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Published byBrittney Fox Modified over 10 years ago
Central Connecticut State University Student Satisfaction Inventory Executive Summary Victoria J. LaFore March 8, 2007
Why are we here today?
Who we are A firm specializing in higher education marketing, student recruitment, student retention, financial aid services, market research, Web and e-communications, student recruitment publications, and professional development for enrollment managers Employ 93 full-time consultants, analysts, support staff, and enrollment management specialists, plus over 60 part-time associates who are currently among the best enrollment management practitioners at colleges and universities nationally Offices are currently in Iowa City, Iowa; Littleton, Colorado; and Braintree, Massachusetts
Who we are Have partnered with over 1,700 colleges and universities – public and private, two-year, four-year, and graduate/ professional, in all 50 states, all Canadian provinces, and six countries abroad Over 300 institutions draw upon our consulting services annually More than 700 institutions use our retention products and services annually to reduce student attrition
Goals of consultation Review CCSU’s SSI results Compare results to relevant benchmark data Brainstorm on possible intervention strategies Keep campus motivated toward continuous improvement
Why measure student satisfaction?
Satisfaction begets success Research shows: Schools with higher satisfaction enjoy: –Higher graduation rates –Lower loan default rates –Higher alumni giving rates The results suggest that satisfaction is an integral part of success
Categories Academic Advising Campus Climate Academic Services Campus Support Services Concern for the Individual Instructional Effectiveness Recruitment and Financial Aid Registration Effectiveness Responsiveness to Diverse Populations Safety and Security Student Centeredness Service Excellence
Additional campus-defined questions It is an enjoyable experience to be a student on this campus. I feel a sense of pride about my campus. Channels for expressing student complaints are readily available. The intercollegiate athletic programs contribute to a strong sense of school spirit. A variety of intramural recreational activities are offered. I can easily get involved in campus organizations. New student orientation services help students adjust to college. The student handbook provides helpful information about campus life. Counseling staff care about students as individuals. The personnel involved in registration are helpful.
Student Satisfaction Inventory ™ : What students tell us Importance scores –How important is it that this expectation is met? Satisfaction scores –How satisfied are you that this expectation is being met on this campus? Performance gap scores –The discrepancy between the expectation (importance score) and the reality (satisfaction score)
Matrix for prioritizing action Very Important Very Satisfied Very Unimportant Very Dissatisfied Copyright 2004 Noel-Levitz
Definitions Strength: –Above the mid-point in importance and in the upper quartile of satisfaction Challenge: –Above the mid-point in importance and in the lower quartile of satisfaction and/or the upper quartile of performance gaps
Matrix for Prioritizing Action Very Important Very Satisfied Very Unimportant Very Dissatisfied Copyright 1994, 1995 USA Group Noel-Levitz
Comparisons available 4-year public institutions nationally Peer comparison group defined by CCSU –Primarily Northeast state colleges CCSU SSI administration in 2004
Demographics of respondents
What are the CCSU results?
CCSU 2006 strengths My academic advisor is knowledgeable about requirements in my major. The content of the courses within my major is valuable. The quality of instruction I receive in most of my classes is excellent. Faculty are fair and unbiased in their treatment of individual students. The campus is safe and secure for all students. Faculty are usually available to students outside of class (during office hours, by phone or by e-mail).
CCSU 2006 strengths This campus provides online access to services I need. Campus item 1 Students are made to feel welcome here. Parking lots are well-lighted and secure. On the whole, the campus is well-maintained.
CCSU 2006 challenges I am able to register for classes I need with few conflicts. There are sufficient courses within my program of study available each term. Tuition paid is a worthwhile investment. Registration processes and procedures are convenient. I receive the help I need to apply my academic major to my career goals. Living conditions in the residence halls are comfortable.
CCSU 2006 challenges I seldom get the "run-around" when seeking information on this campus. The amount of student parking space on campus is adequate. Campus item 10 My academic advisor helps me set goals to work toward. Financial aid awards are announced in time to be helpful in college planning.
CCSU 2006 – top choice? N% 1st choice107354.19% 2nd choice61631.11% 3rd choice or lower29114.70% Total1980100.00% No Answer28
Institutional choice by institution type Four-year private Four-year public Two-year public Career/private 1 st choice64%63%69%64% 2 nd choice25% 22%28% 3 rd choice or lower 11%12%9%8%
CCSU 2006 – transferred in? N% Yes transferred here60430.57% No did not transfer here137269.43% Total1976100.00% No Answer32
CCSU 2006 – plans to transfer? N% Yes I plan to transfer27814.08% No I do not plan to transfer 169685.92% Total1974100.00% No Answer34
CCSU 2006 – student involvement? N% No organization memberships 106453.68% One or two organization memberships 78139.40% Three or four organization memberships 1196.00% Five or more organization memberships 180.91% Total1982100.00% No Answer26
How does CCSU compare?
