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TEND/TENT From the Latin tendere, meaning “to stretch, extend, or spread.” Unit 8.1.

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Presentation on theme: "TEND/TENT From the Latin tendere, meaning “to stretch, extend, or spread.” Unit 8.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEND/TENT From the Latin tendere, meaning “to stretch, extend, or spread.” Unit 8.1

2 Related Words Contentious (adj.): Having a tendency to pick fights/ quarrelsome Contentious (adj.): Having a tendency to pick fights/ quarrelsome Unit 8.1 Distend (v.): To swell or become expanded Distend (v.): To swell or become expanded

3 Related Words Portend (v.): 1. To give a sign or warning beforehand; 2. To indicate or signify. Unit 8.1

4 Related Words Tendentious (adj.): Leaning toward a particular point of view; biased Unit 8.1

5 This root can be seen most simply in the English word tent, meaning a piece of material stretched or extended over a frame or in the word extend or tendon. Notes

6 PEND/PENS From the Latin verb pendere, this root means “to hang, weigh, or cause to hang down” Unit 8.2

7 Related Words Appendage (n): 1. Something joined onto a larger or more important body or thing. 2. A subordinate body part, such as an arm or a leg. Appendage (n): 1. Something joined onto a larger or more important body or thing. 2. A subordinate body part, such as an arm or a leg. Unit 8.2

8 Related Words Expend (v): 1. To pay out. 2. To use up. Expend (v): 1. To pay out. 2. To use up. Propensity (adj): An often intense natural inclination or preference Propensity (adj): An often intense natural inclination or preference Unit 8.2

9 Related Words Stipend (n): A sum of money paid at regular intervals in return for services or to cover expenses Stipend (n): A sum of money paid at regular intervals in return for services or to cover expenses Unit 8.2

10 This root can be found in words like pensive, meaning “thoughtful,” and appendix, that useless and sometimes troublesome piece that hangs from the intestines. Notes

11 PAN This root comes from the Greek with its spelling and meaning intact. It simply means “all” in Greek; as an English prefix it can also mean “completely,” “whole,” or “general.” Unit 8.3

12 Related Words Panacea (n): A remedy for all ills or difficulties; cure- all. Panacea (n): A remedy for all ills or difficulties; cure- all. Unit 8.3

13 Related Words Pandemonium (n): A wild uproar or commotion. Pandemonium (n): A wild uproar or commotion. Unit 8.3

14 Related Words Panegyric (n): A formal speech or statement giving high praise to someone or something. Panegyric (n): A formal speech or statement giving high praise to someone or something. Unit 8.3

15 Related Words Panoply (n): 1. A magnificent or impressive array. 2. A display of all appropriate accessory items. Panoply (n): 1. A magnificent or impressive array. 2. A display of all appropriate accessory items. Unit 8.3

16 A panoramic view is a complete view in every direction. Pantheism is the worship of all gods and a pandemic is an outbreak of a disease that can create catastrophic problems. Notes

17 EXTRA This root of unknown origin places words outside or beyond their usual or routine territory. Unit 8.4

18 Related Words Extramundane (adj): Situated in or relating to a region beyond the material world. Extramundane (adj): Situated in or relating to a region beyond the material world. Unit 8.4

19 Related Words Extrapolate (v): To extend or project facts/data into an area not known in order to make assumptions or to predict facts or trends. Extrapolate (v): To extend or project facts/data into an area not known in order to make assumptions or to predict facts or trends. Unit 8.4

20 Related Words Extrovert (n): A person mainly concerned with things outside him/her- self; a sociable and outgoing person. Extrovert (n): A person mainly concerned with things outside him/her- self; a sociable and outgoing person. Unit 8.4

21 Related Words Extraneous (adj): 1. Existing or coming from the outside. 2. Not forming an essential part; irrelevant. Extraneous (adj): 1. Existing or coming from the outside. 2. Not forming an essential part; irrelevant. Unit 8.4

22 Extraterrestrial and extragalactic affairs take place beyond the earth or in the galaxy. Something extravagant, such as an extravaganza goes beyond the limits of reason or necessity. Notes

