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Presentation on theme: "WEBINAR SESSIONS JUNE 23, 2010 DISABILITY SERVICES: What YOU Should Know! K. Yerby, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEBINAR SESSIONS JUNE 23, 2010 DISABILITY SERVICES: What YOU Should Know! K. Yerby, 2010

2 THE LAW! Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ADA Amendment Act of 2008 NC Senate Bill 866 Higher Education Opportunities Act K. Yerby, 2010

3 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act  First civil rights statute designed to prevent discrimination against people with disabilities. Forbids discrimination against people with disabilities by programs and activities receiving federal funds. K. Yerby, 2010

4 Americans with Disabilities Act  Requires that people with disabilities not be excluded from participation, be denied benefits, or be subjected to discrimination.  Does not require the institution to receive federal financial assistance. K. Yerby, 2010

5 Americans with Disabilities Act  Provides clear enforceable standards addressing discrimination against individuals with disabilities by ensuring the federal government plays a significant role. K. Yerby, 2010

6 Implications of 504 & ADA  Those who have qualified for admissions have a right to be in higher education.  Once admitted, students have a right to access academic and nonacademic programs. K. Yerby, 2010

7 Implications of 504 & ADA  Qualified students are eligible to receive reasonable academic accommodations that relate to their disabilities.  Students have a right to confidentiality of all disability information.  Guarantees ACCESS - NOT success! K. Yerby, 2010

8 ADA Amendments Act Senate Bill S. 3406 broadens coverage of the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act in four key areas. Definition of “disability” – gives broader coverage and includes episodic and remission impairments Major life activities – includes learning, thinking, concentrating, bodily functions, etc… Mitigating circumstances – can’t consider auxiliary aids, learned behavior, assistive devices, etc… Individuals regarded as disabled – does not have to limit or be perceived to limit a major life activity. K. Yerby, 2010

9 NC - Senate Bill 866 Guarantees the right to persons with disabilities in accessing electronic information, including web sites, computers in public libraries, etc. This bill requires compliance by municipalities, counties, community colleges, universities and any agencies in state government. K. Yerby, 2010

10 Higher Education Opportunities Act Financial Assistance for Students with Intellectual Disabilities Allows for students with intellectual disabilities (ID) to be eligible for Pell Grants, SEOG, and Federal Work-Study Prior to HEOA students were usually not eligible because they did not meet the criteria – lacked high school diploma/GED, didn’t meet “ability to benefit” HEOA gives Secretary of Education authority to waive any requirements for Pell, SEOG, FWS, or institutional eligibility K. Yerby, 2010

11 Higher Education Opportunities Act Comprehensive transition and postsecondary program means a degree, certificate, non-degree, or non- certificate program that… Is offered by a participating institution Is delivered to students physically attending Supports students with ID seeking to continue academic, career and technical, and independent living instruction at institutes of higher education in order to prepare for employment Includes an advising and curriculum structure Provides opportunities to students with ID to participate in coursework & activities with students without disabilities K. Yerby, 2010

12 Higher Education Opportunities Act Requires program students to focus at least 50% of their participation on academic components through one or more of the following:  Taking credit-bearing courses with students without disabilities  Auditing or participating in courses with students without disabilities for which student does not receive credit  Taking non-credit, non-degree courses with students without disabilities  Participate in internships or work-based training in settings with students without disabilities K. Yerby, 2010

13 DOCUMENTATION K. Yerby, 2010

14 Documentation Purpose….  To establish that an individual has a disability  To describe and document the functional impact of the disability for use in establishing the need for and design of accommodations K. Yerby, 2010

15 Documentation As suggested by the Association of Higher Education and Disabilities (AHEAD) Should include….  The credentials of the diagnosing professionals  Statement identifying the disability, date of the most current diagnostic evaluation, and the date of the original diagnosis K. Yerby, 2010

16 Documentation  Description of the diagnostic tests, methods, and/or criteria used  Description of the current functional impact of the disability which includes specific test results and the examiner’s interpretation  Description of the expected progression or stability of the impact of the disability over time K. Yerby, 2010

17 Documentation  Description of current and past accommodations, services and/or medications  Recommendations for accommodations, adaptive devices, assistive services, compensatory strategies, and/or collateral support service K. Yerby, 2010

18 ACCOMMODATIONS K. Yerby, 2010

19 Accommodations Purpose…  is not to improve chances of being successful, but rather to assure equal access to the opportunity, allowing the student to show whether he/she can be successful Guarantees access, not success. K. Yerby, 2010

