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Campus Communications and Marketing Helpful tips and suggestions for reaching your target campus audience.

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Presentation on theme: "Campus Communications and Marketing Helpful tips and suggestions for reaching your target campus audience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Campus Communications and Marketing Helpful tips and suggestions for reaching your target campus audience

2 Defining campus communications Messages about news, brags, events or campaigns that are of interest to K-Staters. Examples are All-University Campaign, campus speakers and daytime lectures, informational booths, etc.

3 Vehicles to deliver campus messages Info cards, posters, table tents Sidewalk chalk, tree signs Student-run media: The Collegian, Channel 8, Wildcat Watch, Wildcat 91.9 FM Department social media K-State Today University Calendar

4 Determining the audience Different vehicles of communication work for different people. Students, faculty and staff may not respond to the same marketing tactics.

5 Reaching your audience Communications and marketing For marketing tactics and strategies contact your client manager. client manager Self-service Contact student media Sidewalk chalk K-State Today University calendar

6 What is K-State Today A daily self-service e-newsletter for campus news and events in which the content is driven by the readers. K-State Today was created with a two-fold purpose: – to reduce multiple listserv emails and – provide an updated version of the K-Statement newsletter allowing for individual submissions. Users cannot unsubscribe email addresses that are provided by K-State.

7 Clarifying K-State Today sections Events Financial services From SGA From the Office of General Council From the administration From the president From the provost Gifts Human resources/benefits/training opportunities Kudos Legislative update Maintenance NBAF update New hires/exits News Newsletters Policy and procedure updates Publications and presentations Research Safety Senate notes Student life Surveys Technology Volunteer opportunities

8 Helpful tips and tricks The deadline for submission is noon the day before the article is to run.submission Multiple posts are seldom permitted. Copy and pasting from other sources can be helpful. We follow Associated Press style and the University Style Guide for consistency. Include the name of event, time, date and place in first paragraph. Paste articles as plain text if copy and pasting from Word.plain text – Don’t use “smart quotes” instead "plain text quotes" in headline or summary.“smart quotes” Nix the acronyms throughout the article. The name that you put in the box marked “Your name” on the submit page will show up as the author of the article, misspellings and all.

9 Questions?

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