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Academic Integrity at USC
Academic Integrity at the University of Southern California presented by Academic Integrity at USC Academic Integrity at the University of Southern California is presented by the USC Libraries, as well as USC’s Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards. To move to the next slide, please use the forward arrow located at the bottom of the screen. USC Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards University of Southern California U S C L I B R A R I E S
Outline Academic Integrity at USC
Academic Integrity at USC Sanctions for Academic Integrity Violations Plagiarism & When to Cite This online tutorial will give you an overview of Academic Integrity at USC. Please listen to the presentation in full and feel free to take notes. It will cover the following topics: Sanctions related to violating the academic integrity standards at USC, plagiarism and when to cite.
Outline Unauthorized Collaboration
Unauthorized Collaboration Cheating & Falsification of Information Library Research Resources Quiz The tutorial will also cover unauthorized collaboration, cheating and the falsification of information. Additionally we’ll be covering library resources available to help you achieve academic success in your program as well as to avoid plagiarism. At the end of the tutorial you will be asked to take a quiz. Please correctly answer the questions from the material provided in the presentation.
Cultural Views of Academic Integrity
Understand and abide by the principles Rules to be different, even contradictory from your past experiences Respect & Honesty Acknowledgement Protect own work You may be asking yourself why you have to take this tutorial. At USC all students are expected to understand and abide by the principles of academic integrity. For those of you who are new to the U.S. education system, you may find our academic integrity rules to be quite different, even contradictory, from your past experiences. We have created this tutorial in an effort to assist you in understanding USC’s expectations regarding academic integrity. Like all other American institutions of higher education, the University of Southern California is founded on the principles of academic integrity. General principles of academic honesty include and incorporate the concepts of: respect for the intellectual property and work of others; being honest in all academic endeavors; receiving academic credit and acknowledgement for acquired knowledge and individual work; also the obligation to protect one’s own academic work from misuse by others.
Academic Integrity at USC
Academic Community & Optimal Learning Environment Standards of Conduct Preserve Educational Environment Prestige of the USC education The University of Southern California is primarily an academic community. As such, the university seeks to maintain an optimal learning environment. To achieve this objective, the university exercises certain disciplinary and discretionary powers. It protects its educational environment by establishing and maintaining standards of conduct for all its students. These standards reflect the very nature of an academic community and the need to preserve an effective educational environment. When USC confers a degree, it is an honest evaluation of a student’s academic performance and their acquisition of knowledge. To falsify the results of one’s research, to present the words, ideas, data, or work of others as one’s own, or to cheat on an examination corrupts the essential process by which knowledge is advanced. In failing to uphold academic standards students actually cheat themselves and others out of learning, and they degrade the value of their education while diminishing the prestige of the USC education.
Academic Dishonesty Sanction Guidelines
Grade of “F” for course Suspension or Expulsion from University Revocation of Admission or Degree Quite simply there are serious sanctions at USC for not adhering to Academic Integrity standards. Generally, the university’s recommended sanctions for Undergraduates (assuming that this is your first offense) may include: A grade of “F” for the course. Suspension or expulsion from the University. Revocation of Admission or Degree. When creating drafts version of your work please remember these standards apply. Furthermore, graduate students who are found responsible for academic integrity violations can actually be sanctioned more severely. It is important to pay attention during the tutorial to learn what academic integrity is and also how you can comply with it.
Plagiarism Acknowledge the original owner of all information used
Acknowledge the original owner of all information used You are responsible for the content of all your work Plagiarism All material authored by another must be cited and referenced The academic community exists on the premise that students’ work is their own unless expressly indicated with proper acknowledgement of the sources. It is both the duty and responsibility of students to ensure ownership of work which is submitted for academic credit; therefore supporting and verifying the integrity of the grading system as an accurate and honest evaluation of a student’s academic performance. Plagiarism includes, using someone else’s work without appropriate acknowledgement (such as paraphrasing another’s ideas or text from a book, journal, or electronic resource without providing the appropriate acknowledgment). All material authored by another person, which influenced the creation of your work, whether paraphrased or copied in verbatim or near-verbatim form must be cited and referenced. To “reference” a source means to give credit to an author or creator where credit is due – works cannot be quoted or paraphrased with no acknowledgement; to do so is both illegal and bad scholarship. To “cite” a source means to use a footnote or endnote that includes all of the information on the work quoted or paraphrased –that will include the author, title, publication date, page number(s) and text that is quoted, etc. If in doubt: Use the graphic on the next page as a guide. Remember, you can always check with your professor or speak with a librarian
When to Cite Diagram Source: Harris, Robert A The Plagiarism Handbook. Los Angeles, CA: Pyrczak Publishing. Are you still confused about when it is appropriate to cite a source? Follow this simple diagram to help you figure out if you need to cite it. Ask yourself “Did you think of it?”. If so you do not need to cite it. However if you did not think of it on your own and it is not considered common knowledge then you need to cite the source. Or lets try it another way. Ask yourself “Are you using another’s words?”. If so then quote it and cite it. If you are not using another person’s words, but you are using another person’s ideas then cite it.
