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Back to School Humanities Grades 5 Mrs. Yankovich.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Humanities Grades 5 Mrs. Yankovich."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Humanities Grades 5 Mrs. Yankovich

2 Commercial for Archaeology Field Trip to Tyler State Park WE NEED DRIVERS Dig Date: Weds. Oct. 23 RAINDATE Fri. Oct.25 Pick up students from school at 12:30 Please email me. If you are interested in being a driver and digger. Bring a large shovel.

3 Tech Stuff Please encourage your child to use Citrix. When they save documents to this site it makes it easier to access it from home and school. Thumb drives are OK if all else fails. Students can email me when sick or to send in digital assignments. (I try to check at night- but no guarantees.) Did you get the Back-to-School email?

4 Please visit NES website Humanities NES website Humanities Homework is entered on a weekly basis. PLEASE use this as a general guide. Assignment books are the best way to check homework assignments. Curriculum Updates: I will post pictures and give you an overview of current topics. – updated each marking period- Links pages are used by students for research and resources to enhance text.

5 Thank You Council Rock Education Foundation

6 I’ve learned that I am my child’s most important teacher.

7 Did you know?  19 years teaching Humanities in CR  With 12 years in regular education in grades 2-6  GRAND TOTAL= 31 years teaching experience  Master’s Degree plus in Education with focus in Social Studies and Fine Arts

8 Lollipop Moments Please watch the TED talk on Lollipop Moments- it is a link in BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT HANDOUTS


10 Don’t worry that children never listen to you: worry that they are always watching you. Robert Fulghum

11 How do we prepare our children for the future? Develop a skill set that includes: PERSISTENCE, self motivation and self-direction Capacity to learn to think and to think to learn : CREATIVITY Skillful decision making and problem solving- RESOURCEFULNESS INTEGRITY RESILENCE From the book: How Children Succeed by Paul Tough

12 PERSISTENCE Capacity to: learn to think and to think to learn The purpose is to open discussion to the possibilities of more than one “right” answer. Focus is on analysis, evaluation, and original thinking.

13 CREATIVITY It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong, than to always be right by having no ideas at all. Edward De Bono “small c” creativity is in all of us Don’t reinvent the wheel - improve on it.

14 RESOURCEFULNESS Students are encouraged to take risks as learners. Through opportunities to interact with one another they can learn and be stimulated by their intellectual peers.

15 INTREGRITY Metacognition – developing an understanding of self and their learning styles. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning through self-evaluation, problem solving and goal setting.

16 RESILENCE There is no such thing as failure, it is just an opportunity to learn from the experience. Mistakes are “GRATE”.

17 Meant to reinforce and review class activity. Should not take more than 15 minutes for humanities per night – on average. Multiple nights are given for assignments that take longer. Not all assignments are graded- stamp means completed on time- all homework can be corrected for a better grade. No meltdowns allowed- see tips on the webpage handout

18 How are students assessed? All written projects will have an attached rubric. Test and Quiz grades Notebooks will be graded- this incorporates the homework Class participation- teacher observation Student self-reflection

19 If you could get this class to provide one thing for you what would it be? Come up with solutions to everyday problems Be able to think on my feet Take a risk and know it is not the end of the world to be wrong Learn how to express my ideas more freely Have fun learning Help me to learn how to do homework in less time Help me to be more confident so I can raise my hand more, ask questions that clear up the concepts we are learning Get more hands on experience Get better at writing

20 The literate of the 21 st century will be those who learn, unlearn, and relearn. Alvin Toffler Being the head learner is the most important role I can have in my classroom.

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