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Integration of Library Resources and Services in Sakai 3 Susan Hollar, Curriculum Integration Coordinator University of Michigan Library Jon Dunn, Associate.

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Presentation on theme: "Integration of Library Resources and Services in Sakai 3 Susan Hollar, Curriculum Integration Coordinator University of Michigan Library Jon Dunn, Associate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integration of Library Resources and Services in Sakai 3 Susan Hollar, Curriculum Integration Coordinator University of Michigan Library Jon Dunn, Associate Director for Technology Indiana University Digital Library Program Gaurav Bhatnagar, Interaction Designer University of Michigan Library

2 Presentation Overview Session Goals Background Project Goals Proposed design process How to participate Discussion

3 Session Goals Review history and status of work of the Sakaibrary Project Discuss potential library functionality in Sakai 3 and start organizing the community to design and develop

4 Sakaibrary: 2006-2008 Collaborative project of Indiana University Libraries and the University of Michigan Library Funded in part by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Project partners Northwestern, UC Berkeley, Johns Hopkins, Yale, Stanford

5 Sakaibrary: 2006-2008 Citations Helper Integration of content from licensed library databases within Sakai Part of Sakai 2.4+ distributions Subject Research Guide Prototype functionality for librarians to present content in Sakai and students to discover within Sakai No ongoing development work

6 Citations Helper in 2.6 Support for new metasearch engine Serials Solutions 360 Search Can use direct vendor URLs instead of OpenURLs Can configure maximum number of databases to search Miscellaneous UI improvements

7 Sakai 3 Opportunity to revisit goals and reinvent functionality

8 Goals: Sakai 3 and Library Integration Make library services and resources accessible and useful to people using Sakai. Organize collaborative effort within the Sakai community to get input, define requirements, design, develop, test,…


10 Allison McCallum "I want to make my courses more engaging for my students and want to do it faster than I currently can.” Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the University of Michigan for 9 years 43 years old LAST SEMESTER…






16 The Library Resources widget allows Allison to: quickly find content relevant to her assess the effectiveness of scholarly material based on the collective wisdom of the scholarly community add library content from anywhere on the web Based on preliminary user- centered design, more details at: X

17 Proposed User-Centered Design Process Based on About Face 3: The Essentials of Interaction Design by Alan CooperAbout Face 3 1.Research (July - September 09) 2.Modeling (October 09) 3.Requirements Definition (November 09) 4.Design Framework (December 09) 5.Feedback (January 10) 6.Design Refinement (February 10) 7.Development process begins (March 10) * More details at on Confluence: * Process in use by: Berkeley, Stanford, Cambridge, FLOW Interactive, others?

18 How to participate Monthly web meetings Discussions on sakai-user User Interviews July - September (4 hours) Design feedback (January) Participate in the development process - write code!

19 User interviews 1.Overview/orientation (1 hour) 2.Conducting the interview (1 hour) 3.Preparing the transcript (1 hour) 4.Debrief w/Gaurav (1 hour) Sign-up Sheet

20 Discussion What new functionality is desired? How important is interoperability with other systems? Is building functionality that only works in Sakai desirable or limiting? Any feedback on the design process? Thoughts on other ways to involve the community?

21 More Info & Discussion Email: Confluence Sakai 3 + Library Integration Sakai 3 + Library Integration Design Documentation: Examples:

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