Unauthorized Collaboration
Collaboration is unauthorized without consent Can I work with other students? Ask instructor Don’t share course notes Don’t share homework Collaboration between students will be considered unauthorized unless expressly part of the assignment in question or expressly permitted by the instructor. If you are unsure if you may use the work of another student or if you can even work with other students on your assignment please ask your instructor for guidance. Unauthorized collaboration can include: Submitting material subjected to editorial revision by another; Distributing or using course notes without the express permission of the instructor; Or obtaining for yourself or providing for another a solution to homework without the expressed consent of the instructor.
Cheating Use of unauthorized assistance
Use of unauthorized assistance Act which gains credit for knowledge not acquired or learned or not participated in Attempting to benefit from the work of another Cheating is the use of unauthorized assistance within a class or while completing course work – which provides an advantage which has not been provided to every student. It includes any act which gains or is intended to gain credit for knowledge not acquired or learned or not participated in. If you attempt to benefit from the work of another or use unauthorized assistance to compete academic work – this does not further your learning and is considered cheating.
Falsification of Information
Submitting work which is false, invented, or doesn’t represent work completed by you Alteration of official records All records must be a honest reflection of the original content Members of the USC community are expected to be honest in all of their academic endeavors. This means you cannot submit materials for lab assignments, class projects or other assignments which is wholly or partially falsified, invented or otherwise does not represent work accomplished by you. Also the falsification, alteration, or misrepresentation of official or unofficial records or documents including academic transcripts, academic documentation, letters of recommendation, and admission applications or related documents are all considered violations of USC’s academic integrity standards. Allowing another individual to take a course, course work or a portion of a course or exam in your place does not permit your USC transcript and degree to be an honest reflection of your acquired knowledge and it violates our academic integrity standards.
Behavior which Violates USC’s Academic Integrity Standards
Not correctly citing a website used to complete an assignment Allowing someone to complete course work on your behalf Working with other students on open book exams without the instructor’s expressed consent These are some examples of behaviors which may result in sanctions for violating the university’s academic integrity standards. Not correctly citing a website used to complete an assignment. Allowing somebody to complete course work on your behalf. Or working with others on open book exams without the instructor’s expressed consent
Behavior which Violates USC’s Academic Integrity Standards (cont’d)
Allowing another student to copy your work Sharing computer codes, course notes, or homework assignments Altering work on a test and submitting it for re-grading purposes Additionally please don’t allow another student to copy your work. Do not share computer codes, course notes or homework assignments. Finally altering work on a test and submitting it for re-grading purposes is considered a violation of the rules. In closing, it is your responsibility to make yourself aware of and abide by the university’s Student Conduct Code including the academic integrity standards. Upon admission to USC students accept the rights and responsibilities of membership in this community. In the university, as elsewhere, ignorance is just not an acceptable justification for violating USC’s standards.
3 Golden Rules Correctly reference & cite all info Do your own work
Correctly reference & cite all info Do your own work If you are in doubt Although we have given you a lot of specific examples of things to watch out for if you follow these simple rules you should be ok. #1 Be sure to correctly reference and cite all information you use. #2 Do your own work. #3 And if in doubt be sure to ask the instructor – don’t just assume. In the next part of the presentation, I would like to talk to you a little bit about library resources and how they can help you avoid plagiarism. ASK THE INSTRUCTOR
Library Resources Library Homepage Research
Library Homepage Research Quick Search- articles, books, and other print & electronic resources The library can help you avoid plagiarism by providing you with enough research tools so that you always have abundant access to all types of information: journal articles, books, conference proceedings, newspapers, and much much more! The quickest way to access these resources for your research assignments and papers is to go to the library homepage and use the Quick Search box. What is Quick Search? Well, basically it is a way for you to quickly find articles, books, and other print and electronic resources just by typing in some keywords describing the information you are looking for. You can also access our collection of electronic resources by using the third tab on the library homepage titled “E-Resources”. Additionally, in the right hand corner of the homepage is a link to 200 research guides. These research guides offer you a selection of the best resources to use for your research topic.
Quick Search Quick Search finds articles, books, and other print & electronic resources Quick Search is now the default tab on the USC Libraries homepage. Using a single search box, you can enter your search terms and retrieve results from journal articles, books, government documents, newspapers, other print and electronic resources.
Quick Search Results For example, if you do a search on welfare reform in Quick Search you will find books, journal articles in full text, e-books, newspaper articles, and even government documents. Although it is very clear when an item is available in full text, there is an option to limit the search only to items with full text online. There is also an option to limit results to scholarly publications including peer- review. Another feature includes a preview of the work when hovering over a result.
Citation Help In many of the databases the library provides to you there are links to tools that will help you figure out how to begin citing journal articles, book chapters, and newspaper articles. In the example you see right now we are using the Proquest database, which is a very popular choice for students just beginning research on a paper. Click on the title of a result that looks good to you. Locate the Cite this link and click. You will see an example of a Los Angeles Times citation. Please remember, you must always use a style manual to double check the correctness of any citation provided by an online resource.
