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“ We cannot look at the future as a continuation of the past…The things that got you where you are, are seldom the things that keep you there.” — Charles.

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Presentation on theme: "“ We cannot look at the future as a continuation of the past…The things that got you where you are, are seldom the things that keep you there.” — Charles."— Presentation transcript:


2 “ We cannot look at the future as a continuation of the past…The things that got you where you are, are seldom the things that keep you there.” — Charles Handy, British business philosopher

3 Mental Model  “…our deeply held internal images about how the world works.“ – Senge  Come from: our family of origin, culture of origin, religious or secular ethical backgrounds, meaning we've made out of our life experiences.  Deeply rooted assumptions

4 Paradigms  Our view of reality – the lens we use to make sense of the world.  “self-reinforcing mental model.“ – O'Connor & McDermott I have beliefs about the world. I unconsciously seek out data that supports those beliefs. I unconsciously ignore/reject data that does not support those beliefs. The data I accept reinforces my beliefs about the world.

5 “The real act of discovery consists not in finding new lands but in seeing with new eyes.” — Marcel Proust

6 Do you see a man’s face?


8 Looking down or climbing up?

9 What do you see?

10 Moving?

11 “We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.” - Cicero

12 The Words We Use…  Advocate  Help  Service  Caregiving  Options  Institution  Home  Independence  Facility  Nursing Home

13 How do you know?

14 Getting to the Heart of It  As a group read through your scenario and discuss the situation  Answer these questions: What is your first thought? What comes to your mind? What emotions are you feeling? What paradigms are shaping your thoughts? What actions would you take? Where is the person-centeredness? How do the additional facts affect your opinion/actions? What else did you want to know?

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