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TLS Office Presented by: Brodie Mulholland Total Legal Solutions Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "TLS Office Presented by: Brodie Mulholland Total Legal Solutions Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 TLS Office Presented by: Brodie Mulholland Total Legal Solutions Ltd.

2 Is a system that keeps track of your firm contacts, files, time and accounting data Uses that information to automatically generate hundreds of complicated documents, create bills and do your legal and trust accounting Resulting in: –Significant time saving –Simplification of procedures –Cost reduction –Increased firm profitability TLS Office:

3 TLS stands for “Total Legal Solutions”: Sounds a little boastful, but as you will see, there isn’t another easy way to describe it because it is designed to combine most firm management, accounting and document generation tasks into one What makes TLS unique: –Enter information only once and you know it is correct –Makes use of Microsoft Office software with which you are already familiar and for which there is an abundance of reasonably priced training – no “re-inventing the wheel” –Designed specifically for the BC practitioner –Documents automatically saved to your file for easy access –It really does integrate with other software –Colour coding of boxes for easy data entry TLS Office:

4 “My experience from over 20 years of private practice is that a firm’s greatest single cost component is time – whether lawyers or staff” As a result, any significant reduction in that time means large cost savings and increased profitability The proof is in the practice – “I have used TLS in my own practice for the last two years without requiring any support staff” TLS Office:

5 Navigating through this Presentation Click the “Home” button to return to the main menu at any time Last Slide Go to start of Presentation Next Slide Go to end of Presentation Except when you reach a Table of Contents page (example shown on the next slide), the presentation will advance to the next slide automatically after a few seconds. Instead you may use the buttons shown to take the described action Click this now to advance to the next slide

6 TLS Office Select Demo to View: Contacts & Files Online Corporate Conveyancing Civil Litigation Enquiry Screen Legal Accounting Trust Accounting Document Management Below is the main menu reached by clicking the “Home” button. This is a Table of Contents page containing links to different parts of this Presentation. To view a part, click on the name. Click this now to advance to the next slide

7 TLS Office Select Demo to View: Contacts & Files Online Corporate Conveyancing Civil Litigation Enquiry Screen Legal Accounting Trust Accounting Document Management

8 TLS Office Contacts and Files These are the basic building blocks in TLS

9 TLS Office Conflict Search Of course, the first step when opening a file is to ensure the firm has no conflict.

10 Simply enter the first few letters of the name of the person or entity

11 If a person or entity is detected by TLS, it will appear in one of the following 4 categories




15 No conflict - the other party though has been on the other side of litigation with the firm

16 TLS Office Create New: Contact/Entity File in TLS

17 Enter basic contact information - name, address, telephone and email. Also easily copy contact information from an entity already in TLS

18 Select the Entity Type

19 If a Client, enter Client Number and select the billing lawyer

20 Now to open the File

21 Select or enter the usual information required to create a new File.

22 Most is available from easy to use dropdown menus which saves time and reduces errors.

23 Enter basic accounting information for the File.

24 Select what taxes apply, interest rates, reminders and Statements. You may leave as the Firm default or customize for this File

25 Create a subfolder – in this case “Pleadings” in which to store those documents.

26 View the subfolder document area in Window Explorer with a mouse click.

27 Here is the document folder and subfolder for the File in Windows Explorer.

28 TLS Office Return to Main Menu Replay Contacts & Files demo

29 TLS Office Online

30 TLS Office BC Online Here’s how to quickly connect to BC Online and login using TLS

31 Open the BC Online form

32 Open BC Online

33 BC Online opens in your Web Browser and the BC Online Helper floats over the top of the Web Page. Simply click the appropriate button to enter the information directly into the Web Page!

