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授課教授:洪新原 教授 第23組 組員: 林家賢 張昱翔

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Presentation on theme: "授課教授:洪新原 教授 第23組 組員: 林家賢 張昱翔"— Presentation transcript:

1 授課教授:洪新原 教授 第23組 組員:603556011 林家賢 603530033 張昱翔
Chapter 13 Questionnaires and Instruments 問卷調查與設計 授課教授:洪新原 教授 第23組 組員: 林家賢 張昱翔

2 Overall Flowchart for Instrument Design
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

3 Flowchart for Instrument Design Phase 1

4 Strategic Concerns in Instrument Design
What type of scale is needed? 題目的尺度為何 What communication approach will be used? 調查方法為何 Should the questions be structured? 問題是否採結構化 Should the questioning be disguised? 問題是否要偽裝

5 Technology Affects Questionnaire Development
Write questionnaires more quickly 快速製作問卷 Create visually driven instruments 視覺化工具增加參與 Eliminate manual data entry 減少手動輸入 Save time in data analysis 節省資料分析時間

6 Disguising Study Objectives
Reluctantly shared, Conscious-level information Willingly shared, Conscious-level information Whether disguise is necessary ? Knowable, Limited-conscious-level information Subconscious-level information

7 Dummy Table for American Eating Habits
Age Use of Convenience Foods Always Use Use Frequently Use Sometimes Rarely Use Never Use 18-24 25-34 35-44 55-64 65+

8 Flowchart for Instrument Design Phase 2

9 Question Categories and Structure
Administrative 行政程序問題 Target 目標性問題 Classification 分類性問題

10 Question Content Should this question be asked?
參考 P.305圖表13-6 Should this question be asked? 是否符合研究目的 Is the question of proper scope and coverage? 問題範圍是否恰當 Can the participant adequately answer this question? 是否能正確回答問題 Will the participant willingly answer this question? 是否願意回答問題

11 Question Wording Shared vocabulary Single Meaning Misleading
Criteria Shared vocabulary Single Meaning Misleading assumptions Biased Personalized Adequate alternatives

12 Response Strategy Factors Objectives of the study Participant’s
motivation to share Participant’s level of information Factors Ease and clarity with which participant communicates Degree to which participants have thought through topic

13 Free-Response Strategy
What factors influenced your enrollment in Metro U? ____________________________________________ Dichotomous Response Strategy Did you attend the “A Day at College” program at Metro U? Yes No

14 Multiple Choice Response Strategy
單選題 Which one of the following factors was most influential in your decision to attend Metro U? Good academic standing Specific program of study desired Enjoyable campus life Many friends from home High quality of faculty

15 Checklist Response Strategy
複選題 Which of the following factors influenced your decision to enroll in Metro U? (Check all that apply.) Tuition cost Specific program of study desired Parents’ preferences Opinion of brother or sister Many friends from home attend High quality of faculty

16 Checklist Response Strategy
Strongly influential Somewhat influential Not at all influential Good academic reputation Enjoyable campus life Many friends High quality faculty Semester calendar

17 Ranking Please rank-order your top three factors from the following list based on their influence in encouraging you to apply to Metro U. Use 1 to indicate the most encouraging factor, 2 the next most encouraging factor, etc. _____ Opportunity to play collegiate sports _____ Closeness to home _____ Enjoyable campus life _____ Good academic reputation _____ High quality of faculty

18 Summary of Scale Types Needs mutually exclusive choices One or more
Restrictions Scale Items Data Type Rating Scales 評等量表 Simple Category Scale Needs mutually exclusive choices One or more Nominal Multiple Choice Single-Response Scale May use exhaustive list or ‘other’ Many Multiple Choice Multiple-Response Scale (checklist) Needs exhaustive list or ‘other’ Likert Scale Needs definitive positive or negative statements with which to agree/disagree Ordinal Likert-type Scale Exhibit 13-7 summarizes some important considerations in choosing between the various response strategies. While all of the response strategies are available for use in Web questionnaires, there are slightly different layout options for response in Web surveys.

19 Multiple Rating List Scale
Summary of Scale Types Type Restrictions Scale Items Data Type Rating Scales 評等量表 Numerical Scale Needs concepts with standardized meanings; Needs number anchors of the scale or end-points Score is a measurement of graphical space One or many Ordinal or Interval Multiple Rating List Scale Needs words that are opposites to anchor the end-points on the verbal scale Up to 10 Ordinal Fixed Sum Scale Participant needs ability to calculate total to some fixed number, often 100. Two or more Interval or Ratio Exhibit 13-7 summarizes some important considerations in choosing between the various response strategies. While all of the response strategies are available for use in Web questionnaires, there are slightly different layout options for response in Web surveys.

20 Summary of Scale Types Type Restrictions Scale Items Data Type Rating Scales 評等量表 Stapel Scale Needs verbal labels that are operationally defined or standard. One or more Ordinal or Interval Graphic Rating Scale Needs visual images that can be interpreted as positive or negative anchors Score is a measurement of graphical space from one anchor. Ordinal (Interval, or Ratio) Exhibit 13-7 summarizes some important considerations in choosing between the various response strategies. While all of the response strategies are available for use in Web questionnaires, there are slightly different layout options for response in Web surveys.

