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The GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 An Updated Government Performance and Results Act: What it means for CSBG National Association for State Community Services.

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Presentation on theme: "The GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 An Updated Government Performance and Results Act: What it means for CSBG National Association for State Community Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 The GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 An Updated Government Performance and Results Act: What it means for CSBG National Association for State Community Services Programs Presented May 12, 2011 by Jovita A. Tolbert

2 Setting the Stage  The Administration has committed to building a government that works smarter and more efficiently to deliver results  The Accountable Government Initiative  Government spending under scrutiny due to our current fiscal situation

3 Setting the Stage, cont.  Federal Agencies adopting an evidence-based culture  Strategies for developing evidence  Basic collection of program outcomes and information  Performance measurement and evaluation  E VALUATION THAT MEASURES A PROGRAM ’ S IMPACT AGAINST A COMPARISON GROUP IMPACT AGAINST A COMPARISON GROUP

4 GPRA Modernization Act 2010  Builds on the strengths of GPRA 1993 and addresses its weaknesses  Signed into law early January 2011  Initiated by Henry Cuellar (D-TX) Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) Senator Mark Warner (D-VA)  Based on 15+ years of experience and GAO reports

5 GPRA Modernization Act, cont. WHAT: To require quarterly performance assessments of government programs WHY: To assess government agency performance and improvement HOW: Establish government agency performance improvement officers and the Performance Improvement Council

6 GPRA Modernization Act, cont.  150 significant changes to the current GPRA  Implementation will take several years  Increase the use of performance information in program decision- making…results oriented approach

7 GPRA Modernization Act, cont. Agency Strategic Plans – The head of each federal agency must make public the agency’s strategic plan (duration of 4+ years) and notify the President and Congress of its availability * Plans drafted by federal employees only

8 GPRA Modernization Act, cont.  Agency Strategic Plans, cont. – A comprehensive mission statement General goals and objectives, including outcome-oriented goals, for the major functions and operations of the agency A description of how any goals and objectives contribute to the Federal Government priority goals

9 GPRA Modernization Act, cont.  Agency Strategic Plans, cont. – A description of how the goals and objectives are to be achieved including…  How the agency is working with other agencies  How the goals and objectives incorporate views and suggestions obtained through Congressional consultations

10 GPRA Modernization Act, cont.  Agency Strategic Plans, cont. –  How the performance goals provided contribute to the general goals and objectives in the strategic plan  Key factors external to the agency that could significantly affect the achievement of the general goals and objectives

11 GPRA Modernization Act, cont.  Agency Strategic Plans, cont. –  Program evaluations used in establishing or revising general goals and objectives, with a schedule for future program evaluations to be conducted ENTITIES POTENTIALLY AFFECTED Changes may only be made after consult with Congress and ENTITIES POTENTIALLY AFFECTED

12 GPRA Modernization Act, cont.  Agency Performance Plans Establish performance goals to define performance to be achieved during the year Express such goals in an objective, quantifiable, and measurable form unless authorized to be in an alternative form

13 GPRA Modernization Act, cont.  Agency Performance Plans, cont. Provide a description of how the performance goals are to be achieved…  Clearly defined milestones Goal Leaders  Identification of agency officials responsible for each performance goal, known as Goal Leaders…

14 GPRA Modernization Act, cont.  Agency Performance Plans, cont. Establish balanced performance indicators to measure or assess progress toward each performance goal (i.e. customer service, outcomes, etc.) Establish a basis for comparing actual program results with the established performance goals

15 GPRA Modernization Act, cont.  Agency Performance Plans, cont. Describe how the agency will ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data used to measure progress I DENTIFY L OW -P RIORITY P ROGRAM A CTIVITIES I DENTIFY L OW -P RIORITY P ROGRAM A CTIVITIES based on analysis of their contribution to the mission/goals of the agency; include evidence-based justification for designating a program low-priority

16 GPRA Modernization Act, cont.  Agency Performance Plans, cont. Alternative Form – If an agency and OMB determine its not feasible to express performance goals for a program activity, the Director of OMB may authorize and alternative form

17 GPRA Modernization Act, cont. Federal Government Priority Goals 1. Outcome-oriented goals covering a limited number of crosscutting policy areas 2. Goals for management improvements needed across the Federal Government, including— a) financial management; human capital management; technology management; procurement and acquisition management; and real property management.