34 TLS Office Corporate Online (COLIN) Here’s how to quickly connect to Corporate Online and login using TLS


36 Open Corporate Online

37 Corporate Online opens in your Web Browser and the BC Online Helper floats over the top of the Web Page.

38 Again, simply click the appropriate button to enter the information directly into the Web Page!

39 Enter the Corporation Password – TLS creates a randomly generated 15 number password which it remembers for you.

40 TLS Office Return to Main Menu Replay Online demo

41 TLS Office Conveyancing

42 TLS Office Conveyancing Purchase & Mortgage Sale Return to Main Menu

43 TLS Office Purchase and Mortgage We will walk through some of the steps for creating a new purchase and mortgage file and the associated documents.

44 Let’s suppose the Purchaser is already a Client, but the seller is new to TLS.

45 Enter the Seller’s full name and contact information

46 Now create the File.

47 Select or enter the basic File information.

48 … and File specific billing and accounting information.

49 Create a subfolder to store documents, if you wish. Next we enter conveyance info.

50 The File and LTO are selected

51 The parties and their law firms and lawyers are selected




55 When the party is a Mortgagee, if there is not a Form B address in TLS

56 … this Form appears requesting one

57 You may copy information from another contact

58 Also, when the party is a Mortgagee, mortgage details may be entered

59 Enter more details for the conveyance

60 Just enter what you have available at the time. It’s easy to go back to add more or to edit.

61 Create a draft Bill by entering the Fee

62 … and selecting the Disbursements

63 Enter info about Realtor commissions, amounts owing and holdbacks. View a File Checklist

64 Check the applicable items

65 Now let’s create some documents

66 This is the document print form. Simply check those you wish to create and click

67 The selected documents are automatically created with all information inserted. The property tax information request.

68 Form A Transfer

69 Property Transfer Tax Return

70 Form B Mortgage

71 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Standard Mortgage Terms

72 Authority for Disbursement of Mortgage Funds

73 Letter to Vendor’s lawyer with documents. Undertakings vary depending upon the information entered in TLS for the File.

74 Vendor GST Certificate

75 Notes to the Purchaser’s Statement of Adjustments

76 Notes to the Vendor’s Statement of Adjustments

77 Draft Bill

78 All documents are created in Microsoft Word

79 … and stored in the File document area

80 The Statements of Adjustments are created in Excel and have provision to make additional entries and last minute changes.

81 Vendor’s Statement

82 Purchaser’s Statement

83 In/Out Statement

84 TLS Office Main Menu Conveyancing Menu Replay Purchase & Mortgage demo

85 TLS Office Sale We will walk through some of the steps for creating a sale file and the associated documents.

86 Create the File.

87 Enter the File information. Then conveyancing details…

88 … and add the parties

89 and their law firms and lawyers




93 More conveyancing details…

94 Create a draft Bill by entering the Fee.

95 Select the Disbursements to Bill.

96 View the Checklist.

97 Check the applicable items.

98 If you wish, create a subfolder to store the documents. Then click the Create button.

99 Select the documents to be created on the Vendor’s Documents Print Form, then click.

100 Draft Bill.

101 Letter to Purchaser’s lawyer returning documents. Undertakings change depending upon information entered in TLS.

102 Letter with Mortgage Payout.

103 All are created as Microsoft Word Documents.

104 … and stored in the File document folder in Windows Explorer.

105 The Direction to Pay and In/Out Statement are created in Excel and have provision to make additional entries and last minute changes.

106 In/Out Statement.

107 TLS Office Main Menu Conveyancing Menu Replay Sale demo

108 TLS Office Civil Litigation

109 Create the File

110 Select the File

111 Enter information about the action or proceeding

112 Select the parties and their law firms and lawyers.

113 Update lists of parties to use for Style of Cause

114 Now let’s create some documents.

115 Select the action type. Create a new subfolder to store the documents if you wish.

116 This is the Litigation Print Form. View (and, if you wish, edit) the Style of Cause.


118 Select the type of originating process.

119 Click Create and View Writ … button

120 … and the originating process with parties and law firm information inserted is created.

121 You may also create the other BC Supreme Court forms. Select the form

122 Click the Create and View Other Documents button

123 … and the Form (in this case an Affidavit) is created.