Higher satisfaction than national group Faculty are fair and unbiased in their treatment of individual students. The campus is safe and secure for all students. Living conditions in the residence halls are comfortable. The amount of student parking space on campus is adequate. Security staff respond quickly to calls for assistance. Parking lots are well-lighted and secure. On the whole, the campus is well-maintained. Billing policies are reasonable.
Lower satisfaction than national group I am able to register for classes I need with few conflicts. My academic advisor is knowledgeable about requirements in my major. The quality of instruction I receive in most of my classes is excellent. I seldom get the "run-around" when seeking information on this campus. My academic advisor helps me set goals to work toward. Students are made to feel welcome here. I am able to take care of college-related business at times that are convenient for me. The campus staff are caring and helpful.
Higher importance than national group Faculty provide timely feedback about my academic progress. Living conditions in the residence halls are comfortable. I seldom get the "run-around" when seeking information on this campus. My academic advisor helps me set goals to work toward. Students are made to feel welcome here. I am able to take care of college-related business at times that are convenient for me. Billing policies are reasonable.
CCSU 2006 – employment? N% Full-time off campus32016.25% Part-time off campus87644.49% Full-time on campus1286.50% Part-time on campus23311.83% Not employed41220.92% Total1969100.00% No Answer39
CCSU 2006 – class load? N% Full-time184293.22% Part-time1346.78% Total1976100.00% No Answer32
CCSU 2006 – tuition source? N% Scholarships1366.86% Financial aid68434.49% Family contributions73437.01% Self support32716.49% Other tuition source1025.14% Total1983100.00% No Answer25
CCSU 2006 – meeting expectations? Central Connecticut State University - 11/2006 Student Satisfaction Inventory Form B Institutional Summary Central Connecticut State University SSI 4-Year Public Form B SummaryImportSatis / SDGap Impo rt Satis / SD Ga p Mean Difference So far, how has your college experience met your expectations? 4.38 / 1.21 4.45 / 1.26 -0.07 * Rate your overall satisfaction with your experience here thus far. 5.10 / 1.41 5.17 / 1.43 -0.07 * All in all, if you had to do it over, would you enroll here again? 5.18 / 1.74 5.24 / 1.76 -0.06
Higher satisfaction than peer group I am able to register for classes I need with few conflicts. Faculty are fair and unbiased in their treatment of individual students. The campus is safe and secure for all students. Living conditions in the residence halls are comfortable. The amount of student parking space on campus is adequate. Security staff respond quickly to calls for assistance. Parking lots are well-lighted and secure. On the whole, the campus is well-maintained. Billing policies are reasonable.
Lower satisfaction than peer group My academic advisor is knowledgeable about requirements in my major. Faculty provide timely feedback about my academic progress. I seldom get the "run-around" when seeking information on this campus.
Higher importance than peer group I seldom get the "run-around" when seeking information on this campus. My academic advisor helps me set goals to work toward. I am able to take care of college-related business at times that are convenient for me. Parking lots are well-lighted and secure. Billing policies are reasonable.
Higher importance than peer group I am able to register for classes I need with few conflicts. The quality of instruction I receive in most of my classes is excellent. Tuition paid is a worthwhile investment. Faculty are fair and unbiased in their treatment of individual students. Faculty provide timely feedback about my academic progress. Living conditions in the residence halls are comfortable.
