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PSESD Teacher Principal Evaluation Project Regional Implementation Grants October 25, 2011 12-3 pm.

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Presentation on theme: "PSESD Teacher Principal Evaluation Project Regional Implementation Grants October 25, 2011 12-3 pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSESD Teacher Principal Evaluation Project Regional Implementation Grants October 25, 2011 12-3 pm

2 AGENDA  Welcome and Introductions  RIG Purpose, Background and Assurances  Mini-grants  Overview of Grant Activities and Timelines  Communication Structures  Evaluation Tool  Team Time  Wrap up

3 Introductions  District  Role  Hope to gain  Expertise/experience to share

4 A new evaluation system should be a model for professional growth, supporting collaboration between teachers and principals in pursuit of stronger teaching and leadership.

5 Legislative Timeline – All Districts 2010-2012 Observation of pilot development Stakeholder engagement and communication 2012-2013 Participation in evaluation Professional development and evaluator training 2013-2014 Full state-wide implementation of new teacher/principal evaluation system

6 Regional Implementation Grants (RIGs)  Grants are part of a statewide initiative  Consortia will not “reinvent the wheel” but rather use the work of the pilots  Determination of instructional frameworks  Identification/development of appropriate multiple measures of student growth

7 RIGs will participate in..  PD for principals and classroom teachers  Evaluator training  Activities to evaluate the effectiveness of the new systems and support programs

8 Assurances  Explore the 3 instructional frameworks to serve as basis for teacher evaluation system  Danielson  5Ds of Teaching and Learning  Marzano  Select frameworks to base all work  Use the AWSP document to serve as basis for principal evaluation system

9 Assurances  Agree to meet timelines and meeting dates as determined within our consortia  Consider representation on your team from all stakeholder groups  Ensure Superintendent plays a significant role in the development of the implementation plans

10 Grant Timeline Explore and align criteria Teacher and Principal Review and select frameworks 5 Dimensions (CEL) Danielson Marzano Rubrics (From frameworks) Determine evidence Observations Plans Artifacts Reflections Student Work Other Summative Model Progression Holistic Formula Raw Score Hybrid Conditions Preparation PD Plan Communication Tools and forms MOU Participants

11 Work group timeline

12 Mini Grants  Funds distributed across state based on numbers of participating districts  Base amount of $5000 + additional funds based on FTE  Funds can support  Substitute costs  Stipends  Resources  Professional development

13 Regional Communication Plan  Common messages  Materials and resources  Shared website - Wiki  Superintendent and Learning & Teaching Updates  Open workgroup sessions  Other

14 District Communication Plan  Common messages  Customized approaches  Key stakeholders Key stakeholders  Formal and informal methods

15 Steering Committee  Subset of larger work group  Provide guidance and feedback  Meet quarterly

16 Work Group  Representative group  5-7 people  Develop and lead implementation planplan

17 Evaluation Tool

18 Team time  Identify workgroup members  Review workgroup timeline  Draft or refine communication plan  View and sign mini-grant contract  Complete feedback form

19 While there are many formative and summative reasons to measure teacher and principal effectiveness, we believe the ultimate goal of all measurement should improve teaching and student learning.

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