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Use Seat Beltsf% All the time49950.1 Most of the time17617.7 Some of the time12412.4 Seldom838.3 Never11511.5 Total997100.

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Presentation on theme: "Use Seat Beltsf% All the time49950.1 Most of the time17617.7 Some of the time12412.4 Seldom838.3 Never11511.5 Total997100."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use Seat Beltsf% All the time49950.1 Most of the time17617.7 Some of the time12412.4 Seldom838.3 Never11511.5 Total997100

2 Use Seat BeltsMaleFemaleTotal All the time144355499 Most of the time66110176 Some of the time5866124 Seldom394483 Never6055115 Total367630997

3 Use Seat BeltsMaleFemaleTotal All the time144355499 28.9%71.1%100.0% Most of the time66110176 37.5%62.5%100.0% Some of the time5866124 46.8%53.2%100.0% Seldom394483 47.0%53.0%100.0% Never6055115 52.2%47.8%100.0% Total367630997 36.8%63.2% Row%= (100)f/N row

4 Col%= (100)f/N col Use Seat BeltsMaleFemaleTotal All the time144355499 39.2%56.3%50.1% Most of the time66110176 18.0%17.5%17.7% Some of the time5866124 15.8%10.5%12.4% Seldom394483 10.6%7.0%8.3% Never6055115 16.3%8.7%11.5% Total367630997 100.0%

5 Rules If the IV is on the rows use the row % If the IV is on the columns use the Column % SmokingGreekNon-Greek Frequently2615 Regularly2922 Occasionally5919 Never3047

6 SmokingGreekNon-Greek Frequently2663%1537%41 Regularly2957%2243%51 Occasionally5976%1924%78 Never3039%4761%77 14458%10342%247 Column SmokingGreekNon-Greek Frequently2618%1515%41 Regularly2920%2221%51 Occasionally5941%1918%78 Never3021%4746%77 144100%103100%247

7 Pie Chart

8 Bar Chart

9 Histogram

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