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Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1251(a) The objective of this chapter is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1251(a) The objective of this chapter is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1251(a) The objective of this chapter is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation’s waters. In order to achieve this objective... – (1) it is the national goal that the discharge of pollutants into the navigable waters be eliminated by 1985

2 Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1251(b) It is the policy of the Congress to recognize, preserve, and protect the primary responsibilities and rights of States to prevent, reduce, and eliminate pollution, to plan the development and use (including restoration, preservation, and enhancement) of land and water resources....

3 33 USCS § 1344 § 1344. Permits for dredged or fill material (a) Discharge into navigable waters at specified disposal sites. The Secretary may issue permits, after notice and opportunity for public hearings for the discharge of dredged or fill material into the navigable waters at specified disposal sites. Not later than the fifteenth day after the date an applicant submits all the information required to complete an application for a permit under this subsection, the Secretary shall publish the notice required by this subsection.

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