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The Flipped Classroom. Topics  What is the flipped classroom?  Why would I flip my classroom?  When would I flip my classroom?  How do I implement.

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Presentation on theme: "The Flipped Classroom. Topics  What is the flipped classroom?  Why would I flip my classroom?  When would I flip my classroom?  How do I implement."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Flipped Classroom

2 Topics  What is the flipped classroom?  Why would I flip my classroom?  When would I flip my classroom?  How do I implement the flipped classroom?  Strategies, strategies, strategies!  Tools I can use

3 What is the flipped classroom?  Reverse instruction  Using technology to increase the learning in your classroom  Teacher spends more time interacting with students in class  Idea is to flip the common instructional approach  Lecture – Guided Practice – Independent Practice  Take the lecture out of the classroom

4 What is the flipped classroom?  Class becomes a place to:  Work problems  Advance learning  Engage in collaborative learning  Teach on your feet and not in your seat  Personalize for students


6 What it shouldn’t be?  Online videos only  An online course  Students working without structure  Students working on a computer screen only  Students working in isolation  Replacement of teachers

7 What the flipped classroom should be? Online instruction at home frees class time for learning.  Interactive and engaging  Activities aimed to instruct students  Students take responsibility  Direct instruction mixed with active learning  Innovative learning

8 How Flipping started? 2007 – current model  Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams at Woodland Park, Colorado  Recorded lectures using PowerPoint for students missing class  Found that those who weren’t missing class also liked having the review available  Bergmann and Aaron Sams textbook:  Textbook : Flip Your Classroom, Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day.

9 Not just Videos  Not the videos but how they are integrated  Captivate, Camtasia, Screencasting  Interactive  Questioning (inline questioning)  Don’t reinvent the wheel  Khan Academy  Ted Talks  YouTube

10 Not just Videos  Publisher’s software  Short instructional videos with interaction  SoftChalk  Lesson design software with interactive components  Interactive Simulations  SAM, MyITLab

11 Not just Videos  University of Phoenix model  Create interest in video  Collaborate with instructors  Share videos  Use strengths in videoing  Using digital textbooks

12 Analytics  Learning to study smarter not harder  Software that questions in a way to find what you already know and what you don’t know  Are you sure you know the answer?  Are you pretty sure you know the answer?  Just guessing  Assignments based on what you don’t know


14 When would I flip my classroom?  Community College  Began as method to blended learning  Now used in other classes  High School  Began as way to catch students up  Review and keyword search advantage for students

15 Tips from those who have  Train students to use videos  Pause and rewind  Write down questions  Cornell method of note-taking  Record notes  Write down questions  Spend first 10 minutes of class answering questions  Use questions to improve videos

16 Additional Thoughts and Tips  Embrace the student’s technology  Used to using videos for information and learning  Infiltrating their digital culture instead of fighting it  Helps busy students  Helps struggling students  Allows differentiation for differing abilities

17 Why Flipping Flops?  Time-consuming  Technology not available  Teacher Training missing  Replacement of teacher  Unrealistic expectations

18 Comments from Instructor Blogs  If the choice was between lecturing in front of passive students vs. flipped classroom, I'd certainly choose flipping.  Can anyone answer if you are all video-taping your OWN lectures each time? It sounds as if teachers also are referring to other sources.  What do you do if students don’t have the devices to use to make this happen?

19 Conference for Flipped Classroom

20 How did we do?  What is the flipped classroom?  Why would I flip my classroom?  When would I flip my classroom?  How do I implement the flipped classroom?

21 Resources  The Flipped Classroom Myths. Accessed July 4, 2013. conversation-689.php conversation-689.php  Educational Vodcasting. Accessed July 5, 2013.  15 Schools Using Flipped Classroom. Accessed July 5, 2013.  Tucker, Bill. The Flipped Classroom: Education Next. Accessed July 3, 2013. classroom/ classroom/

22 More Resources  12 Screencasting Tools. Accessed July 1, 2013. tutorials/ tutorials/  FrontRow Juno. Accessed July 10, 2013. classroom?gclid=CNm2n5zXrrgCFWNgMgodrVMA-w classroom?gclid=CNm2n5zXrrgCFWNgMgodrVMA-w  What flipped classrooms can (and can’t do) for education today? Accessed July 10, 2013. can-and-cant-do-for-education/ can-and-cant-do-for-education/  Bergmann, A. & Sams, J. Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day

23 Technology is not the answer, and it’s not the enemy.” Mike Kaspar


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