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Combining streamlined degree paths with early-warning intervention Scaling Up: Effective Practices in Higher Education October 31 st, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Combining streamlined degree paths with early-warning intervention Scaling Up: Effective Practices in Higher Education October 31 st, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Combining streamlined degree paths with early-warning intervention Scaling Up: Effective Practices in Higher Education October 31 st, 2013

2  Some background and definitions  A look at the Process Flowchart (Logic Model)  Essential Components  General Education Credit Hour Reduction  Remove course redundancies across programs  Where we are at SIUC  Predictive capability of “Early intervention metrics”  Flexible Components  Lessons Learned and Potential Pitfalls

3  Purpose o Removing barriers to and providing support for successful degree completion o Provide data-driven support structures for students to remain on degree paths  Outcomes o Increased retention rates o Increased graduation rates Easily calculated metrics

4 Top-level Institutional Commitment "Core Curriculum" credit hour (CH) reduction Remove course redundancies across programs Face Program Accreditation Issues Creative curricular integration for additional CH reduction

5  Top-level Institutional Commitment  Broad-based General Education Faculty Committee  Significant institutional buy-in to curricular technology platforms for student data collection (For Early Warning system)

6 Top-level Institutional Commitment "Core Curriculum" credit hour (CH) reduction Remove course redundancies across programs Face Program Accreditation Issues Creative curricular integration for additional CH reduction

7  General Education requirements represent the first programmatic step in the process of streamlining degrees ◦ The requirements cut across degree programs, so streamlining has broad impact  Institutionally, it is (almost) mandatory to have a well-respected faculty committee that oversees this work  The work at SIU is done by the “Core Curriculum Executive Council”

8 Creativity and flexibility required for “double dipping” across degree paths  STEM Fields ◦ Students in use advanced courses in science and math to satisfy general education requirements in these categories. ◦ Microeconomics or Macroeconomics satisfies a general education requirement in Social Science.  Art and Design ◦ Students take courses in Art History to satisfy their general education Humanities requirement

9 Top-level Institutional Commitment "Core Curriculum" credit hour (CH) reduction Remove course redundancies across programs Face Program Accreditation Issues Creative curricular integration for additional CH reduction

10  Much harder work, since it involves program changes at department level  Again, look for changes with broad impact in areas that cut across Colleges and Departments  Work can often help to reconsider the design of important courses ◦ Example: Statistics

11  Why the proliferation of Statistics courses? ◦ Those (**%#*%!!) Mathematicians just want to teach Math! ◦ “Our” program is special. It requires both a statistics course and an experimental design course. (Because “our” experiments are really special!)  Cooperation from the Chairs of Math and Educational Psychology ◦ Core Statistics and Research Design taught in Large Lecture Sections with Hybrid/Flipped classrooms (1 lecture a week) ◦ Twice a week students meet in small departmental level section in computer labs for discipline specific material ◦ Win-win for departments by optimizing faculty resources.

12 Top-level Institutional Commitment "Core Curriculum" credit hour (CH) reduction Remove course redundancies across programs Face Program Accreditation Issues Creative curricular integration for additional CH reduction

13  Keeping students on the optimally designed degree path is at least as important as designing the degree path.  Computer-aided instruction (CAI) platforms permit real-time data retrieval.  CAI allows integration across programs and courses.

14  Week 3  For all students in Math 107-108 (Intermediate Algebra/College Algebra) A. 25%*(In-class pretest) + 25%*(HW) + 50%*(Test 1) B. 25% (preparation) + 25%(motivation) + 50% (achievement)  RED: 0% to 55%  ORANGE: 56% to 65%  YELLOW: 65% to 75%  GREEN: 76% to 100%  Students also receive an intervention score in week 7 and week 11 that is simply their course grade at that time.  All of this data is given to the students and to colleges and advising staff.

15  Intermediate Algebra : Success rate of Week 3 metric (C or better) ◦ Red/Orange 22/86 (25.6%) ◦ Yellow5/12 (41.6%) ◦ Green54/64 (84.4%)  College Algebra : Success rate of Week 3 metric (C or better) ◦ Red/Orange 31/155 (20%) ◦ Yellow18/40 (45%) ◦ Green142/193 (73.6%)

16  The success of the Early Intervention System in Math has prompted the SIUC Provost to put together a Task-force on Early Intervention Technology. ◦ Coordinate data collection and metrics across critical gateway courses ◦ Coordinate software platforms for seamless integration of data

17  Mechanism for General Education streamlining  Campus curricular integration methods.  Campus course articulation and course equivalencies  Early intervention metric structure

18  Strong leadership an essential requirement  Departments will try to protect credit hour generation and core courses.  Try to create "win-win" situations when eliminating course redundancies.

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