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Why Study Chemistry? Prepared During Summer Multimedia Institute May 19-30, 2003 By W. Wayne Cooper.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Study Chemistry? Prepared During Summer Multimedia Institute May 19-30, 2003 By W. Wayne Cooper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Study Chemistry? Prepared During Summer Multimedia Institute May 19-30, 2003 By W. Wayne Cooper

2 All Matter is Animal, Vegetable or Mineral But matter seldom appears or exists in the form we want!!! Can’t pick a TV or PC from a tree……

3 Animal Vegetable Mineral

4 Animal How do you get from this? to this?

5 Animal Product

6 Vegetable How do you get from grain? to grain?

7 Vegetable Product C 12 H 22 O 11  C 2 H 5 OH + CO 2 + H 2 O

8 Mineral From this to this.

9 Mineral Product What had to happen?

10 Chemistry is the study of matter and its changes To put your desired product on the tree You need to know some chemistry!! To clean up the water that we drink Thoughts of chemistry one must think.. Chemistry had to happen!

11 Using the plants that grow on the land

12 Exploring space to find what’s there Requires a knowledge of materials and air

13 Having the products that make life keen From the Earth one must glean On our planet two sources of matter To create the toys we want on our platter Animal or vegetable must be grown Minerals taken from the ground with a ‘groan’ But objects never seem to abound In a form that we want them to be found. They must be created through --- chemistry….

14 I exist because Of chemistry!!

15 Why Study Chemistry? - Permanent goggle marks are cheap tattoos. - Someday you will be able to use the word "buckyballs" without laughing. - You can be blamed for all faults in the environment. - You prefer to get your course credits the ‘easy’ way. Some zany reasons:

16 Why Study Chemistry?

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