124 The documents are all created in Microsoft Word

125 … and stored in the File document folder

126 TLS Office Return to Main Menu Replay Civil Litigation demo

127 TLS Office Enquiry Screen The Enquiry Screen is the page which you will use most often

128 Select the File simply by typing in the first few letters of the name.

129 Create/access File Notes for you for this File

130 A Microsoft Word document is created and stored in the File document area.

131 Make a quick time entry for the File

132 Each lawyer and staff may have a default hourly rate for each area of practice. The applicable rate is selected (or you select another). Insert your time description.

133 Enter your time. A time sheet for the day is displayed – you may edit the entries from here. Also, a summary for the day is displayed.

134 Or you may use a more detailed timesheet with a timer

135 First start the clock. You may select preset time descriptions or type in your own.

136 Selecting additional time descriptions adds them to those already there.

137 You may use the timer simultaneously for as many files at a time as you wish. You may stop and restart and TLS keeps a running total for the File.

138 Once stopped, the accumulated time is entered, rounded to the nearest tenth of an hour

139 To create a letter on the File, click the Letter, Fax or Email button

140 The default recipient is the Client. You may also select from other contacts on the File (e.g. the other lawyer) or from any contact in TLS. A default, common sense, name for the letter is suggested with a date stamp at the end to ensure that you do not overwrite an existing document. You may change this to a different name if you wish.

141 After checking Create, the letter is created. Click View to open it.

142 The letter with information inserted is created and stored in the File’s document folder.

143 To view this letter and any documents for this File, simply click the Document Area button.

144 This opens Windows Explorer in the File’s document area.

145 To view WIP Time, Disbursements and Trust, click the WIP & Trust button

146 Click the different tabs to view a chronological list of WIP & Trust and to view the Fee Allocation among lawyers and staff for the File

147 Click the Client Bill Status button

148 … to view a chronological list of all bills, payments and adjustments for this Client

149 Click the Contact Info button to view

150 Contact information for the various contacts on this File


152 To send an email, click the Letter, Fax or Email button

153 Select to whom you wish the email sent, click the Email button

154 … and an email is automatically created. Enter the text and any attachments, click send and the email is sent and stored in Outlook.

155 You may create/access an email folder in Outlook containing only email for this File simply by clicking the Email Folder button.

156 We stored the email just sent in the Outlook email folder for this File

157 Open Outlook To keep your Outlook Contacts current, when you open Outlook

158 … the above pop up form appears. Select Yes to update your contacts.

159 TLS Office Return to Main Menu Replay Enquiry Screen demo

160 TLS Office Document Management – TLS Docs

161 First we will add a document from a File to TLS Docs

162 Select the folder or subfolder containing the document.

163 Click the Enter New TLS Doc … button

164 Enter/select the document name, type and key words in the various categories. You may create labels for the documents and print them by clicking View Docs Labels Print List

165 The Print Document Labels List displays. If you have selected the wrong document, you may change it here

166 To view the document, click Open Document

167 The document opens

168 To find a document previously entered in TLS Docs

169 You may narrow your search to the categories shown Or search All. Click the search button

170 Enter your search criteria. Click Find Next.

171 All documents with the selected criteria will be displayed. To view the document, click the View Document button.

172 The document is automatically opened.

173 TLS Office Return to Main Menu Replay Document Management demo

174 TLS Office Trust Accounting

175 Create a new Trust Account for a File

176 Select the File for which the Trust Account is to be created.

177 Select from an existing pooled trust bank account, interest bearing or enter a new trust bank account.

178 Deposit to Trust Account

179 Select and enter details

180 After recording all receipts, create a Deposit Register for each Trust Bank Account where you are making a deposit

181 Select entries from the drop down choices, update the deposit and click Print Register

182 The Register is created and opened. Click Print.

183 Cheque to Pay Bill from Trust

184 Create a Cheque Register and select Files and Payees for Trust Cheques. Select the form of Cheque to print. Click Print Register

