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11 Polish the Soft Skills Mar 2013. 22 Outline What? Why? How? –Part 1: Master workplace meetings –Part 2: Handling interaction and objection.

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Presentation on theme: "11 Polish the Soft Skills Mar 2013. 22 Outline What? Why? How? –Part 1: Master workplace meetings –Part 2: Handling interaction and objection."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 Polish the Soft Skills Mar 2013

2 22 Outline What? Why? How? –Part 1: Master workplace meetings –Part 2: Handling interaction and objection

3 3 What? Hard Skills –Degrees, certificates –Programming, Research Soft Skills –Communicating, presentation, listening, fast learning, cooperating, contributing in meeting, resolving conflict, teambuilding, encouraging innovation, making decision, coaching, encouraging, motivating, etc.

4 4 Why? “ 积累个人软实力,成就人生硬道理 ” “ 成大事者不拘专业,有软实力笑傲江湖 ” Ex : –Interpersonal relationship –Clear expression –Mature thoughts

5 55 How? Part 1. Master Workplace Meetings

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7 7 Copyright © 2013 Go Monentum All rights reserved.

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18 18 How? Part 2. 天外飞仙 Handling interaction 无极 Handling objection Copyright © 2013 Poon Ka Yeung All rights reserved.

19 19 Objectives of presentation 1) To make the prospect aware of a problem or a need 2) To prove that your proposition will solve the problem 3) To prove that you are reliable source of solution 4) To motivate the prospect to act promptly

20 20 Essentials of a good presentation 1) Selling is not a battle –Winning the battle, but… 2) Keep the interview friendly –Ask yourself: as customer, what would you prefer?

21 21 Essentials of a good presentation 3) Control & lead the interview –Avoid irrelevant discussion, ask relevant questions 4) Timing –Time is money, a well organized presentation means you are treating the client with respect 。

22 22 Essentials of a good presentation 5) The art of listening –Communication is a “two-way” business! –Listen with empathy –Mind your body language –Mind his or her body language

23 23 Dealing with contingency 1) Ignore it –Nothing happened! 2) Withdrawal –Avoid direct confrontation, don’t embarrass your client.

24 24 Dealing with contingency 3) Mitigating circumstance –Relax! 4) Change the subject –Prospect: “Expensive!” –Yes, some people said our price is high. Let’s see how they commented on our quality!

25 25 Dealing with contingency 5) Agree and act –Take a strong, positive action to impress prospects 6) Challenge –If the client made unreasonable argument, we might challenge such idea. However, we need to handle with extra care and prepare a path for your client to…

26 26 7 basic techniques 1) Use of showmanship –Dramatization –Test as a show –Visualize the proposition (product, pictures, models, films, mock up…) –Let the prospect participate

27 27 7 basic techniques 4) Talking the language of the prospect –It does not mean you are “losing” yourself. –It means you are sincere and the clients are respected

28 28 7 basic techniques 5) Demonstration –Plan each demonstration –Match the selling points with the prospects’ different concerns –Pace and repeat the talking points 6) Formalize the presentation –Black & white (including taking notes!!!) –Back up the presentation –Minimize misunderstandings about what was said

29 29 Attitude towards objections –Don’t be afraid, the world does not end –Be sincere, you should not be guilty –Be positive, you are well-trained –Most of the time, it is an opportunity. –Showtime!!!

30 30 Overall strategy for handling objections 1) Avoid arguing –OK…you won! 2) Avoid irrelevant objections –Who is leading ? 3) Be inoffensive –Mind your body language and attitude 4) Choose your time –Don’t be hurry… –It may be too early to say “expensive” or “cheap”…

31 31 Overall strategy for handling objections 5) Forestall objections –Preparation!!! 6) Clarifying objections –You don’t love me! What’s the problem? 7) Do not magnify objections –Some people tend to restate and repeat the “pain” in the discussion.

32 32 Basic techniques in handling objections 1) Direct denial –Direct, handle with care, only if you understood the entire situation. If you make it too strong, your clients will be embarrassed. 2) Indirect denial –Hm…let’s see this point from another angle… 3) Pass up –For the minor objection (or irrelevant), just carry on !

33 33 Basic techniques in handling objections 4) Compensation OK…(sincerely), may I offer you xxx 5) Question Reliable, but no silly questions please! 6) Boomerang The objection is the cogent reason for buying!!!

34 34 Debriefing 故形兵之極,至于無形。 兵無常勢,水無常形;能因敵變化而制勝 者,謂之神。 《孫子兵法. 虚實篇》 Understand by insight: As water! Water adapts itself to the shape of the ground, the army should work out plans according to the condition of the warfare. Water has no fixed form, warfare has no fixed rules!

35 35 Thank you!

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