CCSU 2006 – meeting expectations? Central Connecticut State University - 11/2006 Student Satisfaction Inventory Form B Institutional Summary Central Connecticut State University Central CT State Requested Group SummaryImportSatis / SDGapImportSatis / SDGap Mean Difference So far, how has your college experience met your expectations? 4.38 / 1.21 4.40 / 1.30 -0.02 Rate your overall satisfaction with your experience here thus far. 5.10 / 1.41 5.00 / 1.50 0.10 * All in all, if you had to do it over, would you enroll here again? 5.18 / 1.74 4.96 / 1.84 0.22 *** N% FemaleFemale 11691169 59.13% MaleMale 808808 40.87% Total Total 19771977 100.00% No AnswerNo Answer 3131 Age N% 18 and under18 and under 407407 20.56% 19 to 2419 to 24 13831383 69.85% 25 to 3425 to 34 130130 6.57% 35 to 4435 to 44 4646 2.32% 45 and over45 and over 1414 0.71% Total Total 19801980 100.00% No AnswerNo Answer 2828 Ethnicity/Racehnicity/Race N% Alaskan NativeAlaskan Native 00.00% American IndianAmerican Indian 70.36% AsianAsian 5252 2.64% Black/African-AmericanBlack/African-American 151151 7.67% Hispanic or Latino (and Puerto Rican)Hispanic or Latino (and Puerto Rican)9 5.03% Native Hawaiian or Pacific IslanderNative Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 50.25% White/CaucasianWhite/Caucasian 15571557 79.12% Multi-racialMulti-racial3 1.68% Other raceOther race 6464 3.25% Total Total 19681968 100.00% No AnswerNo Answer 4040 Current Enrollment Statusrrent Enrollment Status N% DayDay 17441744 88.04% EveningEvening 228228 11.51% WeekendWeekend 90.45% Total Total 19811981 100.00% No AnswerNo Answer 2727 Current Class Loadrrent Class Load N% Full-timeFull-time 18421842 93.22% Part-timePart-time 134134 6.78% Total Total 19761976 100.00% No AnswerNo Answer 3232 Class Levelass Level N% FreshmanFreshman 464464 23.45% SophomoreSophomore 470470 23.75% JuniorJunior 490490 24.76% SeniorSenior 541541 27.34% Special studentSpecial student 30.15% Graduate/ProfessionalGraduate/Professional 10.05% Other class levelOther class level 1010 0.51% Total Total 19791979 100.00% No AnswerNo Answer 2929 Current GPArrent GPA N% No credits earnedNo credits earned 310310 15.78% 1.99 or below1.99 or below 3030 1.53% 2.0 - 2.492.0 - 2.49 225225 11.45% 2.5 - 2.992.5 - 2.99 506506 25.75% 3.0 - 3.493.0 - 3.49 541541 27.53% 3.5 or above3.5 or above 353353 17.96% Total Total 19651965 100.00% No AnswerNo Answer 4343 Educational Goalucational Goal N% Associate degreeAssociate degree 5757 2.88% Bachelor's degreeBachelor's degree 16291629 82.23% Master's degreeMaster's degree 192192 9.69% Doctorate or professional degreeDoctorate or professional degree 6262 3.13% Certification (initial/renewal)Certification (initial/renewal) 1717 0.86% Self-improvement/pleasureSelf-improvement/pleasure 20.10% Job-related trainingJob-related training 10.05% Other educational goalOther educational goal 2121 1.06% Total Total 19811981 100.00% No AnswerNo Answer 2727 Employmentployment N% Full-time off campus32016.25%Part-time off campus87644.49%Full-time on campus1286.50%Part-time on campus23311.83%Not employed41220.92% Total1969100.00%No Answer39 CurrentResidence CurrentResidence N% Residence hall95047.93%Fraternity/Sorority30.15%Own house1477.42%Rent room or apt off campus30315.29%Parent's home54927.70%Other residence301.51% Total1982100.00%No Answer26 Residence Classification Residence Classification N% In-state186294.14%Out-of-state884.45%International (not U.S. citizen)281.42% Total1978100.00%No Answer30 Institution Was My Institution Was My N% 1st choice107354.19%2nd choice61631.11%3rd choice or lower29114.70% Total1980100.00%No Answer28 Did Transfer Here Did Transfer Here N% Yes transferred here60430.57%No did not transfer here137269.43% Total1976100.00%No Answer32 Plan to Transfer Plan to Transfer N% Yes I plan to transfer27814.08%No I do not plan to transfer169685.92% Total1974100.00%No Answer34 Organization Memberships Organization Memberships N% No organization memberships106453.68%One or two organization memberships78139.40%Three or four organization memberships1196.00%Five or more organization memberships180.91% Total1982100.00%No Answer26 Tuition Source Tuition Source N% Scholarships1366.86%Financial aid68434.49%Family contributions73437.01%Self support32716.49%Other tuition source1025.14% Total1983100.00%No Answer25 Institution Question Institution Question You may save your HTML on your computer in order to access it again at another time. Select the “save as” function from the FILE toolbar. Or from the email document, right click on the attachment and save it to your computer. Give the file a name and save it to the appropriate location on your computer. The saved file(s) can then be emailed as an attachment to others on your campus. We encourage you to save these HTML files to your hard drive immediately. Please note that every time the HTML is opened, it is going to start fresh in its original delivery format. It will not remember how you last sorted it. Electronic reports This electronic delivery includes: Strategic Planning Overview (not included with all reporting): provides an executive summary of your strengths and challenges