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Poomsae Seminar USAT Referee Development Program

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1 Poomsae Seminar USAT Referee Development Program
NOTE: Add location and date of seminar in the box provided. Revision PP-DR-1: 3/25/12 Updated to include new information in latest WTF & USAT rules: Change of Division names, change of tie breaker procedure. Revision 4 (1/21/13) Updated divisions and made other changes to bring into line with latest WTF Competition Rules. Revision 5 (1/22/13) Minor edits. Revision 6 (2/14/13) Revision 7 (1/28/14) Revision 8 (3/1/15) Rev. 8, 3/1/15

2 Today’s Schedule 9:00 am – 9:30 am Competition rules – World Poomsae Competition 9:30 am – 10:30 am Scoring system, basic movements 10:30 am – 10:45 am Break 10:45 am – 12:30 pm Poomsae Instruction: Taeguek 4, 5, 6, 7 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch Break 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Poomsae Instruction: Taeguek 8, Koryo, Keumgang, Taebaek (Pyongwon, Sipjin) 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm Practical scoring criteria and scoring mechanics 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm Testing Written (50%) Scoring (40%) Practical (10%)

3 Sport Poomsae is Here! USAT is working to raise the overall level of poomsae competition, and to bring USAT judging better in line with WTF standards. WTF technical criteria apply, even in “traditional” poomsae. Referees need to know the poomsae! (Do you?) USAT Poomsae Seminars will teach technical criteria and how to judge. Poomsae certification must be fully integrated into USAT referee curriculum. Certified Poomsae IRs and poomsae qualified USAT referees will conduct Poomsae Team Trials.

4 Poomsae Judging Proficiency
To become a competent poomsae judge, you have to: Know (not necessarily perform) the correct execution of all basic techniques, moves and stances Know the correct order of techniques for each poomsae Understand the correct timing, rhythm and phrasing of the movements and pooms of each poomsae Independently study all of the above in published texts, videos and online resources

5 Today’s Agenda Competition Rules Methods of Competition
Divisions and Compulsory Poomsae Contest Procedures & Referee Commands Scoring Criteria Accuracy Presentation Scoring Method Score Sheet Freestyle Poomsae

6 Today’s Agenda Scoring Criteria Generalities Basic Motions
Stances (Seogi) Blocks (Makki) Punching (Jireugi) Striking (Chigi) Thrusting (Tzireugi) Kicking (Chagi)

7 Today’s Agenda Poomsae Judges Score Sheet Referee Commands
Score sheet – Accuracy Portion 40% Score sheet – Presentation Portion 60% Score Sheet calculations Scoring Sheet Example Referee Commands Examples of Deductions 0.1 (minor) & 0.3 (major) for Accuracy Proper Range of Presentation Score (0.5 – 2.0 for each category) Gamjeom Penalties Other Deductions

8 Today’s Agenda Poomsae Key Points Taegeuk 4 – 8 Koryo Keumgang Taeback
Pyongwon (Level 2 only) Shipjin (Level 2 only) Jitae (Level 2 only) Chonkwon (Level 2 only) Hansu (Level 2 only)

9 Methods of Competition
1) Single elimination Competitor is eliminated from competition after one loss 2) Round robin Each competitor competes with every other competitor 3) Cut-off Preferred (and most widely used) 4) Combination System: Cut-off + Single elimination Preliminary round to reduce number Elimination system determines final placing

10 Cut-Off Tournament Format
Maximum of three rounds Preliminary round Semi-final round Final round 20 or more competitors, competition starts from preliminary round 9 to 19 competitors, competition starts from semi-final round 8 or fewer competitors, competition starts from final round

11 Cut-Off Tournament Format, cont.
Preliminary round Each contestant performs two assigned forms Scores are totaled Top 50% advance to the semi-final round If an odd number, round up (e.g., with 23 contestants, round up to 24, and 12 contestants advance to semi-final round) Semi-final round 8 contestants advance to the final round Final round Top 4 contestants receive medals

12 Cut-Off Tournament Format, cont.
For each round, poomsae are randomly assigned from the WTF list of Compulsory Poomsae for each division Assignment is done in advance of the competition, and publicized for competitors Order of competitors is randomly determined for the start of the preliminary and semi final rounds The final round order shall be determined by the placement in semi final by lower score to higher score For preliminary round, division may be split into groups, with each group judged by different judges The top four contestants / pairs / teams are awarded prizes Winners determined by points on round-by-round basis 3rd and 4th places receive bronze medals

