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Presentation on theme: "THE NEW AND IMPROVED BPR/NCC"— Presentation transcript:

Patty Linduska, Director of TA: Alaska Primary Care Association

2 Agenda Overview Due Dates and Timetables Changes
Submission Process and Requirements Program Narrative Update Important Facts

3 Overview The BPR provides an update on the progress of Health Center Programs who do NOT have a project period end date in FY 2014. Please Note: A Health Center Program grantee whose project period ends in FY 2014 must complete a Service Area Competition application instead of a BPR.

4 Overview The BPR must be submitted in the HRSA Electronic Handbook (EHB). Grantees will be given access 6 weeks prior to the submission deadline. Information on how to complete this can be found at tinuation .

5 Due Dates and Times

6 Comparison Chart: vs 2014 Double Click Above For Comparison Chart

7 Changes Overall Streamlining
The BPR has been streamlined as part of an overall update to BPHC’s program oversight plan. 3 year project plans The BPR will provide an annual progress report on a health center’s performance as well as a status update on any recent supplemental funding.

8 New Program Oversight Approach
Technical assistance and support throughout the project period

9 Changes to the Content EHB User Interface Attachments and Forms
Information icons are available for accessing directions while completing the forms. Attachments and Forms 1 Attachment: budget narrative/justification 4 Forms: 2 new ones and 2 standard forms The Program Narrative Update will be provided directly in EHB

10 Submission Requirements
SF-PPR and SF-PPR-2 Budget Details Budget Narrative Attachment Program Specific Forms Federal Object Class Categories Form 2: Staffing Profile Form 3: Income Analysis Program Narrative Update

11 Submission Process Incomplete or non-responsive progress reports will be returned through a Request Change notification. Failure to submit the BPR by the deadline or submission of an incomplete or non- responsive progress report may result in a delay in Notice of Award issuance or a lapse in funding.

12 Budget Presentation The Budget Information: Budget Details form is the NCC equivalent of the SF-424A. It provides a breakdown of funding for the upcoming budget period by funding type. The total budget value will appear at the top of the Budget Information: Budget Details form. Outreach and Enrollment supplements will not be included in the FY 2014 BPR. HRSA funding may not be used to pay the salary of an individual at a rate in excess of $179,700.

13 Budget Presentation The Federal Object Class Categories form corresponds to Section B of the Budget Information: Budget Details form. The budget narrative should: Be broken down by federal and non-federal. Include a line-item budget and any narrative required to explain costs. Provide information to show that costs are reasonable and necessary. Demonstrate adherence to the $179,900 salary limitation.

14 Federal Object Class Categories Form

15 Sample Budget Narrative
Double Click Above For Sample Budget Narrative

16 Standard Form Revisions
Form 2: Staffing Profile has been updated with a column to report staff expenses to be supported by the H80 grant. Form 3: Income Analysis has been revised to simplify the reporting of projected income.

17 Form 3

18 Program Narrative Update
The Program Narrative Update is now a structured form in the EHB. Each narrative is limited to 3,000 characters. Grantees will describe FY 2013 progress and any predicted changes for the FY budget period in the following areas: Environment Organizational Capacity Patient Capacity Supplemental Awards Clinical and Financial Performance Measures

19 Program Narrative Update
1. Environment Describe broad changes that have impacted the project over the past year. 2. Organization Capacity Discuss major changes in the organization’s capacity over the past year that have impacted the implementation of the funded project. 3. Patient Capacity Discuss the trend of unduplicated patients and progress in reaching the projected number of patients. Region, state, community. 1. eg. Changing demographics, changes in providers, ACA implemenation. 2. Staffing, sites, systems, financial, clinical, management systems

20 Program Narrative Update
3. Patient Capacity Continued Explain significant changes in patient numbers and discuss progress toward reaching projected patient goals. Include: Total Unduplicated Patients Total Migratory and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Patients Total people Experiencing Homelessness Patients Total Public Housing Resident Patients

21 Q3: Patient Capacity – EHB Example

22 Program Narrative Update
4. Supplemental Awards Discuss progress made in implementing recent supplemental Health Center Program awards. Describe progress toward goals; key factors impacting progress; and plans for sustaining progress and/or overcoming barriers. FY 2012 Quality Improvement Supplement FY 2012/FY 2013 HIV Supplement FY 2013 Outreach and Enrollment FY 2012 New Access Point Satellite Grant FY 2013 New Access Point Satellite Grant

23 Q4: Supplemental Awards – EHB Example

24 Program Narrative Update
5. Clinical Financial Performance Measures Discuss the trends in performance measures. Explain significant changes and discuss progress toward reaching the projected goals. Perinatal Health Preventive Health Screenings and Services Chronic Disease Management Financial Measures Other Measures

25 Q5: Performance Measures- EHB Example

26 Program Narrative Update
If pre-populated data is not accurate, provide accurate data and an explanation in the corresponding narrative field. If data does not pre-populate or is not available, the system will allow data to be provided in the appropriate field. If clinical performance measures were not provided in the past, grantees must provide a projection by the end of the project period.

27 Program Narrative Update
Previous applications/submissions are available or reference; see the BPR EHB Guide for instructions. Current state and national comparison data is available for performance measures comparison purposes ( stics/datacomparisons.html).

28 General Information The BPR must not exceed 40 pages when printed by HRSA (approximately 5 MB). Submit single-spaced narrative documents with 12-point, easily readable font (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial, Courier) and 1-inch margins. Smaller font (no less than 10-point) may be used for tables, charts, and footnotes.

29 General Information Grantees are reminded that failure to include all required documents and information will result in the progress report being considered incomplete or non- responsive. Incomplete or non-responsive progress reports will be returned to the grantee through a “request change” notification via EHB to provide missing documentation or clarify a portion of the submitted report.

30 General Information Failure to submit the BPR by the established deadline or submission of an incomplete or non-responsive progress report may result in a delay in Notice of Award issuance or a lapse in funding. Therefore, it is recommended that grantees carefully review their BPR to ensure it is both complete and responsive prior to submission.

31 BPR Instructions Double click above For the BPR Guidance

32 Templates In the process of converting the sample Budget Narrative and Income Analysis Form into an Excel Spreadsheet with formulas. These will be available on the Forum within the week. Double click above Narrative Template in PDF format Word format on the Forum

33 QUESTIONS? Double click above For Resource Links


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