение»; - совершенствовать навыки работы в паре; -совершенствовать произносительные навыки учащихся; - совершенствовать навыки аудирования с извлечением конкретной информации; - совершенствовать навыки письменной речи.
Оборудование мультимедийный проектор; компьютер; интерактивная доска; учебник «Happy»-9 класс (авторы: К.Кауфман, М.Кауфман); аудиоприложение CD MP3 «Happy»; презентация для учащихся, выполненная в программе «Power Point»; задания для работы с интерактивной доской; раздаточный материал (приложение 1, приложение 2, приложение 3, приложение 4, приложение 5).
Методы обучения Коммуника- тивный Репродуктив- ный Практический Наглядный Частично- поисковый
Формы работы ФронтальнаяСамостоятельнаяИндивидуальнаяПарная
Greeting (1 min) Purpose: to create warm and trustful atmosphere in the class. Teacher ’ s activity Good morning, boys and girls. I am very glad to see you. Sit down, please! Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? Student ’ s activity Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you too! I am. ……….is/are absent. Today is………
Purpose: to create English-speaking atmosphere, to activate the vocabulary on the topic and to involve them into the topic of the lesson. (1 min) Teacher’s activity Are you ready to work? Let’s start our lesson. The topic of our lesson is «Do you parents understand you?» and as you remember at the previous lesson we spoke about John’s problems. Today we have a revision lesson. We are going to revise the phrases and the words, some grammar rules which help us to talk about the problems you have with your parents. We’ll do some exercises, make up short dialogues and discuss Carol’s problems. (Примечание: учитель проговаривает цели и задачи урока. Ввод в тему урока). Students’ activity - Yes, we are ready. - Students answer the teacher’s questions and talk about their problems with parents. Ответы учащихся: -Parents make me do chores. -Parents control me all the time. -My parents choose who I should be. -My parents can’t stand the music, my mates and my clothes.
Warming up activity, and phonetic drill stage ( 7 min) Purpose: to create English-speaking atmosphere, to activate the vocabulary on the topic of the lesson. Teacher ’ s activity 1)First of all listen to the expressions and words and repeat them after the speaker (слайд 3):(слайд 3): To be fed with something or somebody To lecture somebody To be a loser To be cool with something To reach a compromise To be grateful to smb for smth To deserve smth It occurred to me 2) Look at the screen. There you can see a tongue twister. Let`s read it line by line. Try to read the whole tongue twister as quickly as possible (слайд 4):(слайд 4): 3) Sing a song «John’s problems» (page 119, exercise 7) Students’ activity 1) Pupils read one by one and then one of the pupils read the expressions. 2) Pupils read the tongue twister : Mary Mac's mother's making Mary Mac marry me. My mother's making me marry Mary Mac. Will I always be so Merry when Mary's taking care of me? Will I always be so merry when I marry Mary Mac? 3) Children sing a song
John’s problems Well my parents are fine, I can't complain, But there are things that they'll have to explain. They can't stand my music, my clothes and my mates, And they nag me for days if I come home late. But when I say that I've grown up and need my space, They don't listen. They just make a clever face. They control me no matter how much I object. They don't understand a thing about respect. My parents are choosing who I should be, But why don't they leave the decision to me? They never forget to say what they expect, But what about friendship, trust and respect? And then they talk about my future and success, I don't listen because I couldn't care less. I upset them because I always disobey, But I hope they will be proud of me one day I'm quite cool, my parents shouldn't complain, But there are things that I'll have to explain. I get on their nerves and I drive them mad, So now is the time to say sorry for that. But then they talk about my future and success, I don't listen because I couldn't care less. I upset them because I always disobey, But I hope they will be proud of me one day. Listen to the song and sing along