13 Competition Area Rec: Recorder R: Referee J1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Judge
C1: Competition Area C2: Contestants C3: Standby Area for Contestants and Coach C4: Competition Coordinator 1, 2, 3, 4 Boundary Lines

14 Contest Area Matted section is called the Contest Area 10m x 10m
Exception: Freestyle Mixed Team: 12m x 12m USAT-approved mats only Must provide safe, secure footing for the competitors

15 Duration of Contest Recognized Poomsae Free Style Poomsae
30 – 90 seconds Individual, Pair and Team Free Style Poomsae 60 – 70 seconds Individual, Pair and Mixed Team Waiting time between Poomsae 30 – 60 seconds

16 USAT Poomsae Divisions
Recognized Poomsae Competition Men, women and mixed divisions divided according to age. No specified limitation to Poom or Dan rank for team competition (Refer to Chart for specific divisions)

17 USAT Poomsae Divisions
Shaded cells = official WTF divisions Unshaded cells = USAT divisions

18 Compulsory Poomsae (Black Belts)

19 Compulsory Poomsae (Color Belts)
Team and Pair Competition: Taegeuk 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Jang

20 Referee Duties Referee Judges Document all valid points Declare winner
Issue Gam-jeom Summon judges when needed Judges State their opinions when requested

21 Scoring Criteria Accuracy (4 points) Presentation (6 points)
Accuracy of basic movements Balance Accuracy of details of each Poomsae Presentation (6 points) Speed and power Strength / speed / rhythm Expression of energy

22 Presentation (6.0 Points)
Scoring Criteria Details of Scoring Criteria Points Accuracy (4.0 Points) Accuracy of details of each Poomsae 4.0 Accuracy of basic movements and balance Presentation (6.0 Points) Speed and power 2.0 Strength / speed / rhythm Expression of energy

23 Decision and Declaration of Winner
Final score is the average of the scores for Accuracy plus the average of the scores for Presentation The highest and lowest scores are dropped before calculating the average If using the three judge format, the highest and lowest score will not be dropped Scoreboard shows the score for Accuracy, Presentation and the Total Score Penalties, if any, are deducted from the final score

24 Decision and Declaration of Winner
In any round, the winner is the contestant with the highest total points In case of a tie, the winner is decided based on the presentation score If still tied, the dropped high and low scores are added back in If still tied, a rematch is conducted The rematch consists of one compulsory Poomsae designated by the Referee In case of tie, the highest point total with high and low scores added in shall be the winner

25 Technical Considerations
Low (“arae”) is below the waist Blocks and strikes to this area should start from above the shoulder Middle (“momtong”) is between the waist and the top of the shoulders Blocks and strikes to this area should start from between the eyes and waist. High (“olgul”) is above the shoulders to the top of the head Blocks and strikes to this area should start at or below the waist

26 Technical Considerations
Outside to inside techniques end at the centerline of the body Middle block (inside block) Reverse knife hand strike Inside to outside techniques end at the outer edge of the body Side blocks (outside block) Knife hand guarding block (single or double) Blocks are performed with the blocking hand on the outside Strikes are performed with the striking hand on the inside

27 Technical Considerations
All poomsae begin and end in about the same spot (within one foot’s length) Exception may be made for Keumgang and Jitae Audible breathing or hissing results in a deduction In general, breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth The feet should not move in an inward-to- outward “swinging” motion The head should remain level and not bob up and down between stances

28 Technical Considerations
In stances, the knee is bent to just cover the tip of the toes (from the competitor’s perspective) Kicking is always to a realistic target First choice is to the head — area between the nose and mouth  Second choice is to the body — the solar plexus In some Poomsae, a specific other target is defined; for example: Low side kick in Koryo, or jumping front kicks in Taegeuk 8

29 Technical Considerations
Fists should remain closed (or open) during the entire movement The fist and wrist should be straight — not bent up or down Hands and feet should complete their movements at the same time Transitions between movements should be on the balls of the feet

30 Stances (Seogi) Close Stance (Moa Seogi)
The feet should be touching at both the heels and the toes Both legs are straight

31 Stances (Seogi) Ready Stance or Parallel Stance (Naranhi Seogi)
One “foot” wide The feet are parallel with each other The legs are straight — no bend at the knees

