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Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation Planning

2 Why I Love Conservation Planning?!

3 Local control Involves local community Certainty in project planning Assurances Funding opportunities Ecosystem/landscape approach Streamlining Why Do a Regional HCP?

4 Not all areas are appropriate for a HCP AND Not all Plans are appropriate to be a NCCP To Do a Plan or Not Do a Plan.. That is the Question

5 Merced Conservation Strategy Gabbro Plants (not complete) Santa Rosa Plains Conservation Strategy East Alameda County Conservation Strategy Other Types of Conservation Plans

6 WHAT WORKED Large existing open space areas Available funding sources Critically endangered species Engaged public and local jurisdictions Development needs Collaborative Process Santa Clara and East Contra Costa HCP/NCCPs

7 Required as part of the NCCP Act Time taken = Benefit How often was the Agreement used and can we shorten this time period? Time Taken… The Planning Agreement

8 Too many Too rare No knowledge No impacts Not there No conservation opportunities FISH Covered Species

9 . Covered Activities Not adequately defined Activities jurisdictions do not have control over Agricultural activities Activities too far into the future

10 Who Pays.. Nexus Outreach Paying for long-term endowment Funding sources –Fees –Federal/State MONEY

11 Attorney involvement at the correct time Make it simple Do not rewrite the plan –summarize the plan Use template Implementation Agreement

12 Champion Use templates in conservation easement and IA Make it simple- less said is often better Give direction and guidance Brief everyone OFTEN Do not reinvent the wheel –Use an example HCP Lessons Learned

13 Stakeholder involvement is critical Demonstrate forward momentum Be realistic and prioritize what can be accomplished At the end have a writing party Lessons Learned -- Continued

14 Be ready GIS Have a handbook Training Lessons Learned -- Implementation

15 Yes.. Please do a plan it is well worth the effort. Forming new partnerships Endangered species recovery Large scale conservation Regulatory streamlining And it’s FUN Summary


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