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Diane C. Mirvis Associate Vice President Information Technology & CIO NISO Forum: Library Resource Management Systems October 9,

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Presentation on theme: "Diane C. Mirvis Associate Vice President Information Technology & CIO NISO Forum: Library Resource Management Systems October 9,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Diane C. Mirvis Associate Vice President Information Technology & CIO NISO Forum: Library Resource Management Systems October 9, 2009 Boston, MA

2  Fundamental rethinking of how work gets done by scholars, students, staff  Impacts entire organizational structure, roles  Workflow and knowledge management become pivotal concepts  Drives technology and Library purchasing  For Librarians, spotlights value of information in all forms

3 Administrative Academic Library workflow information workflow Information workflow information

4  Silo thinking among constituencies  Proprietary technology  Niche vendors  Mix of content aggregators, publishers with licensing agreements selling to organizational consumers. Little opportunity to view information resources holistically.  Lack of skilled technical staff for integration

5 Where in the organization is information? And who owns it? Everywhere and Everybody (Including in the Library)

6 At the University of Bridgeport……… We are stepping back together to reconsider our enterprise information needs, and rethink how we use information as students, faculty, staff and alumni The University is examining how workflow and content can be more effectively managed One surprise for Librarians – the many “stealth” database providers

7  Datatel Student Information System  Datatel Enterprise Portal  Datatel e-Business Solution (CRM)  Visionary Clinical Information System (CIS)  Campus Security  3 rd Party Vendors  Cloud Applications  Campus Digital Signage  Web site

8  Blackboard Course Management System (CMS)  E- Portfolio Products  Datatel Retention Alert  Cloud Communities of Interest  Assessment Tools  Wimba Synchronous Learning

9  Ex Libris Voyager Integrated Library System  Ex Libris Primo Discovery  Ex Libris MetaLib  Ex Libris SFX  Institutional Repository

10  We are working to optimize workflow  Vendors extending beyond traditional niches  Technology product overlaps, interoperability proffered  Purchasing decisions more centralized  Content and technology vendors often one in same  Open Source initiatives  Role Blurring among Information Seekers  Scholarship, marketing, retention, fiscal tracking, etc.  Standards adherence  Organizational & cultural issues  Cost  Staffing  Evidence Based Management

11  Launch of Library Primo platform ◦ On budget, on time, filled multiple information needs across organization ◦ First portal-like experience, Web 2.0 ◦ Exposed interoperability, redundancy issues across traditional Library database providers ◦ Raised bar for Blackboard CMS  Escalating technology costs  Institutional competitiveness  Decision to implement Enterprise Portal and CRM

12  Initiated enterprise Data Dictionary Project 10.1.09  Datatel planning methodology just starting ◦ Vision, Governance, Needs Assessment, Design, Content flow, Applications for Portal and CRM  Stakeholder team assembled across organization ◦ Staff, Faculty, Librarians, Students, Alumni ◦ Project Analysts Assigned ◦ New Content Manager hired  Forces decisions on workflow, roles, technology  How do we deliver information resources in any format when and where needed?

13 information Academic Workflow Administrative Workflow Clinical Workflow Library Workflow

14 Where Will Library Systems Fit? Portal, CRM, CIS raise new issues beyond integration with CMS  Linking systems, embedding content delivery, web parts - all options  Multiple content management systems  Library Discovery system rich, well liked  Synching up roles across delivery platforms  Layering of repository systems a concern

15  Faculty Information Cube on Retention External Database Articles ERP Data Consultant Reports Assessment Data CRM Data Blackboard Content Workflow

16  Convergence weighs heavily in investment decisions. New purchasing approval policies established.  Questions swirl around information content – stewardship, repositories, harvesting, ingesting, embedding, purchased and free database content  Do we link in layers of different systems, or deconstruct site architecture based on workflow? ◦ Librarians busy visioning what next gen digital platform will look like in Portal  How feasible is it to think convergence can be achieved given technical, organizational and legal barriers?  Will vendors and open source communities see convergence as opportunity or threat?

17  Library, IT and academic departments all were investigating options independently  Multiple vendors and open source communities  Overlapping functionality of products ◦ Revenue potential for faculty  University decided to build a no cost pilot using Primo until larger Topology was determined


19  Check out publications and contact colleagues in: ◦ Operations Research ◦ Information Technology ◦ Knowledge Management ◦ Library Science

20 Thank You

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