185 The Cheques are created, ready to print.


187 Print the Register.

188 The Register containing the Cheque details is created and ready to print.

189 Trust Reconciliation

190 Select the Trust Bank Account to be reconciled. Enter the Statement Date and Balance. Selected the cleared cheques and deposits from the Statement. Once in balance, print the Reconciliation Report

191 The detailed Trust Reconciliation Report, showing all uncleared cheques and deposits, is displayed, ready to print.


193 Trust Reports

194 Select the date range for which you wish to create the Trust Reports. These may be created giving details by File



197 … or by Bank Account



200 TLS Office Main Menu Replay Trust Accounting demo

201 TLS Office Disbursements, Billing and Legal Accounting

202 TLS Office Disbursements, Billing and Legal Accounting Disbursements Billing Cheques and Bank Accounts Reports Return to Main Menu

203 TLS Office Disbursements

204 Regular Disbursements – Select Preset

205 Check Disbursements and, if you wish, select a File to enter several Disbursements. Then select a Preset Disbursement. Preset Disbursements are simple to create.

206 After selecting the Preset Disbursement, the amount, description, Vendor, GST and PST are automatically entered – you may amend any of these if you wish

207 The default offsetting double entry book keeping account is displayed or select another

208 Regular Disbursements – Several for the same Vendor

209 Check Several for same Vendor, enter the total amount of the invoice, and select the Vendor

210 Select the File or GL Account

211 Select/enter the details. Click Enter

212 The Disbursement is added to the list. Select another File or GL Account.

213 Select/enter the details. Click Enter

214 Continue until all Disbursements for this invoice have been entered. Click Enter & Close

215 What if Amounts don’t Match? Return to the Disbursement Entry Form

216 Select the Disbursement to be edited

217 Change the amount

218 Disbursements – Edit

219 Choose the record to be edited. You may narrow your search by selecting the person who entered it, the date or the File or GL Account

220 Select the record to be edited

221 Make the changes

222 TLS Office Main Menu Disbursements, Billing and Legal Accounting Menu Replay Disbursements demo

223 TLS Office Billing There are several types of Bills – we will look at Variable (Time Description) and Fixed

224 TLS Office Billing - Variable


226 Select the File to bill

227 Select the Bill Type

228 … Time Description and enter a name for the Bill

229 Select Time and Disbursements to Bill

230 Enter adjustments to the WIP Time and Disbursements to be billed. Click Enter Fee Allocation.

231 Fee Allocation default is based on recorded time. Adjust this by entering the % Fee.

232 The Bill has been created and posted. Now let’s select the Bill Format and print the Bill.

233 Click Create Bill to open the Bill Print Form

234 Select the type of Bill Format, edit the suggested name of the Bill if you wish, and click to create the Bill

235 The Bill showing the Time Entries and Disbursements is created as a Microsoft Word document.

236 … and stored in

237 … the File Document area

238 TLS Office Billing - Fixed


240 Select the Files and Fixed Bill Types

241 Click View Bills

242 Select the Bills you wish to print and click View Bill.

243 The selected Bills are displayed


245 Print Address Labels for the printed Bills


247 TLS Office Main Menu Disbursements, Billing and Legal Accounting Menu Replay Billing demo

248 TLS Office Cheques and Bank Accounts

249 Write Cheques

250 Select whether to create a new Register or open an Existing or Closed Register

251 Choose whether the Cheques are for Disbursements or Firm Expenses, are to pay for existing or new items and select the Account