Teacher ’ s activity Last time we spoke about Complex object and you had some difficulties. What do you know about it? What is Complex Object? Very good! We should keep in mind that there are some verbs that are used in Complex Object without “to”. (слайд 5): Insert “to” where necessary.(слайд 5): Students’ activity Pupils remember the use of complex object. After the verbs to make and to let the infinitive is used without particle “to” to 1.We expect you to come to his birthday. 2.She made him … promise to give the picture to her. to 3.The teacher wanted me to read this book. 4.Who made your brother … do it? to 5.I wouldn’t like my friends to see me now. 6.Don’t let them … upset you so much. 20131114_165918.mp420131114_165918.mp4 (Приложение 2) (Приложение 2) Purpose: to revise some grammar material (1 min)
Purpose: to practice Complex object. (2 min) (Примечание: учащимся предлагаются разноуровневые задания. Учащиеся выбирают задание по своим возможностям: 1) использовать местоимения в объектном падеже; 2) составить предложения.) (слайд 6)(слайд 6) 1. I want (he) to be my friend. 2.They would like (we) to learn English. 3.They expected (she) to arrive at 6 p.m. 4.She doesn’t want (her daughter) to come home late. 5.Tom expects (I) to write a letter every week. 6.Our parents want (we) to be friends. 7.I’d like (you) to offer him help. 8.I don't want (she) to read the letter. (Приложение 3) Model: You, I, would like, to come back early. — I would like you to come back early. You would like me to come back early. 1. I, write a letter, they, expect 2. he, want, I, become a teacher 3. he, made, we, buy, a dress 4. they, would like, Andy, play for their team 5. we, not want, he, sing
Purpose: to check the tasks. Teacher’s activity Now it’s time to check. Will you swap your copybooks with each other and put marks? 1. I want (him) to be my friend. 2.They would like (us) to learn English. 3.They expected (her) to arrive at 6 p.m. 4.She doesn’t want (her) to come home late. 5.Tom expects (me) to write a letter every week. 6.Our parents want (us) to be friends. 7.I’d like (you) to offer him help. 8.I don't want (her) to read the letter. Students’ activity Pupils check the answers and put marks. 1. I expect them to write a letter. 2. I want him to become a teacher. 3. He made us buy a dress. 4. They would like Andy to play for their team. 5. We do not want him to sing. (Примечание: проводится взаимопроверка выполнения упражнений).
Purpose: to revise the phrases with make and do. Pupils fill in the table (2 min): (Задание на интерактивной доске). (Приложение 4)(Приложение 4) make do sports Some cooking homework money report friends shopping a mistake
Check yourselves: makedo moneyshopping friendssome cooking reportsports a mistakehomework
Purpose: to develop speaking abilities (3 min) Students’ activity: 1) The girl has done some shopping. 2) The girl has doe some cooking. 3) The boy has make a bed. 4) The girl has done chores. 5) The girl has done housework. 6) The man has done chores. Teacher’s activity: Right you are! Teacher’s activity: Now use the phrases with «make» and «do» and describe the pictures.
Purpose: to check homework (2 min) Teacher ’ s activity: Students’ activity: - Well, kids, your home task was to do exercise 5 on page 15 and use the correct form of the verbs «make» or «do». One pupil read the exercise, the rest ones check their home task.
Let’s relax: follow the cloud and have a rest. (1 min) Purpose: to arrange change of activities to prevent tiredness, to relieve emotional stress of children (1 min)
Purpose: to revise lexical material (2 min) Teacher ’ s activity Students’ activity -The next task is matching. Now look at the slide and match the words (Задание на интерактивной доске) Слайд 22 (см. ниже) 20131114_164043_001.3gp Pupils match the words. To behave - вести себя To obey smb - слушаться Pocket money- карманные деньги Drive smb mad- сводить с ума Grow up - вырастать To embarrass- приводить в замешательство Pay attention to – обращать внимание To do chores – делать работу по дому
Matching To behave To obey smb Pocket money Drive smb mad Grow up To embarrass Pay attention to To do chores Обращать внимание Сводить с ума Вырастать Приводить в замешательство Слушаться Делать работу по дому Карманные деньги Вести себя 20131114_164043_001.3gp
Purpose: to read for detail (10 min) Teacher’s activityStudents’ activity Parents and their teenage children often use different words and expressions when they talk about the same things. Read the parents' and the teenagers' letters to fill in the table. (5 min) (Приложение 1) (Приложение 1) Pupils read for detail and fill in the table. Then they check their answers.
