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T ECHNOLOGY AND THE Y OUTH OF T ODAY Created By: Lisa Power Weaver CEPD 8102 Spring 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "T ECHNOLOGY AND THE Y OUTH OF T ODAY Created By: Lisa Power Weaver CEPD 8102 Spring 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 T ECHNOLOGY AND THE Y OUTH OF T ODAY Created By: Lisa Power Weaver CEPD 8102 Spring 2012

2 HOW MUCH DO YOUTH REALLY USE TECHNOLOGY THESE DAYS? This video was chosen because it is a shocking truth about youth and the use of technology. You never really realize how much technology plays a role in your everyday life. Listening to the teens interviewed in this video is eye opening. Teens are more aware than adults in today’s society. (Leesmal2001, 2008)

3 HOW DOES THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY NEGATIVELY AFFECT STUDENTS?  Students lack the ability to interact with others when starting school.  Students lack trust and confidence in teachers because they depend of technology to learn.  Students are becoming more obese due to little to no exercise and increased time in front of a computer.  “Lets change the way children view technology, no longer as a need but as a helpful tool, and by doing this we change the outcome of the American child.” (Bookrags, 2006) This article had great information on the affects of technology on students. It was easy to understand and had very pertinent information to the topic I was researching. It is full of information that anyone can understand.

4 HOW DOES THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY NEGATIVELY AFFECT STUDENTS? (CONTINUED)  Cyber-bullying – students are creating websites, blogs, Facebook pages and the like and using these sites to embarrass or harass other peers.  Society becoming more lazy with everything at their finger tips.  Society becoming desensitized to what is going on around them.  Youth have a lack of social interaction; they are not sure how to have a face-to-face meeting or interaction with those in authority or importance. This information supports the negative aspect of technology. Students must be taught how to use the technology available to them in the proper way. They cannot be given a computer, iPads, etc. and told, “Go.” They need to be supervised and given guidance in its usage. (David-Ferdon & Hertz, 2007) and (Corkern, 2009)

5 HOW DOES THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY POSITIVELY AFFECT STUDENTS?  Students learning “from” technology: Tutoring through computers have increased student achievement on standardized tests. Computers serve as a motivator for student learning Computers are supported by administrators, parents, and the general public.  Please refer to the next slide for learning “with” technology. While doing research, I never thought about the difference in learning from technology and learning with technology. This source was great at explaining the difference in the two and giving positive affects of both. If technology was always used in these ways, it would almost always have a positive impact on the youth of today. (Reeves, 1998)

6 HOW DOES THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY POSITIVELY AFFECT STUDENTS? (CONTINUED)  Students learning “with” technology Learning is more engaging for students. Students are able to represent their learning through design using many tools. Wide range of skills engaged: management, research, organization, presentation, and reflection.  As the state standards for teaching change from GPS to CCGPS, the skills that students are engaged in will become more and more impactful in their learning and showing what they have learned.

7 WHAT CAN ADULTS DO FOR STUDENTS THAT MAY NOT HAVE A RICH TECHNOLOGY ENVIRONMENT?  The Morino Institute offers these 10 ideas (Morino, 1997): Focus on human outcomes, not technology. Get involved with the new technologies. Adopt a learning – to – learn approach. Understand the issues. Ensure low-cost access for all. Claim your ‘citizen’s right” to information Investigate new economic opportunities. Maintain an informed, balanced view. Support community learning centers. Give youth the power they need. I chose to include this information because not all students or youth of today have access to technology. They may have limited access but not near the access that their economically advantaged counterparts may have. These are good ideas to help increase a lacking area.

8 FINAL FOOD FOR THOUGHT Video found on via Erik Qualman. This video drives my point home. Technology is everywhere. The statistics in this video are bone chilling. Is technology really a great thing for us to continue to develop so rapidly or would it be wise for us to slow down and focus on the youth of today? (Qualman, 2011)

9 REFERENCES  Bookrags. (2006). The effect of technology on youth. Retrieved March 15, 2012 from 2004/8/18/212039/554 2004/8/18/212039/554  Corkern, A. (2009). The negative effects of advancing technology on society. Retrieved on March 16, 2012 from  David-Ferdon, C., & Hertz, M. F. (2007). Electronic media, violence, and adolescents: An emerging public health problem. Journal of Adolescents Health, 41(6), S1-S5. Retrieved on March 17, 2012 from 3/fulltext 3/fulltext  Leesmal2001 (2008, November 19). Technology dependence of teenagers in New York City. Retrieved March 15, 2012, from  Morino, M. (1997, March 14). The impact of technology on youth in the 21st century. Retrieved March 15, 2012 from  Qualman, E (2011, June 22). Social media revolution 3. Retrieved January 31, 2012 from  Reeves, T. C. (1998). The impact of media and technology in schools: A research report for the bertelsmann foundation. Retrieved on March 20, 2012 from

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