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Quality Improvement Session for Tribal Air Program QA Project Plans: A Region 8 Perspective Tom Brooks U. S. EPA Region 8 Quality Assurance Program May.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Improvement Session for Tribal Air Program QA Project Plans: A Region 8 Perspective Tom Brooks U. S. EPA Region 8 Quality Assurance Program May."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Improvement Session for Tribal Air Program QA Project Plans: A Region 8 Perspective Tom Brooks U. S. EPA Region 8 Quality Assurance Program May 15, 2014

2 Problem Statement It is taking Tribes up to 3 years to get an approved Tribal Air Program Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). Tribal Input to FY14 Region 8 Commitments “The document does not address the issue regarding streamlining the QAPP review and approval turn around time for Region 8. This has been an ongoing concern with tribal air quality programs in this Region.” EPA Commitment In FY14, Region 8 [QA Program] will conduct a Continuous Quality Improvement (QI) event to include interested Tribes and the Region 8 programs involved with Air QAPPs. The purpose of this effort will be to collaboratively and systematically develop a streamlined submittal, review and approval process for Tribal Air QAPPs. 2May 15, 2014QI Session for Tribal Air Program QAPPs: A Region 8 Perspective

3 Quality Improvement (QI) Process Planning – Define scope – Select QI method – Collection information and data QI Session Implementation Assessment May 15, 2014QI Session for Tribal Air Program QAPPs: A Region 8 Perspective3

4 Session Scoping Proper Scoping is a Key to Success Session length (4 hours) Informal facilitated process Timing - FY14 grant cycle Scheduling Identify participants May 15, 20144

5 Key Participants QA Program (lead) Air Program Project Officer - Tribal Assistance Program Facilitator Other Participants (Survey) – Tribes (Southern Ute and Ute Mountain Ute) – EPA Montana Office – Program staff Tribal Air Program Managers 5May 15, 2014

6 Modified QI Method Used Blend of 11 Lean Methods – Facilitated meeting – Process mapping – Design improved process – Next Steps Differences: – No “Thirds Rule ” (participants, managers, others) – Statistics & process data not available – Used qualitative goals May 15, 20146QI Session for Tribal Air Program QAPPs: A Region 8 Perspective

7 Information and Data Collection Universe and status of Air QAPPs Process data/statistics “Front-loaded” information – Current process map – Questionnaires for key groups Project Officers Air & QA Program staff Tribes May 15, 20147

8 “Existing Process” Flowchart May 15, 20148QI Session for Tribal Air Program QAPPs: A Region 8 Perspective

9 QI Session Flowchart 9May 15, 2014QI Session for Tribal Air Program QAPPs: A Region 8 Perspective

10 Session Outcomes Partial Remedy Clear Roles & Responsibilities Improved Coordination Improved Communication Intensive Tracking of QAPP Process Process Timeline May 15, 201410QI Session for Tribal Air Program QAPPs: A Region 8 Perspective

11 May 15, 2014 QI Session for Tribal Air Program QAPPs: A Region 8 Perspective 11

12 New Region 8 Tribal Air Program QAPP Development Timeline May 15, 2014 QI Session for Tribal Air Program QAPPs: A Region 8 Perspective 12

13 “Parking Lot” Ideas Reduce EPA review times Timing of QAPP cycle in grants Broaden scope of future QI efforts – QA involvement before grant award – Tribal participation Use tracking data to identify fatal steps 13May 15, 2014QI Session for Tribal Air Program QAPPs: A Region 8 Perspective

14 Analysis of QI Session Successes Improved QAPP process Clear Roles & responsibilities New - program leads & Tribal contacts New - Tracking tool Lessons Learned Proper scoping & length of session Right Participants Preparation is key Use a facilitator 2/20/14QI Session for Tribal Air Program QAPPs

15 Implementation Successes New process flowchart graphic Session report Education & feedback Tracking database Coordination & cooperation Program team leads Technical skills May 15, 201415QI Session for Tribal Air Program QAPPs: A Region 8 Perspective

16 Implementation Challenges May 15, 2014 Partial remedy Limited scope Competing resources Learning curve Multiple review cycles Long grant cycle 16QI Session for Tribal Air Program QAPPs: A Region 8 Perspective

17 Tom Brooks U.S. EPA Region 8 Attn: 8TMS-QA 1595 Wynkoop Street Denver, CO 80202 (303) 312-7291 17 Contact Information EPA Region 8 Quality Assurance Program May 15, 2014QI Session for Tribal Air Program QAPPs: A Region 8 Perspective

18 QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION May 15, 201418QI Session for Tribal Air Program QAPPs: A Region 8 Perspective

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