ChildrenParents Our son is angry with us They're never there for me. My parents control my life. We try to do things together with him. They lecture me for days about how I should behave. They embarrass me in front of my friends. My parents want me to go to university and make a lot of money. All they want is to enjoy themselves and have fun. She nags me for days after that.
Check yourselves: ChildrenParents I'm fed up with my parents.Our son is angry with us They're never there for me.We spend a lot of time at work My parents control my life. We try to do things together with him. They lecture me for days about how I should behave. We try to give him advice about how to behave They embarrass me in front of my friends. it's important for us to know where our son is My parents want me to go to university and make a lot of money. All these years we have been saving money to pay for him to go to university I have to be home by nine o'clock, so I miss all the fun. All they want is to enjoy themselves and have fun. They say that all my friends are losers. He wastes his time with his friends who couldn't care less about studies and school. She nags me for days after that. I try to talk to her about it, but she doesn't understand.
Listening Purpose: to practice listening for specific information ( 5 min) Teacher’s activityStudents’ activity Now we are going to listen to the text by Carol about her family. Listen to it very attentively and say if the sentences correct or not. A –correct B – incorrect 1. Carol needs some advice about her sister. 2. At first Megan spent her breaks with Carol. 3. Carol admits she was pretending to be nice. 4. Carol’s dad advises Carol to discuss the problem with Megan. Pupils read the sentences and say «A» or «B»
Teacher: Let’s work in pairs. Use the following phrases to write short dialogues. Pupils work in pairs and act out the dialogues. Parents: 1. You're driving me mad! 2. I'd like you to go to university when you finish school! 3. Why have you locked the door again? 4. That music is getting on my nerve Children: a) Can't I decide for myself? b) Please don't nag me, Mum. c) Will you give me some pocket money this week? d) But we need to have some fun! e) Leave me alone. I need my space. Speaking. Purpose: to work in pairs ( 5 min)
Purpose: to enlarge students active vocabulary (3 min) Recurrence of lexical material Teacher ’ s activity Students’ activity -What did we talk about at the previous lesson? Yes, you are right.. -Let’s read the sentences and say if you agree or not. If not prove your point of view. 1.Parents and children always understand each other. 2. Most of parents are against their children’s friends. 3.They want their children to be unhappy. 4.They always treat their children badly. 5.Parents want their children to live better life than they had. (Приложение 1) Now let’s sum it up. I want one of you to tell us about all the problems, which children may have with their parents. Children read and say. Ответы учащихся: I agree/ I don’t agree. I think… One of the pupils tells the class about the problems.
Purpose: to sum up what have been studied at the lesson (1 min) Summarizing Teacher’s activityStudent’s activity What is the subject of our lesson today? What have you learnt? What was the most difficult task? Ответы учащихся: The subject of our lesson today is “Do your parents understand you?” We have spoken about the problems that children usually have and revised the words and clichés with the verbs “to make/to do” as well as we have found out the cases of using Complex Object. The most difficult task was……….
Homework Purpose: to instruct the children in doing homework, to express the students’ opinion about their class work (1 min) Teacher ’ s activityStudent ’ s activity Well, you worked very hard today. Thank you, pupils, for your work. I’m sure the lesson was important for you. I’m pleased with your answers and your marks are … Thank you very much for your work. The lesson is over! Your homework is: 1 level. To do exercise 7 page 130. 2 level. To write about any problem that you or one of your friends / relatives had with their parents. How was the problem solved? Write down the task given.
Teacher: Thank you for your work. I wish you good luck!
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