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Abnormal Behavior Any deviation from the average from the majority people who fail to adjust psychological disturbance or abnormality is like a physical.

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Presentation on theme: "Abnormal Behavior Any deviation from the average from the majority people who fail to adjust psychological disturbance or abnormality is like a physical."— Presentation transcript:


2 Abnormal Behavior Any deviation from the average from the majority people who fail to adjust psychological disturbance or abnormality is like a physical illness many do not like to label “mentally ill”

3 Classification Medical Model –all behavior can be described in the same manner as a physical illness DSM 1952(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) DSM- IV 1994

4 DSM IV-R Axis I –define disorder Axis II –developmental and long standing disorders Axis III –physical disorder or medical condition Axis IV –measure of current stress level Axis V –highest level of adaptive functioning 90 good 10 danger

5 Anxiety Disorders 15% of adults feeling anxious, inadequacy, avoid problem constant worry and fear

6 General Anxiety Disorder A vague feeling that one is in danger Reaction to vague or imagined danger Unable to make decisions or enjoy life Physical symptoms –muscle tension, strained face, inability to sleep

7 Phobic Disorder Anxiety is focused on a particular object, activity or situation that seems out of proportion to the real danger involved

8 Phobias Simple –focus on almost anything Social –fear that one will embarrass themselves in public place or social setting Attempted cure –Flooding face up to phobia in safe controlled environment

9 Panic Disorder Sudden and unexplained attacks of intense fear, lead the person to feel a sense of inevitable doom or even the fear of death feel smothering, choking, faint, dizzy, nausea

10 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Obsession –thinking the same thoughts over and over again Compulsion –repeating the same task over and over again Obsessive-Compulsive –experiencing both of these together

11 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Condition in which a person who has experienced a traumatic event feels severe and long lasting effects flashbacks insomnia

12 Somataform Disorder (Hysteria) Anxiety that creates a wide variety of physical symptoms for which there is no physical cause Conversion Disorder –conversion of emotional difficulties into the loss of a specific physiological function Hypochandriasis –person who is in good health becomes preoccupied with imaginary ailments

13 Dissociative Disorder Person experiences a loss of memory or identity or exhibits two or more identities Psychogenic Amnesia –loss of identity

14 Dissociative Disorder Psychogenic Fugue –type of dissociative reaction or amnesia coupled with active flight to a different environment Multiple Personality –person seems to have two or more distinctive identities –efforts to escape from part of yourself –Alters name given to the different personalities

15 Mood Disorders Major Depressive Disorder Singular episode –depression strikes deeply and seriously in dramatic episode Recurrent episode –extended pattern shared with single episode depression of sadness, anxiety, fear, agitated behavior and reduced ability to function with others.

16 Mood Disorders Interferes with sleep and concentration Ranges from mild uneasiness to suicidal despair Three elements –dependency sensed need for others need and support –self criticism negative assessment of owns worth –inefficacy the idea that “nothing I do matters”

17 Bipolar Disorder Excessively and inappropriately happy or unhappy High elation, hopeless depression –alteration between the two

18 Bipolar Disorder Manic –elation, extreme confusion, distractibility and racing thoughts –exaggerated self-esteem –engages in irresponsible behavior Depressive –overcome by feelings of failure, worthlessness and despair –lethargy despair, unresponsiveness


20 Suicide 30,000 Americans per year 1 every 18 minutes 70% of those who kill themselves threaten to do so 3 months before highest rate in elderly

21 Schizophrenia Group of disorders characterized by confused and disconnected thoughts, emotions and perceptions Delusions –false beliefs maintained in the fact of contrary evidence Hallucinations –sensations in the absence of appropriate stimulation

22 Schizophrenia Five Types Paranoid –delusions of grandeur Catatonic –motionless for long periods of time Disorganized –incoherent language, inappropriate emotions, disorganized motor skills, delusions, hallucinations Undifferentiated –qualified under many or none Remission –symptoms completely gone

23 Causes of Schizophrenia Genetic –identical twins 42% –mom with child 17% –population in general 1% –chemicals in the brain (dopamine) Family –Socialization –mixed messages from the parents

24 Personality Disorders Unable to maintain meaningful relationships, to assume social responsibilities or adapt to social environments

25 Antisocial Personality Disorder Sociopath or psychopath treat people as objects no feelings seek thrills, live for the moment feels no shame or guilt much intelligence, entertaining, charming

26 Drugs Psychological Dependence –millions of Americans addicted Addiction –bodies normal state is with the drug Tolerance –body becomes so accustomed to the drug one needs to take more to obtain same effect Withdrawal –physical and psychological upset which the body and mind revolt against and finally get used to the absence of the drug

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