20 Accommodations Colleges must look at each individual disability and the functional impact of the disability for each student. (case-by- case and class-by-class) Colleges must provide reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access. K. Yerby, 2010

21 Accommodations The process of making accommodations should...  follow institutional policies and procedures  Syllabus statement (college policy?)  involve personnel from the Disability Services Office  “...not allow for individuals to make decisions concerning reasonable accommodations without regard to campus policy and at the exclusion of the Disability Services Office“Salome Heyward, 1998 K. Yerby, 2010

22 Accommodations  give primary consideration to the student’s request  ADA, Title II, Part 35, Subpart E, Sec. 35.160 (2) In determining what type of auxiliary aid and service is necessary, a public entity shall give primary consideration to the requests of the individual with disabilities.  communicate with faculty  make sure the accommodation is reasonable. K. Yerby, 2010

23 Accommodations An accommodation is not reasonable if it causes...  a direct threat to the health and safety to others  a substantial change in an essential element of curriculum  a substantial alteration in the manner in which services are provided  an undue financial or administrative burden K. Yerby, 2010

24 Accommodations Examples of reasonable accommodations...  Extended time for tests  Tape recorders/laptop computers  Visual aids/handouts  Concise oral instructions  Reading list in advance  Seating in front row  Clear black print on white or pale yellow paper K. Yerby, 2010

25 Accommodations  Advance notice of class scheduling change  Computer software to enlarge print  Notetakers  Closed circuit TV  Interpreters  Flexible attendance (If attendance is an essential requirement of a course or program, a college is under no obligation to waive it as an accommodation)  Instructions and demonstrations presented in more than one way K. Yerby, 2010


27 Responsibilities Provide reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Do not provide accommodations without communication from Disability Services Office. Students with disabilities are covered under FERPA and civil rights laws. College employees should not make any statement or implications that the student is any different from the general student population. K. Yerby, 2010

28 Faculty Rights Faculty has a right to request a written agreement before allowing a student to tape record a class. Faculty can assume that all students must adhere to the behavior/conduct policy of the college. K. Yerby, 2010

29 Faculty Rights Faculty has the right to challenge an accommodation if he/she feels the student is not qualified.  Court decisions and agency rulings make it clear that requests of students need not be provided under the following circumstances:  The student is not qualified  The accommodation would result in a fundamental alteration of the program  The institution is being asked to address a personal need  The accommodation would impose an undue financial or administrative burden K. Yerby, 2010


31 Academic Freedom Academic Freedom is a right, NOT a legal mandate. It should not be presumed that protection of academic integrity supercedes all other considerations. “The right to protect academic integrity and to assert such right as a defense for denying access to individuals with disabilities belongs to the institution, not individual faculty members.” Salome Heyward (Civil Rights Attorney) K. Yerby, 2010

32 Personal Liability There have been several judicial decisions in which people who denied services to qualified individuals with disabilities have been held personally liable.  “An individual may be subject to personal liability under ADA….To hold differently would allow individuals with both the authority and the discretion to make decisions based on a discriminatory animus to violate the ADA with a degree of impunity not envisioned by Congress.” Howe v. Hull, 873 F. Supp. 72-77 (N.D. Ohio 1994) K. Yerby, 2010

33 TEACHING TIPS K. Yerby, 2010

34 Teaching Tips DO….  write key terms or outline on the board or handout  create study guides  assign advanced readings before the topic is due  briefly review the previous lecture  use visual aids...overheads, charts, diagrams K. Yerby, 2010

35 Teaching Tips DO….  allow the use of tape recorders  emphasize important points, main ideas, and key concepts  explain technical language and terminology  speak distinctly and at a relaxed rate  leave time for questions  administer frequent quizzes to provide feedback K. Yerby, 2010

36 Teaching Tips DO….  give assignments in writing as well as orally  treat an individual with a disability the same way you would treat anyone - with dignity and respect  Document complaints, conversations, meetings!!! K. Yerby, 2010

37 Teaching Tips DON’T….  turn your back to the class when speaking  embarrass a student with a disability by drawing attention to the disability  assume that certain professions or programs are more suited to persons with disabilities  assume a student with a disability does not belong in a certain program K. Yerby, 2010

38 Teaching Tips DON’T….  assume a student with a disability cannot perform well in a class  make medical judgments  feel apprehensive about discussing the student’s needs as they relate a course or program K. Yerby, 2010

39 Resources fm K. Yerby, 2010

40 Karen Yerby Associate Director Student Development Services NCCCS 919-807-7107 K. Yerby, 2010

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