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 On a piece of paper, finish the following statements with at least 10 answers for each:  I am..  I will not…  I would like to….

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Presentation on theme: " On a piece of paper, finish the following statements with at least 10 answers for each:  I am..  I will not…  I would like to…."— Presentation transcript:


2  On a piece of paper, finish the following statements with at least 10 answers for each:  I am..  I will not…  I would like to….

3  Infancy  Early Childhood  Childhood  Late childhood  Adolescence/teen years  Early adulthood  Middle adulthood  Late adulthood

4  approximately the first year or year and a half of life.  task is to develop trust without completely eliminating the capacity for mistrust.  If the proper balance is achieved, the child will develop the virtue hope __________( definition)  Rudimentary phase- voluntary movement in its first form

5  anal-muscular stage of early childhood, from about eighteen months to three or four years old.  task is to achieve a degree of autonomy while minimizing shame and doubt.  develop the virtue of willpower  Both admirable and frustrating attitude- ‘can do”  Fundamental movement

6  genital-locomotor stage or play age  From three or four to five or six, the task confronting every child is to learn initiative without too much guilt.  virtue would have been courage or purpose (definition)  Fundamental movement/sport skill

7  latency stage, or the school-age child from about six to twelve  "tame the imagination" and dedicate themselves to education and to learning the social skills their society requires of them.  virtue called competency  Develop sport skill

8  beginning with puberty and ending around 18 -20 years old.  achieve ego identity and avoid role confusion  Virtue=fidelity  Growth and refinement  Start developing maturity  Personal identity- consists of the factors you believe make you unique, or unlike anyone else. centered on your self concept (pg 163)  Developmental tasks- _______________________________________

9  Forming mature relationships with people your age of both sexes  Achieving a masculine or feminine role  Accepting one’s physique, using it effectively  Achieving emotional independence  Preparing for marriage or family life  Preparing for a career  Acquiring personal standards  Develop social intelligence  Problem solving skills

10  What is maturity? When is one mature? How does one measure maturity?  Dictionary states the definition to be…” fully development.”…this means?  Two types of development  Physical  Emotional  Two truths one lie

11  Most visible and quantifiable  Measure it by key milestones-infancy, puberty, menopause or midlife crisis  Different visible changes at different ages  _______

12  definition:___________________  Without time no development, without experience, no development  Achieve self acceptance  Self identity  Values  What are your values?  Beliefs  goals

13  College:  Work  Military  Take time off/ travel  How will you choose a school?  major?  Minor?  Sport/activity?  Friends going to same school?  Location?  Favorite university since childhood?  Parental pressure?

14  On most occasions number one fear is isolation  Expectations  Talk early when choosing a roommate or getting to know roommate  Certain questions???

15  young adulthood, which lasts from about 18 to about 30  achieve some degree of intimacy, as opposed to remaining in isolation.  Virtue= love  Peak performance  Hold a job, aware of what they want, more self confidence, peak of physical abilities

16  One must satisfy well defined developmental tasks of adulthood in order to achieve emotional maturity  These 5 major aspects are:  -------  -----

17  Find a ________(job vs career)  Questions?  How do you prepare?  Happiness or money driven?  Lifelong decision  Location?

18  Self actualization______________________________  Desire for independence from parents and adults  Own abilities and goals?  Family dependence?  When does this start?

19  Building close relationships with people, while still maintaining a sense of self.  Definition of romance?  Thoughts of marriage? Partner? Single?

20  Determining where and how a person fits into society  Religious views  Volunteering  Political views  Neighborhood/community responsibility

21  Most difficult task  If had success earlier on, tend to accept inevitability, physical and mental decline  Hope they made an impact on society  Pass wisdom onto others

22  Definition of transitions?  Middle adulthood transitions, physical and emotional  Definition generativity?

23  Age 40, start developing physical signs  ______________________

24 Acceptance vs. Mid-life crisis Characteristics?

25  Death of relatives, friends  Adapting to children leaving home  Empty nest syndrome?  Cluttered nest syndrome?

26  Final stage of development  Potential expectancy- 85  Max life duration- 115  Definition of gerontologists  3 measurements  Chronological  Biological  Social

27  Skin loses elasticity  Gray hair  Brittle nails/ bones  Hearing/vision  Decreased basil metabolism, kidney function, endocrine secretions, immune system, lean body mass, air inhalation  Energy loss  Less mobility in joints

28  Making a contribution to society and being loved are needs of the elder  Definition of integrity?  Family and close relationships, religion, and integrity allow elders to enjoy life they have left and accept the approach of death.  BFE&t=1m16s BFE&t=1m16s

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