32 Stances (Seogi) Horse Riding Stance (Juchoom Seogi) Two “feet” wide
Feet are parallel with each other Legs are bent — only the end of the toes are visible from the competitor’s eye Weight should be concentrated inwardly and the abdomen should be tightened Upper body should be straight Knees should be in line with the hips and feet 

33 Stances (Seogi) Forward Inflection Walking Stance (Ap Seogi)
Distance from the toe to the heel should be about one foot length The inside edges of the feet should be on the same line (the back may be rotated up to 30˚)

34 Basic Motions Forward Inflection Front Stance (Ap Kubi)
Distance from the toe to the heel should be about two and a half foot lengths Inside edges of the feet should be approximately one fist width wide The back foot may be rotated 30˚ at most Front leg should be bent to be even with the toes of the foot from competitor’s viewpoint Rear leg heel needs to stay on the floor About two-thirds of the weight on the front leg

35 Stances (Seogi) Backward Inflection Stance (Dwit Kubi)
The rear foot should be turned to 90˚ The rear leg should be bent to be even with the toes of the foot when you look down  The distance from the rear foot to the front foot should be two foot lengths About 2/3rds of the weight on the rear leg The rear foot, knee, hip and shoulder should be in the same vertical line

36 Stances (Seogi) Left / Right Stance (Oreun / Wen Seogi)
The rear foot should be turned to 90˚ Both legs remain straight  The distance from the rear foot to the front foot should be one foot length Weight is evenly distributed

37 Stances (Seogi) Back Cross Stance (Dwit Kkoa Seogi)
Front leg 45˚ and carries the weight Ball of foot of the rear leg is about one fist width away from the heel of the front foot

38 Stances (Seogi) Front Cross Stance (Ap Kkoa Seogi)
The rear leg about 30˚ bearing most of the weight Ball of foot of the front leg is about one fist away from the rear leg

39 Stances (Seogi) Tiger Stance (Beom Seogi)
The rear foot is turned about 30˚ The rear foot support all of the weight The rear knee bent to have the knee even with the toes when you look down The front foot is put one foot ahead on the same line with only the ball of the foot touching the ground lightly  Alignment of shoulders depends on hand movements The upper body should almost be straight The knees should be close together

40 Stances (Seogi) Crane Stance (Hakdari Seogi)
The height of the crane stance should be the same as the horse riding stance Rear leg is bent Lifted leg has the inner crook of the foot on the inner crook of the knee Lifted leg is does not have pointed toes The lifted leg should be straight forward

41 Basic Movements

42 Basic Movements

43 Basic Movements

44 Basic Movements

45 Basic Movements

46 Basic Movements

47 Basic Movements

48 Basic Movements

49 Basic Movements

50 Basic Movements

51 Slow Movements - 5 seconds movements

52 Slow Movements - 8 seconds movements

53 Poomsae Score Sheet

54 Poomsae Score Sheet Accuracy is scored as the competitor performs the Poomsae  Presentation criteria are scored after the completion of the Poomsae This is similar to the “old way” — but don’t include accuracy errors, as they have already been penalized

55 Poomsae Score Sheet Accuracy accounts for 40% of the total score
Subtract 0.1 for minor errors Use a slash mark ( / ) to indicate each error “Correct technique performed incorrectly” Bent wrist, sloppy stance, slight imbalance etc. Subtract 0.3 for severe errors Use an “O” to indicate each error Major mistakes in execution No Kiyap, extra Kiyap, extra technique, incorrect technique, looking the wrong direction, not returning to starting point (except Keumgang, Jitae etc.

56 Poomsae Score Sheet Presentation accounts for 60% of the total score
2.0 is perfect, not realistically attainable (so don’t use it) Guideline: Think of 1.4 as an average score for a world class competitor for each category 1.7 – 1.9 Excellent 1.4 – 1.6 Very Good 1.1 – 1.3 Good 0.8 – 1.0 Fair 0.5 – 0.7 Poor  Circle the score for each of the three categories

57 Poomsae Score Sheet Totaling the Score Sheet
You will report two scores to the head table: Your Accuracy score (ranging from 0.0 to 4.0) Your Presentation score (ranging from 1.5 to 5.0) The head table then computes the total score Drops the low and high from each of the two scoring categories (Accuracy and Presentation) Adds the remaining scores in each category together and averages them Adds the scores of both categories to arrive at an overall total for each competitor

