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Dr. Chris Meno IU Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)

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1 Dr. Chris Meno IU Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) 855-5711 @IUHealthCenter

2 CAPS College Student Mental Health In the last 12 months, in a classroom of 100 students… 31 “felt so depressed it was difficult to function” 20 used prescription pain killers, sedatives, or stimulants not prescribed to them 18 diagnosed with Depression 4 experienced a sexual assault or attempted assault 1 was diagnosed with substance abuse or addiction 7 “seriously considered suicide” 1.5 attempted suicide one or more times (ACHA-NCHA, spring 2013)

3 CAPS IU Students  CAPS clients come to us more emotionally disturbed than their national counterparts  CAPS clients recover at higher rates  At least 2/3 of CAPS students treated for Depression show improvement (higher than national average) (Celest Health, Behavioral Health Measure, BHM)

4 CAPS Who Seeks Help?  “Have ever received psychological or mental health services…” Counselor/therapist/psychologist: 36% Psychiatrist: 14% other medical provider: 15%  “If in the future you were having a personal problem that was really bothering you, would you consider seeking help from a mental health professional?” NO: 29% (37% male, 24% female, 36% unknown )

5 CAPS Who Seeks Help?  Who Seeks Help On Their Own? 15.6% used university counseling services (11% male, 18% female, 13% unknown)  Only 1 in 10 students who die by suicide on campus is currently working with the counseling center. (ACHA-NCHA, spring 2013 & NSCCD, 2013)

6 CAPS You Are a Bridge

7 CAPS FERPA: What Can You Share? If in doubt with regard to sharing information with appropriate people on campus about a student of concern, you need to know that there are no prohibitions against you sharing your impressions and reports of verbal exchanges with students of concern. FERPA allows for the release of written records when "there is an articulable and significant threat to the health or safety of the student or other individuals.” If you have questions, check with your dept. head, and/or Office of the Dean of Students.

8 CAPS Roadblocks to Helping We may notice the signs but then our ‘Bystander’ behaviors & attitudes may turn on…  “It’s none of my business; I don’t want to be nosy”  “I’ll wait a little longer and see what happens”  “I might upset or embarrass him”  “It’s not my role; her friends will talk to her about it”  “She’s probably just drinking more because it’s her senior year”  “I might be wrong and he’s really OK”  “I don’t know how to help”

9 CAPS When?  Appearance: red, swollen eyes, changes in hygiene  Sleep:  or , look tired; miss class or work  Appetite/Weight:  or   Mood: depressed, anxious, irritable, angry, hyperactive, “mood swings”; unusual emotional reactions  Social: disinterest, withdrawal, arguments/tension  Thoughts: poor concentration, indecisiveness, memory problems  Physical: headaches, nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, shortness of breath, dizziness  School, Work, Organizations: changes in performance or participation  Behavior: Disruptive, hostile, arguments, violence  Alcohol/Drugs: Increase in amount or frequency used, tolerance, what is used  Seek You Out: Repeated requests for your time, special consideration, or dependency on you  Suicide or Homicide: directly or indirectly joking, hinting, talking, or writing about suicidal or homicidal thoughts, methods or intent (even if drunk/high or on social media)

10 CAPS  Stress  Relationships (friends, partners, family)  Academic (career, test anxiety, procrastination)  Mood problems (adjusting, sadness, depression)  Anxiety  Alcohol & drug use  Cultural adjustment, power & privilege, discrimination  Body image, eating & exercise  Identity, sex, & gender concerns

11 CAPS CAPS  IU Health Center, 4 th Floor  Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm CONFIDENTIAL. 2 FREE appts. each semester Fully-licensed Psychologists, Clinical Social Workers, Psychiatrists  Make an appointment: 855-5711 –45 minute meeting with counselor to determine needs & create a plan

12 CAPS CAPS & SACS  Emergency Services: Emergency Walk-in: Mon–Fri, 8am-4:30pm After-hours crisis line: 855-5711, option 1  Consult with Us: 855-5711 Worried about a student? Call us!  Join our Monthly Newsletter

13 CAPS Academics Relationships Identity & Esteem Sleep Activities Stress Management CAPS Can Help! Attend our FREE workshops to learn skills to help you maintain your optimal health. MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 2pm Mindfulness10am Mindfulness2pm Mindfulness10am Mindfulness 1st & 3rd Monday1st & 3rd Tuesday1st & 3rd Wednesday1st & 3rd Thursday1st & 3rd Friday 10am “Healthy Stress Management” 3pm “Healthy Self- Esteem” 11am “Academic Health” Noon “Healthy Mood” 2nd & 4th Monday2nd & 4th Tuesday2nd & 4th Wednesday2nd & 4th Thursday2nd & 4th Friday 10am “Healthy Self-Esteem” 11am “Academic Health” 1pm “Healthy Mood” 10am “Healthy Stress Management” EMOTIONAL HEALTH WORKSHOPS Free CAPS Workshops!

14 CAPS CAPS & SACS Sexual Assault Crisis Service (SACS)  24 hour crisis line: 855-8900  Free counseling for male & female survivors of childhood or adult sexual violence  Info & assistance with medical, judicial or legal issues

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