252 Select the Payee. The next cheque number is automatically selected – change if you wish. Enter the amount

253 Enter a reference

254 Select the Expenses that compose this cheque

255 The Expense details are listed and totals displayed

256 Now to print the cheques. Select the print style

257 The Payee, amount and details are printed

258 … for each cheque

259 Print the Cheque Register

260 Full details are printed for each cheque

261 Deposits & Bill Payments

262 Select from the dropdown list the Bill that has been paid

263 The details are inserted – change the amount paid if necessary

264 Select/enter all other payments

265 Create a Deposit Register to record the deposit of Payments – select the Bank Account

266 Select the Payments to be deposited to this Bank Account from the dropdown list of un-deposited Payments

267 After selecting all Payments, print the Register

268 Details of these Payments are printed

269 Bank Reconciliation

270 Select the Bank Account to be Reconciled

271 Enter the Statement Date and Balance

272 Select the Cheques and Deposits that have cleared and once balanced, print the Reconciliation Report

273 … showing un-cleared items and the reconciled amount

274 TLS Office Main Menu Disbursements, Billing and Legal Accounting Menu Replay Cheques & Bank Accounts demo

275 TLS Office Reports – a few examples

276 Unbilled (or WIP) Time




280 Prebilling Reports

281 Select Files


283 Accounts Receivable




287 Bills and Revenue Reports

288 Select a date range and Report


290 Select another Report


292 … or another Report


294 GST and PST Reports

295 Enter the date range

296 Input tax credits and GST bill amounts are shown on the Report

297 Create the PST Report

298 Details of PST charged are listed

299 TLS Office Main Menu Disbursements, Billing and Legal Accounting Menu Replay Reports demo

300 TLS Office Corporate

301 TLS Office Corporate Incorporation Corporate Information Annual Reports & Resolutions Extraprovincial & Societies Alterations Change Offices Change Directors Dividends Share Redemptions Transition Return to Main Menu

302 TLS Office BC Incorporation

303 Enter the New Corporation as an Entity

304 Select/enter contact information. Copy from existing Client.


306 Enter Corporate Information

307 Select the Corporation

308 Select the type of corporation and enter its corporate details




312 Entering the Registered and Records Office Mailing and Delivery Addresses – you have the choice ranging from all the same to all different. Existing address may be simply copied

313 Add the Share Structure

314 All Corporate Share Structures in TLS are listed. Select the one closest to that you wish to create and copy it.

315 Select the New Corporation and paste the copied share structure. You may edit it if you wish


317 Select Directors and Officers

318 Edit Director/Officer Addresses

319 Select/enter Delivery and Mailing Addresses


321 Enter shares to be issued

322 Enter number to be issued, select class and shareholders. Next enter incorporation specific information.

323 Select the Incorporator

324 Select/enter Incorporator Mailing and Delivery Addresses

325 Select the Completing Party

326 Select/enter Completing Party Mailing and Delivery Addresses

327 Create a subfolder to store these documents, if you wish. Select which Special Rights or Restrictions to use from listed Precedents. Click View to check them.

328 Precedent Special Rights or Restrictions

329 Let’s create the other Incorporation Documents

330 This is the Incorporation Print form. Select from the documents you wish to create.

331 Share Certificates

332 Incorporation Reporting Letter

333 These documents are automatically created in Microsoft Word and stored in the File Document area.


335 Now open Corporate Online to file the Incorporation

336 The Corporate Online Form Helper floats over the Web Page. Select Incorp

337 Click the various buttons to insert the information directly into the Corporate Online Web Page Forms






343 … including the Director information




347 … and the Share Structure Information



350 TLS Office Main Menu Corporate Menu Replay BC Incorporation demo

351 TLS Office Corporate Information

352 To update or add information,

353 open the Corporate Information Form and select the Corporation

354 In this case, update information now that this Company has been incorporated – incorporation number …

355 Annual reference date for Annual Reports and Resolutions

356 and for shares,

357 … the incorporation date as the date of issuance

358 TLS Office Main Menu Corporate Menu Replay Corporate Information demo

359 TLS Office Extraprovincial & Societies

360 Extraprovincial Annual Reports

361 Select the corporation and the documents you wish to create, select Print, if you wish to automatically print them, then click Create …

362 … and the letter with all information inserted and

363 … Memorandum confirming information are created in Word and automatically stored in …