23 PHOS / PHOT From the Greek, this root means “light.” Unit 8.5

24 Related Words Phosphorescent (adj): Giving off a glow that continues after an energy source has stopped transmitting energy. 2. Giving off a glow over a pd. of time w/o producing noticeable heat. Phosphorescent (adj): Giving off a glow that continues after an energy source has stopped transmitting energy. 2. Giving off a glow over a pd. of time w/o producing noticeable heat. Unit 8.5

25 Related Words Photogenic (adj): Very suitable for being photographed. Photogenic (adj): Very suitable for being photographed. Unit 8.5

26 Related Words Photon (n): A tiny particle or bundle of radiant energy. Photon (n): A tiny particle or bundle of radiant energy. Unit 8.5

27 Related Words Photosynthesis (n): The process by which green plants use light in order to produce organic material from carbon dioxide and water. Unit 8.5

28 This root can be seen in the word phosphorous, which refers generally to anything that glows in the dark and also to the element and also in photography, which is the use of light to create an image on film or paper. Notes

29 LUC From the Latin noun, lux and the verb lucere, this root means “to shine or glitter.” Unit 8.6

30 Related Words Elucidate (v): To clarify by explaining; explain. Elucidate (v): To clarify by explaining; explain. Lucent (adj): 1. Giving off light. 2. Easily seen through. Lucent (adj): 1. Giving off light. 2. Easily seen through. Unit 8.6

31 Related Words Lucubration (n): 1. Hard or difficult study. 2. The product of such study Lucubration (n): 1. Hard or difficult study. 2. The product of such study Unit 8.6

32 Related Words Translucent (adj): Partly transparent; allowing light to pass thru but diffusing it so that objects beyond cannot be seen clearly. Translucent (adj): Partly transparent; allowing light to pass thru but diffusing it so that objects beyond cannot be seen clearly. Unit 8.6

33 Lucid prose is clear in meaning, as if light were shining through it. Lucifer, a name for the devil, means “Light-bearer,” the name he had before he fell from heaven. Notes

34 MOR / MORT From the Latin mori, this root means “to die,” and “death.” Unit 8.7

35 Related Words Immortality (adj): 1. Deathless or unending existence. 2. Lasting fame. Immortality (adj): 1. Deathless or unending existence. 2. Lasting fame. Moribund (adj): 1. In the process of dying or approaching death; 2. Inactive or becoming outmoded. Moribund (adj): 1. In the process of dying or approaching death; 2. Inactive or becoming outmoded. Unit 8.7

36 Related Words Mortician (n): A person who prepares the dead for burial or cremation and manages the funeral. Mortician (n): A person who prepares the dead for burial or cremation and manages the funeral. Unit 8.7

37 Related Words Mortify (v): 1. To subdue or deaden (the body) esp. by self-discipline or self-inflicted pain. 2. To embarrass greatly; humiliate. Mortify (v): 1. To subdue or deaden (the body) esp. by self-discipline or self-inflicted pain. 2. To embarrass greatly; humiliate. Unit 8.7

38 A mortuary is a place where dead bodies are kept until burial. A memento mori (a Latin phrase meaning literally, “remember that you must die”) is a reminder of death; the death’s head carved onto an old gravestone is an example. Notes

39 NEC / NIC / NOX from the Latin verb necare and the noun noxa, this root has to do with killing and slaying Unit 8.8

40 Related Words Internecine (adj): 1. Deadly; mutually destructive; 2. Involving conflict within a group. Internecine (adj): 1. Deadly; mutually destructive; 2. Involving conflict within a group. Unit 8.8

41 Related Words Necrosis (n): The usually localized death of living tissue. Necrosis (n): The usually localized death of living tissue. Unit 8.8

42 Related Words Noxious (adj): Harmful to or destructive of living things. Noxious (adj): Harmful to or destructive of living things. Unit 8.8

43 Related Words Pernicious (adj): Extremely harmful or destructive. Pernicious (adj): Extremely harmful or destructive. Unit 8.8

44 These roots are related to the Greek nekros, “corpse,” found in words such as necrology, “a list of the recently dead,” and necromancy, “the art of conjuring up the spirits of the dead. Notes

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