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Low Cost Wearable Monitoring System (Advisor Dr.Assim Sagahyroon ) By: Ali Hazem Umair

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Presentation on theme: "Low Cost Wearable Monitoring System (Advisor Dr.Assim Sagahyroon ) By: Ali Hazem Umair"— Presentation transcript:

1 Low Cost Wearable Monitoring System (Advisor Dr.Assim Sagahyroon ) By: Ali Ghazy(@6801) Hazem Rady(@5545) Umair Suleman(@6271)

2 Introduction: This project is related to an emerging area of applied research called wearable computers. This product will monitor the patients condition, and send information wirelessly to the doctor’s cell phone, and at the same time update the hospital database via SMS, in case of an emergency, or periodically.

3 Advantages: patients can benefit from continuous monitoring as a part of a diagnostic procedure, optimal maintenance of a chronic condition or during supervised recovery from an acute event or surgical procedure. Continuous monitoring with early detection likely has the potential to provide patients with an increased level of confidence Ambulatory monitoring will allow patients to engage in normal activities of daily life, rather than staying at home or close to specialized medical services.

4 Objective: Design, implement, and test a wearable healthcare monitoring system. Design must be light, wearable, and consumes power efficiently, and most importantly, low cost.

5 Examples



8 System Block Diagram


10 Major components: Sensors (Heart, Temp., and Pressure). Micro-controllers. Power. Bluetooth. Cell phone.

11 Sensors-Temperature These sensors are required to measure the body temperature of the patient. A high resolution is required as accurate results are preferred. The location of these sensors will most probably be under the arm pits, as we feel that is the most accurate place to measure the temperature.

12 Sensors-Heart: This sensor is a belt that is strapped around the chest of the patient, and monitors his heart beat. Then through a transmitter, it transmits the information to the microcontroller.

13 Sensors-Blood Pressure This will be an arm cuff monitor, that will periodically measure the pressure of the patient, and send this information to the micro-controller.

14 Microcontroller: Responsible for taking the inputs from the sensors, and make decisions regarding whether the GSM modem will need to send an SMS message to the doctor/nurse, or not. An important issue with the microcontroller, is the size and power consumption. It should be small, light so that it is not a burden on the wearer, and it should be able to be interfaced with the different sensors, and at the same time consume low power.

15 Microcontroller-Decision making: Programming using hard limits, i.e. we place fixed values that we consider critical values into the microcontroller, and compare these values with the inputs we are receiving. If the microcontroller feels that the situation is dangerous, it will send an SMS to the doctor’s cell phone through the GSM modem.

16 Microcontroller operation flowchart


18 Microcontroller (Pressure sensor)


20 Microcontroller (Heart beat sensor)


22 Microcontroller (Temperature sensor)


24 Power Achieving this system leads for patient’s freedom and online 24/7 monitoring of his or her health. So our main goal is to keep our system as alive as possible so that we can keep the patient in care. This relies on the power supply mechanism. It should be efficient enough for overcoming the barriers and to give confidence in its patients and doctors.

25 Power Recharged By

26 Bluetooth Mobility Flexible (Like headsets) Cost-Cheap Scalable

27 Cell phone Why use Cell phones over GSM/GPRS modems? Price-Cheaper Size-Smaller Future Enhancements – GPS upgradeability

28 Cost Analysis Microcontroller Mini DRAGON 356 (Trial) / Dragonfly 135(Final) Bluetooth dongle92 Power (Battery)268 Sensors459 Cell Phone1000-2000 Total:1954-2954

29 References /IEEE Spectrum, December 2004 /Cell phone /Bluetooth Dongle /Bluetooth Advantages /Batteries /Temperature Sensor /Heart Sensor / Pressure Sensor /Microcontroller

30 THANK YOU Any Questions?

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