18 GPRA Modernization Act, cont. Federal Government Performance Publicly Accessible Plans - The Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall coordinate with agencies to develop the Federal Government performance plan…for submission with each budget…Publicly Accessible information

19 GPRA Modernization Act, cont.  Federal Performance Plans, cont. The federal performance plan will… Establish Federal Government performance goals to define the level of performance to be achieved during the year… addresses each of the Federal Government priority goals

20 GPRA Modernization Act, cont.  Federal Performance Plans, cont. Identify those (agencies, organizations, etc.) contributing to each performance goal during the current fiscal year Identify a lead government official to be responsible for coordinating the efforts to achieve each goal

21 GPRA Modernization Act, cont.  Federal Performance Plans, cont. Quarterly Targets and Quarterly Milestones Establish common Federal Government performance indicators with Quarterly Targets and Quarterly Milestones Identify major management challenges and describe plans to address them

22 GPRA Modernization Act, cont. Reporting of Agency Performance Data  Publicly Accessible  Compares actual performance achieved with the performance goals established  Available yearly

23 GPRA Modernization Act, cont.  Reporting Performance Data, cont. Includes actual results for the 5 preceding fiscal years If applicable, explains why a goal or goals were not met… a performance improvement plan is required (agency may ask for additional funding)

24 GPRA Modernization Act, cont.  Reporting Performance Data, cont. OMB reports unmet goals to…  Agency heads  Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Government Affairs  House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform  Government Accountability Office (GAO)

25 GPRA Modernization Act, cont.  Reporting Performance Data, cont. If goals are unmet for 3 consecutive years OMB submits recommendations to Congress including…  Reauthorization Proposals  Statutory Changes  Executive Action  Reduction or Termination in President’s Budget

26 Summary  Congress may have to change its behavior  The law requires greater consultation with Congress in the designation of cross- cutting and agency-level priority goals, as well as in the development of agency strategic plans  Congress will have to find new ways to coordinate its own efforts across committee jurisdictions

27 Summary, cont.  The new law is aligned with the Administration’s performance agenda  It adds requirements for priority-setting and frequent performance reviews by senior leaders  Shift emphasis from production of annual reports to using information to motivate and illuminate ways to improve

28 What It Means for CSBG…  The Administration differentiates between PERFORMANCE / PROGRAM MEASUREMENT and PROGRAM EVALUATION ROMA EVIDENCE - BASED  Performance Measurement, like ROMA, is important, BUT Program Evaluation via EVIDENCE - BASED information is driving policy and funding decisions

29 What It Means for CSBG, cont. Program Measurement Tracks progress toward intended program outcomes, but does not compare outcomes to alternative programs or the status quo

30 What It Means for CSBG, cont. Program Evaluation Rigorous evaluations to determine the impact of programs and practices on outcomes complementing the performance measurement and performance management practices NOTE: Evaluations determine whether programs produce outcomes superior to alternative policy choices, or not putting a policy in place at all. They show what works.

31 What It Means for CSBG, cont. “The best government programs embrace a culture where performance measurement and evaluation are regularly used and complement one another.” ~ Obama Administration RIGOROUS PROGRAM EVALUATION We’ve got performance measurement and now must work toward RIGOROUS PROGRAM EVALUATION to definitively say CSBG Works!

32 What It Means for CSBG, cont. HHS PRINCIPALS FOR CSBG REFORM: 1. Place-based services to address the causes and impacts of poverty 2. Direct limited resources to agencies that can most effectively serve high need communities EVIDENCE - BASED PRACTICES 3. Promote EVIDENCE - BASED PRACTICES to achieve results

33 What It Means for CSBG, cont. HHS PRINCIPALS FOR CSBG REFORM: 4. Maximize the percentage of funding devoted to high quality community services RATHER THAN general administrative expenses 5. Operate with the highest possible level of program integrity

34 Where Does this Leave Us?  What are your CAAs’ high priority goals?  What are the cross-cutting goals?  Does your CAA move individuals from poverty to self-sufficiency? How many people per year?  What performance measurement/program measurement data do you have to prove this? PROGRAM EVALUATION / EVIDENCE - BASED DATA  What PROGRAM EVALUATION / EVIDENCE - BASED DATA do you have to prove this?

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