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Click to edit title Click to edit sub-title Task Force API Accounting Process Implementation Automatic running parts of the ENTSO-E CE accounting process.

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2 Click to edit title Click to edit sub-title Task Force API Accounting Process Implementation Automatic running parts of the ENTSO-E CE accounting process V1.3, 19.11.2010

3 May 8, 20153 File name convention Accounting process sequence flow

4 May 8, 20154 Automatic running part of Acc. Process Sequence 2 respectively 4: Latest at Gate Closure the meter data validation system will automatically send the SOMA document if it was not already sent before. (Seq. 2+4). As an option a SO can also send the SOMA document before 10:00 am, when available. Note: If at “Cut Off Time” no matched data are provided, the CB and CC will use ZERO values instead of the mismatching data in the following settlement process

5 May 8, 20155 File name convention Accounting process sequence flow

6 May 8, 20156 Automatic running part of Acc. Process Sequence 3 respectively 5: Once the SOMA is available the receiver will automatically validate the contend of the document against the associated limits, like fixed in the bilateral agreement, and will answer immediately with an automatic generated ACK (Seq. 3+5) (For more information please view the Ack-Document). If a limit is violated a negative ACK is send and the manual process starts. (Manuel process means: Looking for acceptable data. This can be with or without help of the neighboring SO). Once the problem is solved the automatic process continues.

7 May 8, 20157 File name convention Accounting process sequence flow

8 May 8, 20158 Automatic running part of Acc. Process Sequence 6: Once an positive ACK (Seq. 3) was received and the associated SOMA message (if any) from the neighbor is available and agreed (Seq. 5), the SOVM message (containing the accounting relevant data) is assembled and send automatically (Seq. 6).

9 May 8, 20159 File name convention Accounting process sequence flow

10 May 8, 201510 Automatic running part of Acc. Process Sequence 7: Once the SOVM message is received the accounting system automatic calculates the accounting point data, (Consideration of losses if bilateral agreed) generates the SOAM document and sends it to the relevant neighboring SO. Note 1: the SO are obliged to agree on accounting point data latest until “Cut Off Time” Note 2: If at “Cut Off Time” no matched data are provided, the CB and CC will use ZERO values instead of the mismatching data in the following settlement process

11 May 8, 201511 File name convention Accounting process sequence flow

12 May 8, 201512 Automatic running part of Acc. Process Sequence 8 and 9: Immediately after the SOAM message is received, the matching SO will automatically match the contend of the document against his data. Once the matching has been performed a positive respectively negative ACK (Seq 8) will be send. If the data do not match the automatic process is interrupted and the manual process starts. (Manuel process means: Discover and solve the problem. Under normal circumstances data should match. Once the problem is solved the automatic process continues.) Once a positive ACK (Seq. 8) on the SOAM message is received the SOVA (Seq. 9) message is generated and send.

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