21 Paired Comparison Scale
Summary of Scale Types Type Restrictions Scale Items Data Type Ranking Scales 排序量表 Paired Comparison Scale Number is controlled by participant’s stamina and interest. Up to 10 Ordinal Forced Ranking Scale Needs mutually exclusive choices. Ordinal or Interval Comparative Scale Can use verbal or graphical scale. Exhibit 13-7 summarizes some important considerations in choosing between the various response strategies. While all of the response strategies are available for use in Web questionnaires, there are slightly different layout options for response in Web surveys. Exhibit 13-6, starting on the next slide, illustrates these layout options.

22 Internet Survey Scale Options
Exhibit 13-6 ( 1 of 3)

23 Internet Survey Scale Options
Exhibit 13-6 ( 2 of 3)

24 Internet Survey Scale Options
Exhibit 13-6 ( 3 of 3)

25 Flowchart for Instrument Design Phase 3
As depicted in Exhibit 13-9, instrument design is a multistep process. Develop the participant-screening process along with the introduction. A screen question is a question to qualify the participant’s knowledge about the target questions of interest or experience necessary to participate. Arrange the measurement question sequence: Identify groups of target questions by topic Establish a logical sequence for the question groups and questions within groups Develop transitions between these question groups. Prepare and insert instructions including termination instructions, skip directions, and probes. Create and insert a conclusion, including a survey disposition statement. Pretest specific questions and the instrument as a whole.

26 Flowchart for Instrument Design Phase 3
Develop the participant-screening process Arrange the measurement question sequence A. Identify groups of target question by topic. 塞選受測對象 投票 年滿20、身分學生 管理學院等…. 安排問題順序 依照主題放置不同群組 問題內容建立一個有邏輯的順序 問題之間的轉折方式

27 產品滿意度 服務滿意度 產品主題

28 Flowchart for Instrument Design Phase 3
Develop the participant-screening process Arrange the measurement question sequence A. Identify groups of target question by topic. B. Establish a logical sequence for the question groups and questions within groups. C. Develop transitions between these questions groups. 塞選受測對象 安排問題順序 依照主題放置不同群組 問題內容建立一個有邏輯的順序 問題之間的轉折方式

29 產品滿意度 1 2 3 服務滿意度 產品主題

30 Flowchart for Instrument Design Phase 3
Prepare and insert instructions for the interviewer Create and insert a conclusion Pretest specific questions and the instrument as a whole 簡單帶過 下指示給受訪者 Termination instruction ,skip directions ,probes for the participant 終止 或 跳題 形成並寫入結論 A survey disposition statement. 確認問卷或問題 是否還需要修正 Pretest specific questions and the instrument as a whole 必須完整的測試 因為接下來就要實發問卷/問題

31 Introduction Phone/personal interview. 你好 請問 我們可以與OOO先生進行訪談嗎 Online
Often delivered via 你好xxx先生/小姐我們是OO公司,您OO時間購買本公 司產品,想請問您有關您對這次服務的看法

32 Introduction Transition 接下來是針對OO主題的問題 Instructions for … Terminating
Skip to .. Participant discontinuation Transition 接下來是針對OO主題的問題 Instructions for … 終止 跳題 Participant discontinuation 下次預約時間 或者拒絕受訪 Skip directions

33 Introduction Disposition instructions Mail & E-mail reply Conclusion
Self-administered 回覆指示 回郵 或者 Conclusion 最後的意見或者其他想法 Self-administered 自由填答

34 Measurement Question Sequencing
Awaken Interest and Motivation Sensitive and Ego-Involving Information Simple to Complex General to Specific Question Groups and Transitions 引發興趣與動機 要找具有吸引力且不具爭議性的題目 目的是引發受測者的興趣動機 越有吸引力越好 敏感涉及自我的資訊 由簡而繁 一般到特殊 問題的群組與轉折


36 Maximum Online Survey Length Prior to Abandonment

37 Instruction Terminating an unqualified participant
Terminating a discontinued interview Moving between questions on an instrument Disposing of a completed questionnaire Conclusion Terminating an unqualified participant終止不合格的受測者 答非所問 Terminating a discontinued interview 停止無法繼續下去的訪問 受測者不願繼續受訪 Moving between questions on an instrument 調查工具之間移動(跳題) Disposing of a completed questionnaire 填完問卷後的指示 交付 回復 Conclusion 結論 表達感謝

38 Overcoming Instrument Problems
Build Rapport with the Participant Redesign the Question Process Explore Alternative Response Strategies Use methods other than surveying to secure the data 克服工具上的問題 建立良好的關係 重新設計問題的處理方式 探索其他的策略

39 The Value of Pretesting
Discovering ways to increase participant interest. Increasing the likelihood that participants will remain engaged to the completion of the survey. Discovering question content, wording, and sequencing problems. 尋找可以增加受測者興趣的方式 (獎品 抽獎) 增加受測者可以完成調查的可能性 (減少問卷的問題數量 問題的字數) 措辭以及排序問題 培訓研究者去探討主題的問題 探討如何去提高數據的品質

40 The Value of Pretesting
Discovering target question groups where researcher training is needed. Exploring ways to improve the overall quality of survey data. 尋找可以增加受測者興趣的方式 (獎品 抽獎) 增加受測者可以完成調查的可能性 (減少問卷的問題數量 問題的字數) 措辭以及排序問題 培訓研究者去探討主題的問題( 發現研究者必須加強的問題 或群組) 探討如何去提高數據的品質

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