for the first column of data, as well as information on how the two columns of data compare Item Report: responses for each individual item on the survey Scale Report: responses for the survey scales and the items clustered within the scales Summary Report: responses to the summary items on the survey Demographic Report: responses to the demographic items on the survey Choose the report you wish to review by selecting it from the drop down menu in the upper right hand corner of this screen. Reviewing Your Data Strategic Planning Overview (if included): This report provides a simple listing of the strengths (high importance and high satisfaction) and challenges (high importance and low satisfaction and/or large performance gap) for the first column of data in your report. It also compares your first column of data to your second column of data and identifies where satisfaction levels are significantly different, as well as large differences in importance scores. This report provides the best summary of your results for immediate action planning. Item Report: You have the option to sort on any of the following columns on this screen: Item Importance Satisfaction Performance Gap Mean Difference Simply select the column you want to sort on. An underscore will reflect the column you have selected. If you select "Items" the first selection will be in ascending numeric order and the second selection will be on descending numeric order. For importance, satisfaction, performance gap, and mean difference, the first selection will be in descending order (highest to lowest) and the second selection will be in ascending order for the selected score category. The SD in the Satisfaction column refers to the standard deviation. This is the amount of variability in the responses. The asterisks in the mean difference column indicate statistical significance. The key is as follows: * Difference statistically significant at the.05 level ** Difference statistically significant at the.01 level *** Difference statistically significant at the.001 level Scale Report: Collapse and expand by selecting the purple arrow to the left of the desired scale. You may also sort on the scale name, importance, satisfaction, performance gap, and mean difference columns as outlined above. Summary Report: You may sort this report by selecting the summary column, the satisfaction column or the mean difference column, following the directions above. Demographic Report: Collapse and expand by selecting the purple arrow to the left of the desired demographic category. You also have the option on the top left side of the page to expand all or collapse all the demographic categories at the same time. Printing Your Reports You may print from any of the HTML report pages. The report will print as it appears on your screen. For all reports except the Demographic report, we recommend selecting the landscape option on your page set up before you print. Copyright 2007, Noel-Levitz, Inc.Copyright 2007, Noel-Levitz, Inc. N% Campus Item - Answer 1Campus Item - Answer 1 00% Campus Item - Answer 2Campus Item - Answer 2 0 Campus Item - Answer 3Campus Item - Answer 3 0 Campus Item - Answer 4Campus Item - Answer 4 0 Campus Item - Answer 5Campus Item - Answer 5 0 Campus Item - Answer 6Campus Item - Answer 6 0 Total Total 0 100.00 % No AnswerNo Answer 20082008 Central Connecticut State University Central CT State Requested Group SummaryImportSatis / SDGapImportSatis / SDGap Mean Difference So far, how has your college experience met your expectations? 4.38 / 1.21 4.40 / 1.30 -0.02 Rate your overall satisfaction with your experience here thus far. 5.10 / 1.41 5.00 / 1.50 0.10 * All in all, if you had to do it over, would you enroll here again? 5.18 / 1.74 4.96 / 1.84 0.22 ***
CCSU 2004 strengths The content of the courses within my major is valuable. My academic advisor is knowledgeable about requirements in my major. The campus is safe and secure for all students. Faculty are usually available to students outside of class (during office hours, by phone or by e-mail). This campus provides online access to services I need.
CCSU 2004 strengths Campus item 1 Parking lots are well-lighted and secure. Students are made to feel welcome here. On the whole, the campus is well-maintained. Students are free to express their ideas on this campus.
CCSU 2004 challenges I am able to register for classes I need with few conflicts. There are sufficient courses within my program of study available each term. Tuition paid is a worthwhile investment. Registration processes and procedures are convenient. Living conditions in the residence halls are comfortable. The amount of student parking space on campus is adequate.
CCSU 2004 challenges I seldom get the "run-around" when seeking information on this campus. Campus item 10 Billing policies are reasonable. Financial aid awards are announced in time to be helpful in college planning.
Where do we go from here?
Next steps Executive Committee discussion Student Affairs Leadership Team brainstorming Implement new initiatives Readminister survey Repeat cycle
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