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What Should the Overall Ministry of the Church Be?  It is to be life-giving, i.e., having a Christ-like presence in the local community.  A life-giving.

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Presentation on theme: "What Should the Overall Ministry of the Church Be?  It is to be life-giving, i.e., having a Christ-like presence in the local community.  A life-giving."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Should the Overall Ministry of the Church Be?  It is to be life-giving, i.e., having a Christ-like presence in the local community.  A life-giving church is one that being used by God to lead people in our community to Christ, helping people in our community to continue in their Christian life, and helping them to learn to share their faith with others in the community.

2 Life-giving Questions?  Who are we at _______ [local church] helping?  How are we helping people to make decisions for Christ?  How are we helping people continue in their faith?  How are we helping people learn to share their faith?  How are we helping our people develop friendships?  How are we helping our people to use their gifts and talents?  How are we helping our people find a place to belong?  How are we helping our people identify with our values and goals (claim ownership in our ministry)?  How are we helping our people face the realities of life?

3 Thermometer Questions:  1. Have you spoken to anyone in the last month to share with them what Jesus Christ and His church mean to you?  2. Did you speak to someone in the last month who has been absent from the services to express your concern for them?  3. Have you invited a newcomer to the community to come with you to church any time in the past four months?  4. Have you encouraged or invited anyone who does not attend Sunday School or church to visit yours with you in the last month?

4 Evangelistic Thermometer:  5. Did you speak to someone last Sunday you did not know personally who was in the church services to extend your personal word of greeting and welcome?  6. Have you taken time to greet the people who sit next to you in the pew before or after the church services.  7. Do you pray for opportunities to be able to speak about Christ or your church to others?  8. Do you pray that the Holy Spirit will burden you with the souls of the lost people around you?

5 Life-giving Questions:  1. Is our church known for at least one ministry in our community? Are our church members regularly inviting their family, friends, and associates to our church?  2. Does our church have a class in which members develop their personal testimony?  3. Does our church have a class in which new believers are taught the basics of the Christian faith?  4. Does our church have a process by which members list the names of unchurched friends and being praying for their salvation?

6 Life-giving Questions:  6.Does our church have at least one ministry which directly touches a felt need of unchurched people in our community?  7.Does our church have a planned way to help new visitors find their way around our church?  8.Does our church have a means by which members are taught to verbalize their faith?  9.Does our church have a course whereby new people are oriented to our church?  10. Does our church have a way to train members to develop friendships with the unchurched?

7 Life-giving Questions:  11. Does our church have at least four events each year targeted specifically to unchurched people?  12. Does our church have a way of welcoming visitors to our church which does not embarrass them?  13. Does our church have at least one ministry that is effectively winning new people to Christ?  14. Does our church have at least one program that is aimed at helping new people grow in their faith?  15. Does our church have at least one ministry that trains members to know how to share their faith?

8 Evangelistic Statistics:  According to Dr. Gary McIntosh from Talbot Seminary, an expert on church growth, here is a list of percentages of people who come to salvation through various ministry activities that expose them to the Gospel:  Meeting Special Needs1-2%  Walk-In2-3%  Pastor5-6%  Church/Pastor Visitation1-2%  Sunday School4-5%  Evangelistic Crusade1/2 of 1%  Church Programs2-3%  Friend/Relative75-90%

9 Evangelism…the 10% Rule According to Dr. MacIntosh, the average evangelical church, up to 10% of the members have the gift of evangelism. If this statement is true, then we cannot expect the entire congregation to be discipling the world as harvesters. There must be a healthy balance between planters, cultivators, and harvesters.   1. Harvesting (soul winners) comprises of 10% of church life giving growth.   2. Cultivating through friendship evangelism comprises of 50% of church life giving growth. Make friendships.  3. Simply inviting people to church comprises of 80% of church life giving growth.

10 Are We Being Life-Giving to Present Members.  How well are we retaining people in our church? 1.Superficial level--where most Christians find themselves belonging. 2.Relational level--it is much more relational, and far more significant in the life and assimilated member. It is the level where there is a sense of belonging and even a sense of accountability. It is the level where involvement in small group ministries and service is an active part of the Christian life.

11 People Need Friends. Real friend characteristics need the following: Inspiring. Fun to Be With. Relational. Encouraging. Nurturing. Devoted.

12 When people walk through church doors they are asking the following questions:  1. Am I liked?…………………………….Tasks/roles  2. Am I valuable?…………………………Small groups  3. Am I accepted?………………………... Identification (meeting needs)  4. Am I challenged?………………………Involved in specific ministries  5. Am I growing?…………………………Authentic spiritual growth

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