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MBA 8452 Systems and Operations Management

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Presentation on theme: "MBA 8452 Systems and Operations Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 MBA 8452 Systems and Operations Management
Process Analysis

2 Process Analysis Process Analysis Process Analysis Flow charting
Types of Processes Process Performance Job Design Work Measurements Incentive Plans

3 What Is A Process? Process is the basic building block of an operations/production system A process is a collection of activities that transforms inputs into outputs that are valuable to the customer

4 Process Flowchart Diagram showing the major elements of a process and their interconnections tasks or operations flows of materials or customers storage areas or queues.

5 Process Flowchart Symbols
Storage areas or queues Tasks or operations Flows of materials or customers Decision Points

6 Process Flowchart Examples: Hamburger Making Process
1. McDonald’s Cook Raw material Assemble Customer order Finished burgers Deliver 2. Burger King Cook Raw material Assemble Customer order Finished burgers Deliver WIP Custom or Standard? C S 3. Wendy’s Customer order Cook Raw material Assemble Chili Deliver

7 Types of Processes Single-stage vs. Multistage Single-stage Process
Multistage Process

8 Types of Process Multistage Process with Buffer
What might happen without buffer? Blocking Starving Bottleneck

9 Types of Process Make-to-stock vs. Make-to-order
Deliver Finished goods Customer order Make-to-stock Process Make-to-order Process Make Deliver Customer order

10 Operation time = Setup time + Run time
“You can not improve something you can’t measure” Process Performance Metrics Operation time = Setup time + Run time Throughput time = Average time for a unit to move through the system Cycle time = Average time between completion of units Throughput rate = Velocity (throughput ratio) = 1 Cycle time Throughput time Value-added time

11 Efficiency = Productivity = Utilization = Actual output
“You can not improve something you can’t measure” Process Performance Metrics (cont.) Efficiency = Productivity = Utilization = Actual output Standard output Output Input Time activated Time available

12 Little’s Law Work-in-process Throughput time = Throughput rate

13 Process Performance Metrics Example 1
5 min/unit 8 min/unit 3 min/unit Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 (Assume 8-hour working day) Cycle time = 8 minutes Throughput rate = 60 units/day Throughput time = 19 minutes

14 Process Performance Metrics Example 2
Stage 1 Stage 2 Buffer 5 min/unit 8 min/unit Stage 3 3 min/unit (Assume 8-hour working day) Cycle time = 8 min Throughput rate = 60 units/day Throughput time = = 160 min

15 Process Throughput Time Reduction
Perform activities in parallel Change the sequence of activities Reduce interruptions

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