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1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Storage Ring - Conventional Facilities Interfaces Erik Johnson, Accelerator Systems Interface Manager Accelerator Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Storage Ring - Conventional Facilities Interfaces Erik Johnson, Accelerator Systems Interface Manager Accelerator Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Storage Ring - Conventional Facilities Interfaces Erik Johnson, Accelerator Systems Interface Manager Accelerator Systems Advisory Committee Meeting July 17-18, 2008

2 2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Storage Ring to Conventional Facilities? Louis Henri Sullivan Architect (1856 – 1924) Form ever follows function

3 3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II : Form following function A-301, 80% Title II

4 4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES And how it got that way….. 9 June 2008 Coordination Meeting

5 5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Overview of SR-CF Interfaces Identify Interfaces Specifications for the storage ring set building parameters and interfaces Some examples Ratchet wall coordination Process Utilities Storage Ring Openings Coordination with CF Design (80% Title II review) Conventional Facilities Functional Requirements Where you can find interface information

6 6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Example Conventional Facilities Coordination Storage Ring Ratchet Wall Specification ASD, CFD, ESH and XFD all interested stakeholders Iterative development of requirements with stakeholders Document agreements and specifications Coordination with A/E (HDR) and CFD to implement

7 7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Technical Stakeholders ESH Tunnel is first and foremost a radiation enclosure Relationship of ring with enclosure impacts on shielding performance Accelerator Systems Tunnel interacts with (constrains) storage ring configuration Provides platform for mounting of equipment supporting operation of the accelerator Experimental Facilities Interface between machine and user beamline Ratchet wall interacts with (constrains) beamline configuration Conventional Facilities Tunnel is substantial portion of construction activity Design interacts with (constrains) other building systems 29 January 2008 Interface Meeting

8 8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Ratchet Wall Design Documents ESH documents Bulk Shielding Requirements for Final Design of NSLS-II Accelerator Enclosures, Job & Casey, 2008 Jan 25 Final Design Parameters and Beam Loss Assumptions for Shielding Calculations of NSLS-II Accelerator Enclosures, Job & Casey, 2008 Jan 25 Shield vs distance 1.XLS (translation of shielding requirements for ratchet wall design by PK Job) Engineering documents Drawing SR-DG-1003-1-15-08 29 January 2008 Interface Meeting

9 9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Ratchet Wall Specification See dwg for layout details Normal concrete walls except injection area (HD from 28B to 30B) Ratchet walls 1.37 m thick Source to outside wall distances – SourceWall faceCL to Inboard Low Beta ID26.7 m500 mm 3PW (low beta)26.2 m800 mm Bend (low beta)25.7 m722 mm High Beta ID28.4 m500 mm 3PW (high beta)24.9 m800 mm Bend (high beta)24.4 m728 mm 29 January 2008 Interface Meeting

10 10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Ratchet Wall Aperture Not yet specified but consider variations Variability in lattice design Change of 200 mm in dipoles shifted low beta inboard 16 mm, high beta outboard 5mm, make ‘budget’ of 20 mm Concrete placement Nominal specification is variability of 25 mm for vertical lines Decker distortion (offset 5 mm outboard) Canting (consider cant dipole to dipole, 1.75 mrad) Outboard line at wall 64 mm outside of CL Inboard line at wall 35 mm inside of CL Extracted fan (nominally 3 mrad) About 75 to 80 mm width at wall EF specifies 8” diameter pipe (200 mm full aperture) Outboard: 20+25+64+100+ 209 mm (say 8 1/4”) Inboard: 20+25+35+100=180 mm (say 7 1/8”) Propose 16” clear opening, 8.5” to outboard, 7.5” to inboard Full width shelf inside for lead 250 mm thick 29 January 2008 Interface Meeting

11 11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES High beta front end Schematic, but suggests about 1.5 meters could be appropriated from front end Would have impact on FOE layout and ratchet wall doors 29 January 2008 Interface Meeting

12 12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Revised Ratchet Wall Specification See dwg for layout details Normal concrete walls except injection area (HD from 28B to 30B) Ratchet walls >1.37 m thick Source to outside wall distances – SourceWall faceCL to Inboard Low Beta ID25.5 m330 mm 3PW (low beta)25.0 m716 mm Bend (low beta)24.5 m643 mm High Beta ID26.7 m330 mm 3PW (high beta)23.7 m696 mm Bend (high beta)23.2 m626 mm 6 February 2008 Interface Meeting

13 13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Document Ratchet Wall Interface

14 14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES 80% Title II Drawing A-401 High Beta distance from 6 Feb meeting: 26.7 m



17 17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Process Utility Loads Revision 1

18 18 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Gaseous Nitrogen System CFD Scope LOB 3 SB3 LOB 2 SB2 LOB 1 SB1 gN2gN2 LOB 5 SB5 SR Tunnel LOB 4 SB4 InjCryo RF ASD Scope Tunnel manifold: 8 taps/cell typical x6 Port APort B

19 19 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Storage Ring typical single cell Port APort B Use Frequency Components Seldom BM Photon Shutter Seldom Slow Gate Valve Intermittent Photon Shutter Seldom Fast Gate Valve Intermittent Safety Shutter Use Frequency Components Intermittent Front End Seldom Purge gas source Seldom ID Isolation valve Frequent Beamline supply Beamlines Nominal use 0.4 cfm each 2/cell, 12/pentant

20 20 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Storage Ring Tunnel Openings Example Openings 50% Title II Drawing, A-101K

21 21 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Storage Ring Tunnel Openings Openings

22 22 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Conduit layout A-type conduit LT Electrical; George Ganetis CD-type conduit A B D B 120 total connecting Storage ring tunnel and mezzanine A C D C

23 23 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Review of 80% title II - Injector A-101K

24 24 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Comments on 80% Title II Submission CF Design Comments for ASD

25 25 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES A/E collection of CF functional requirements

26 26 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Conventional Facilities Requirements Facilities Requirements

27 27 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES SR Tunnel Functional Requirements Facilities Requirements

28 28 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Accelerator Systems SharePoint

29 29 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ASD Interface development SharePoint

30 30 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Summary of SR-CF Interfaces Identify Interfaces Active and ongoing effort to identify and refine interface definitions Some example interfaces Illustrated some of the AS-CF interface definition to date Where you can find interface information SharePoint site references (Libraries, Lists) RSI Documentation (BNL and HDR) Look ahead Continuing elaboration of interface specifications as design evolves Improved delivery and accessibility of interface information

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