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Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Psychosozialer Dienst Leibnitz Effectiveness of NADA ear acupuncture for addicted, psychiatric.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Psychosozialer Dienst Leibnitz Effectiveness of NADA ear acupuncture for addicted, psychiatric."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Psychosozialer Dienst Leibnitz Effectiveness of NADA ear acupuncture for addicted, psychiatric patients in outpatient settings Euro-Nada Conference 2013

2 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Psychosocial Center Leibnitz The range of services offered in this psychosocial center is focused on individuals with psychological and social questions as well as on their relatives. Especially people who have mental disorders and are in a crisis situation are supplied with professional help.

3 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Consultation and clarification for individuals and concerned immediate family. Assistance with mental-health problems and psychiatric problems Crisis intervention Group therapies Services

4 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Clinical-psychological treatment Psychotherapy Psychological diagnostics Medical attendance and information about mental health and medication Services

5 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Basic conditions of NADA in PSZ LB Explanation of possible effects and adverse reaction Signing the letter of agreement once a week Limited: max. amount of treatments = 20

6 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 The procedure of NADA ear acupuncture was executed strictly based on NADA protocol.

7 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Methodology and evaluation Structured questionnaire Time frame October 2012 to June 2013 Survey carried out –before the 1st treatment –after the 10th and –after the 20th

8 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Evaluation in scaling range from 1 to 5 1= never 2= seldom 3= sometimes 4= often 5= always Methodology and evaluation

9 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Statistical evaluation of individual symptoms Calculation of average value and deviation Test of statistical significance / T-sample Test Statistical Software Minitab 15.0 Boxplot Graphics Methodology and evaluation

10 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 headache fatigue concentration disorders / memory retention agitation Symptoms

11 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 tension tremor anxiety insecurity Symptoms

12 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 revolving thoughts / brooding tension of muscles heart palpitations aggressiveness troubles falling asleep and insomnia Symptoms

13 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Methodology and evaluation 26 test persons 80,89% female 19,11 % male 61% additionally participated in therapy, other therapeutic groups and received information on medication

14 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Diagnoses Depression Anxiety disorder / panic disorder Burn-out Bipolar disorder

15 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Alcohol abuse Additional declared diagnoses: Tourette Syndrome, Tinnitus, chronic pain, acute pain Diagnoses

16 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Total evaluation of all 15 symptoms Two-sample T for Gesamtbewertung Anzahl N Mean StDev SE Mean 0 26 3,282 0,784 0,15 20 26 2,582 0,563 0,11 Difference = mu ( 0) - mu (20); Estimate for difference: 0,700 T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = 3,70 P-Value = 0,001 DF = 50

17 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 The total evaluation of all 26 probands over a number of 20 NADA treatments shows a continual, statistically significant improvement of all 15 recorded subjective conditions from 3.282 to 2.582. Statistical significance: p-value <= 0,01 Total evaluation of all 15 symptoms

18 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Symptom Fatigue Two-sample T for Müdigkeit Anzahl N Mean StDev SE Mean 0 26 3,77 1,11 0,22 20 26 2,962 0,662 0,13 Difference = mu ( 0) - mu (20); Estimate for difference: 0,808 T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = 3,19 P-Value = 0,003 DF = 40

19 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Symptom Fatigue The results of the symptoms of „fatigue“ show a statistically significant improvement from 3.77 to 2.962. Clients felt pleasantly recovered after the NADA treatment, as if they had had a good nights’ sleep. This noticeable recovery lasted for one day only in most cases.

20 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Symptoms Agitation and Tension Anzahl N Mean StDev SE Mean 0 26 3,69 1,19 0,23 20 26 2,69 1,01 0,20 T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = 3,26 P- Value = 0,002 DF = 48 Anzahl N Mean StDev SE Mean 0 26 3,85 1,22 0,24 20 26 2,85 1,12 0,22 T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = 3,07 P- Value = 0,003 DF = 49

21 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Symptoms Agitation and Tension The corresponding assessment to the criteria „agitation and tension“ also shows a statistically significant improvement from 3.84 to 2.84. This can already be observed during the NADA treatment. Clients often arrive at the treatment setting nervously and unsettled and recount a very hectic and turbulent week. During the 40 minutes of treatment clients visibly calm down. This calmness and sometimes even serenity changes into agitation and tension again after three days. This was also observed and confirmed by the clients’ relatives.

22 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Symptom Anxiety Two-sample T for Angst Anzahl N Mean StDev SE Mean 0 26 3,19 1,36 0,27 20 26 2,269 0,962 0,19 Difference = mu ( 0) - mu (20); Estimate for difference: 0,923 T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = 2,83 P-Value = 0,007 DF = 45

23 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 “Anxiety” shows a statistically significant improvement from 3.2 to 2.7. This change was described as being frequently able to go to places that have a negative meaning for the client. For instance: go shopping without or with less fear due to the regular NADA treatments. Symptom Anxiety

24 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Symptoms Revolving thoughts & Brooding Anzahl N Mean StDev SE Mean 0 26 3,77 1,18 0,23 20 26 2,654 0,846 0,17 T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = 3,92 P-Value = 0,000 DF = 45 Anzahl N Mean StDev SE Mean 0 26 3,69 1,19 0,23 20 26 2,654 0,892 0,17 T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = 3,56 P-Value = 0,001 DF = 46

25 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Symptoms Revolving thoughts & Brooding “Revolving thoughts and brooding“ show an almost identical statistically significant improvement in all 20 NADA treatments. Some clients describe the moment of NADA treatment as „sort of rearranging one’s thoughts“. It is only described as a momentary change, without lasting effects.

26 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Anzahl N Mean StDev SE Mean 0 26 1,885 0,952 0,19 20 26 2,269 0,919 0,18 Difference = mu ( 0) - mu (20); Estimate for difference: -0,385 T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = -1,48 P-Value = 0,145 DF = 49 Symptom Aggressiveness

27 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Symptom Aggressiveness An increase in aggressiveness at first appeared to be a paradox. But in the following one-on-one conversations clients reported an increased assertiveness, a higher ability to take a stand against things and to be able to set boundaries better. Clients were also able to voice their needs properly. This was also confirmed by their relatives.

28 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Symptoms Troubles falling asleep and Insomnia Anzahl N Mean StDev SE Mean 0 26 3,31 1,41 0,28 20 26 2,385 0,983 0,19 T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = 2,74 P-Value = 0,009 DF = 44 Anzahl N Mean StDev SE Mean 0 26 3,58 1,33 0,26 20 26 2,692 0,970 0,19 T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = 2,74 P-Value = 0,009 DF = 45

29 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Symptoms Troubles falling asleep and Insomnia The symptom „troubles falling asleep and insomnia” shows a statistically significant improvement. P-Value = 0,009 Clients describe that they fall asleep more easily and sleep through the night after NADA treatment. But these positive changes only last for two to three days.

30 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Clients’ statements NADA is a time-out for my soul. One hour of holiday, that‘s what NADA is to me. I am able to sleep, finally. Through NADA I have found a way to more patience. The group, the needles, the silence, I can feel myself again. THANKS!

31 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Forecast From October 2013 onwards PSZ Leibnitz will start pearl-therapy groups in addition to NADA ear acupuncture.

32 Psychosozialer Dienst LeibnitzEuro-NADA Conference 2013 Psychosoziale Beratungsstelle Leibnitz Wagnastraße 1/1 8430 Leibnitz 03452 / 72 6 47

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