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The Great War and the Decline of the West My friend, you would not tell with such high zest To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old lie: Dulce.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great War and the Decline of the West My friend, you would not tell with such high zest To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old lie: Dulce."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great War and the Decline of the West My friend, you would not tell with such high zest To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori. - Wilfred Owen, Dulce et Decorum Est

2 Impact of War Erosion of liberalism A “Lost Generation” Totalitarianism/complacence Non-Western nationalism

3 I. The Proud Tower The Coming of the First World War

4 A. A Century Coming 1. Eastern Crisis (1875-1878) Decline of the Ottoman Empire “Sick Man of Europe”

5 B. Old Friends and New Friends 1. Three Emperor's League (1873) Germany, Russia, and Austria - Bismarck Congress of Vienna “Concert of Europe”

6 II. So what went wrong? A. Nationalism Pan-Slavism

7 B. Legacy of Imperialism Berlin Conference, 1884 Berlin Conference, 1884 “effective occupation”

8 Corruption of Western culture 1. competition / nationalism 2. racism, anti-Semitism, Social Darwinism 3. extremist, anti-liberal political ideologies - anarchism, bolshevism, fascism, militarism 4. Relativism - Is there Truth, constancy in nature or society? - Is there Truth, constancy in nature or society?

9 C. Industrialization / demographics

10 D. The Concert is Over 1. Franco-Russian Alliance (1894) Mutual defence alliance against Germany Mutual defence alliance against Germany “correction” of Balance of Power “correction” of Balance of Power

11 Death in Sarajevo June 1914 Gavrilo Princip

12 II. The Guns of August

13 A. The War Europe Expected 1. Rapid mobilization Schlieffen Plan

14 2. Romantic war Revanche!

15 B. The War Europe Got 1. (1 st ) Battle of the Marne Sept 1914

16 Trench warfare

17 2. “They shall not pass” Verdun (1916) = 700,000 The Somme (1916) = 600,000 J.R.R. Tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien

18 “War of the worlds” 3. Monster machines, chemical warfare

19 4. Crisis in leadership Gallipoli Gallipoli Battle of Jutland

20 III. Total War

21 A. War on civilians 1.The Rape of Belgium Edith Cavell Edith Cavell

22 2. Submarine warfare 1915, Lusitania

23 B. War on dissent 1. Suppression of Labor Eugene Debs 2. Irish Easter Rebellion 1916 Those that I fight I do not hate, Those that I guard I do not love. - Yeats

24 C. Rebellion 1. Bolshevism 2. Balfour Declaration, 1917 3. Lawrence of Arabia

25 IV. The Aftermath A Lost Generation

26 A. American involvement 1. U.S. debate W. J. Bryan W. J. Bryan

27 2. Zimmerman Telegram

28 B. The Progressives’ War 1. 14 Points Internationalism 1. 14 Points Internationalism Woodrow Wilson Woodrow Wilson

29 C. 1918 1. Final gamble Ludendorff Offensive (March) Wilhelm II abdicates (November) “November Criminals”

30 D. Treaty of Versailles (1919) 1. Diktat - responsibility / reparations 2. League of Nations 3. Reorganized empires - mandates

31 E.Tragedy at Versailles 1. Allies not interested in progressive war - disillusionment w/ “democracy”

32 2. US Senate fails to ratify treaty - return to near-isolationism 3. League of Nations too weak to: - contend with Bolshevism in the East - establish new balance of power - rebuild Europe

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