RefWorks Create a username and password; save citations from databases or type in; format for hundreds of styles and journals Another resource the library provides is called RefWorks. RefWorks is a Web- based bibliography and database manager that allows users to create their own personal database by importing references from text files or online databases. They can use these references in writing their papers and automatically format the paper and the bibliography in literally seconds. First time users should sign up for an individual account and select a username and password. To get started click on Electronic Resources from the library homepage. You will find a red link to RefWorks on the right side of the page directly after the quick links drop down menu. Do you want some more information about how to use Refworks when creating a research paper? Please go to You will find information walking you through everything from logging in, importing and exporting citations, to building a bibliography. This is an excellent way to get started using this resource.
Research 101 Research 101 for more tips The Research 101 Tutorial explains citations and all other aspects of the research process in detail with illustrations and even quizzes. It is designed to be an interactive online tutorial for students who want an introduction to academic research skills. The tutorial not only covers citations but also how to select a topic, develop research questions, as well as how to select, search for, find, and then evaluate the information sources you will use for your papers. Please check it out!
Ask A Librarian In Person Chat Email Telephone Appointment
When you do have questions about citations or finding research materials for your papers, please don’t hesitate to ask a librarian for assistance. That’s what we are here for!!! Did you know that there are 5 different ways to get help. You can choose the method that works best for you! Need help instantly? Use Live chat and get answers via internet chat. This interactive live chat service is staffed by librarians at academic and public libraries across the United States. The service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Can you wait 24 hours for help? Then use our Reference Form or contact a Library Subject Specialist directly. We will try to answer questions within a day. The request form is available anytime night or day. If you are on campus, or can come to campus, please consider using the Reference Desk. Our main reference desk is located in Doheny Memorial Library. Finally, you have the option of booking a research consultation with a librarian. Think of this as an office hour with a library faculty member. Our subject specialists can help with difficult assignments, research papers, senior projects, or masters projects and theses. To make an appointment contact the Subject Specialist in your research area.
Academic Integrity Quiz & Certificate
Please answer the following questions from the material in the presentation You need to score a 90% or better on the quiz to pass Click File<Print to create certificate of completion All right. You have heard a lot about Academic Integrity and the standards we have here at USC as well as the selection of library resources provided for your academic success. Now, correctly answer the following questions from the material in the presentation. You will want to score a 90% or better on the quiz to successfully pass. Answer the following questions correctly, click continue, and you will be redirected to a certificate of completion. Hit File/Print to create a paper certificate to hand in to your professor.
Academic Integrity standards include:
A) Showing respect for the intellectual property of others B) Individual work will be submitted unless otherwise allowed by an instructor C) The obligation to protect one's own academic work D) All of the above Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You must answer the question before continuing Submit Clear
A student may be suspended for violating USC's Academic Integrity Standards?
A) True B) False Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You must answer the question before continuing Submit Clear
To correctly cite and reference a source includes:
A) A. To state the title of the source on the title page B) B. To give credit to an author where credit is due C) C. To use a footnote or endnote that includes all of the information D) D. Both B and C Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You must answer the question before continuing Submit Clear
Please select the statement that is TRUE.
A) It IS NOT a violation of USC's academic integrity Standards to use the homework and assignments of a class from a previous year B) It IS a violation of USC's academic integrity Standards to use the homework and assignments of a class from a previous year Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You must answer the question before continuing Submit Clear
It IS permissible to engage in the following activities during an exam:
A) Ask student next to you a question B) Writing your name on your exam after the allotted time period has expired C) Raise your hand & ask the proctor a question D) Refer to your class notes Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue Try again You must answer the question before continuing Submit Clear
Which of the following is a violation of USC's Academic Integrity Standards?
A) Borrowing a lab assignment because you missed the lab without first speaking to the professor B) Altering the date on a doctor's note to explain your absence your class C) Not including a web page on your Reference Page because you lost the web address D) All of the above Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue Try again You must answer the question before continuing Submit Clear
C) Your course professor
The best resources when you have questions about academic integrity are A) Your friends B) USC Libraries C) Your course professor D) Both USC Libraries & your course professor Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue Try again You must answer the question before continuing Submit Clear
What is Quick Search? A) A way to find books, journal articles, & other print & electronic resources B) The name of the library’s mascot Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You must answer the question before continuing Submit Clear
Research 101 Tutorial explains citations and all other aspects of the research process
A) True B) False Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You must answer the question before continuing Submit Clear
RefWorks can both import and export citations into a bibliography for your research paper
A) True B) False Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You must answer the question before continuing Submit Clear
Academic Integrity Quiz Results
Your Score {score} Max Score {max-score} Accuracy {percent} Number of Quiz Attempts {total-attempts} If you passed, Congratulations! please click the CONTINUE button to be presented with your Certificate. If you did not make a score of 90% or higher, please go to this url to be able to retake the tutorial from the beginning. Continue
Certificate The USC Libraries and USC Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards certify to all that ___________________ Student Name has successfully passed the Academic Integrity Tutorial
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