364 … in the File Document Area under a subfolder name “BC AR Docs” and the year

365 To enter file an Extraprovincial Annual Report, open Corporate Online

366 Select the Corporate Online Extraprovincial Helper and click the appropriate button to enter information directly onto the Corporate Online Web Page

367 … and click to enter other information

368 BC Society Annual Reports

369 Select the Society and click Create Documents

370 Select the documents to create and click View…

371 … and the documents are created in Word


373 TLS Office Main Menu Corporate Menu Replay Extraprovincial & Societies demo

374 TLS Office Annual Reports & Resolutions


376 To select which Corporations to view and work with, you may choose only BC Companies, Extraprovincial, by Annual Report Month date or a custom selection

377 … or select a period by Annual Report date. Click the “+” to record

378 … information as to dates documents sent, received, filed and to keep notes.

379 You may automatically print any of the selected document for all of the listed Corporations.

380 The Documents are also created as Microsoft Word documents and stored in the File Document area. To view them, click GoTo as shown above

381 … and Windows Explorer will open. A subfolder with the name “AR Docs” and the year is automatically created.

382 You may also print envelopes for the selected Corporations



385 … or Address Labels


387 Click Details to view Online filing information

388 To file the Annual Report, click Open

389 The Corporate Online Web Page opens and the BC AR Helper floats over it, allowing for easy entry of information directly into the Web Page.



392 To create reminder letters for Annual Resolution sent before a certain date but not returned, select the date and click Create

393 TLS Office Main Menu Corporate Menu Replay Annual Reports and Resolutions

394 TLS Office Corporate Alterations – steps are similar to BC Incorporation: BC Incorporation Return to Corporate Menu

395 TLS Office Change Offices – steps are similar to BC Incorporation: BC Incorporation Return to Corporate Menu

396 TLS Office Change Directors – steps are similar to BC Incorporation: BC Incorporation Return to Corporate Menu

397 TLS Office Dividends

398 Regular Dividends

399 Select whether you wish to work with an existing or create and new Dividend, select the Company and share class, the dividend recipient(s), where you wish to store the documents, then click Create Documents

400 Select the documents you wish to create, then Click to View Selected Documents

401 … and the selected documents are automatically created

402 … in Word


404 … and stored in

405 … the Document File Area selected

406 Stock Dividends

407 Select whether to create a new or edit an existing Stock Dividend, select the Company, enter dividend particulars, including the date, amount, share class declared on and class which is the stock dividend, select where you wish to store the documents and click Create Documents

408 Select the documents to be created – you may change the suggested name if you wish – and Click View Selected Documents

409 … and the selected documents are automatically created

410 … in Word



413 … and stored

414 … in the selected Document File Area

415 TLS Office Main Menu Corporate Menu Replay Dividends demo

416 TLS Office Share Redemptions


418 If share redemptions have not already been entered on the Corporate Information Form, Click here to enter Redemption Details

419 Select the Company, the share Redemption tab and select the share certificate whose shares are to be redeemed, and enter whether all or part are being redeemed

420 Select the Company, copy the share redemption details and paste, select where to create and store the documents and click Create Documents

421 Select the documents to be created – change the suggested names if you wish - and Click Here to View Selected Documents

422 … and the selected documents

423 … are automatically created

424 … in Word




428 … and stored in the selected

429 … File Document Area

430 TLS Office Main Menu Corporate Menu Replay Share Redemptions demo

431 TLS Office Transition


433 You may create letters to corporations explaining Transition. Also you may select Companies for which to create Transition Documents. These may be automatically printed by selecting Print.

434 The selected documents are created in Microsoft Word and stored in the File Document area under a TransitionDocs subfolder. Click GoTo

435 … to open Windows Explorer to view/edit the documents.

436 Now to do the Transition filing. Click the Open COLIN button

437 The Colin Web Page opens and the Transition Helper floats over it. Click the appropriate buttons to automatically enter information onto the Web Page form






443 TLS Office Main Menu Corporate Menu Replay Transition demo

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