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Developmental Milestones Infancy: Birth to 1 Year.

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2 Developmental Milestones Infancy: Birth to 1 Year

3 Physical Development (Infancy)  Newborn - reflexes  3 mos. - Holds up head  6 mos. - Teething; eye-hand coordination; rolls over; sits (with support)  EVERYTHING GOES INTO MOUTH!  9 mos. - creep or crawl  12 mos. – stands alone; may walk; finger feeds self; may undress; drinks from cup; picks up objects

4 Intellectual Development (Infancy)  Birth to 2 yrs.- sensory-motor stage- learns from senses; egocentric; starts to learn cause and effect; attention span improves  6 mos.- out of sight, out of mind; recognizes own name  8 to 12 mos.- object permanence (things exist after they are gone from sight)  1 yr.- knows parts of body; likes to look at picture books

5 Language Development (Infancy)  Birth- cries to communicate  6 mos.- babbling; imitates sounds  Interrelated with physical (hearing; tongue & mouth muscles; speech center in brain)  Interrelated with social-emotional (relationship with parents/caregivers)  Repeated syllables – single words – run- together words

6 Emotional Development (Infancy)  Develops trust in primary caregivers  Needs unconditional love  Baby thrives when kept warm, dry, fed, & loved

7 Social Development (Infancy)  3 mos.- smile; peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake  7 mos.- recognizes difference between familiar & unfamiliar faces  8 mos.- stranger anxiety (scream at unfamiliar face – improved memory)  “Freedom within limits”

8 Moral Development (Infancy)  N/A - Does not apply!

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