58 Poomsae Judges Score Sheet
Totaling the Score Sheet Because each competitor performs two forms, the process is repeated for the second performance Finally, the two total scores for both forms are averaged together for the competitor’s overall score for that round

59 Poomsae Score Sheet Score Sheet Example
There is a blank score sheet in the appendix, and additional copies will be provided for practice Notice that there are two scores to report to the recorder’s table — Accuracy and Presentation The total on the score sheet is for your use only Also note that with this method, you have two opportunities to participate in the scoring process If you are the high or low in either the Accuracy or Presentation, only that portion of your score gets dropped

60 Coordinator Procedure
Commands for 2 Poomsae

61 Examples of Minor Deductions
– 0.1 minor deductions for technical Incorrect angle of feet in stances Poor chamber or recoil of kicks Blocking past midline of body (when midline is the target) Incorrect motion (for correct technique) Slightly poor balance (if it affects the accuracy of the movement) Kicking with wrong part of foot Hand wrapped around elbow strike (fingers should be straight) Incorrect thumb placement

62 Examples of Minor Deductions
– 0.1 minor deductions for technical Incorrect number of motions (dongjak) in one sequence (poom) Stance and hand technique do not finish at the same time Blocking / striking not at the realistic target height (e.g., groin, solar plexus, philtrum) Blocking motion starts on inside of opposite arm rather than outside Striking motion starts from outside of opposite arm rather than inside

63 Examples of 0.1 Deductions
Important! Every minor mistake is a – 0.1 deduction No maximum deduction for the same error Deductions for presentation (what to consider while formulating score) Slight hesitations Lack of rhythm Lack of alternating relaxation and tension Lack of flexibility and grace Incorrect or unkempt uniform

64 Examples of Major Deductions
– 0.3 major deductions for technical Wrong or omitted movement Missed Kiyap or Kiyap at the wrong movement Ending position differs from the starting position by more than a one foot Exceptions: Keumgang, Jitae Unnecessary foot noise in stance or stepping Confusion or pausing for more than 3 seconds during performance Stamping movement performed without enough power and sound

65 Examples of Major Deductions
– 0.3 major deductions for technical Looking in the wrong direction Significant loss of balance in performing a movement

66 Examples of Major Deductions
Major deductions for presentation (what to consider while formulating score) Eye focus or breathing not corresponding to the movement of motion Lack of fluency in movement Movements show lack of flexibility Lack of energy or force

67 Other Major Deductions
Crossing the boundary line (– 0.3) Exceeding or below the time limit (– 0.3) These should be determined by the recorders’ table Referee may bring any such violations to recorder’s attention These deductions are taken off the final form score Restart (– 0.6) Forgive any accuracy mistake before restarting, then take –0.6 off from accuracy i.e., After restarting, accuracy score should start with 3.4.

68 Gam-jeom Penalties The Referee declares any penalties for prohibited acts Gam-jeom penalties include: Uttering undesirable remarks or any misconduct on the part of a contestant or a coach Any act that intentionally interferes with another competitor, coach or official If a competitor is assessed two Gam-jeom deductions, they are declared loser on penalties

69 Freestyle Poomsae Duration: 60 – 70 seconds Competition area:
Individual and Pair: 10m x 10m Mixed Team: 12m x 12m Must perform with music No music: Disqualification

70 Freestyle Poomsae Divisions
Pair: 1 Male, 1 Female Mixed team: 3 Males 2 Females, or 2 Males 3 Females One substitute (optional)

71 Freestyle Poomsae Scoring Criteria
Total score: 10 points Technical score: 6 points Mandatory kicking techniques: 5 points Basic movement and practicality: 1 point Presentation score: 4 points Creativeness Harmony Expression of Energy Music and Choreography

72 Freestyle Poomsae Scoring Criteria

73 Mandatory Kicking Techniques
Height of jump kick Jumping side kick Number of kicks in a jump Jumping front kick Gradient of spin Jump spinning kick Performance level of consecutive kicks Kyorugi style kicks Must start with bouncing steps Acrobatic actions No kick, no score

74 Mandatory Kicking Techniques
Must be performed in sequence No point for any technique performed out of sequence Perform the same kicking technique multiple times, count only the first one for technical score Any subsequent kick can be considered for presentation score

75 Mandatory Stances Back stance (Dwitkubi) Tiger stance (Beom seogi)
Crane stance (Hakdari seogi) May perform in any part of the routine May perform in any order Missed mandatory stance: -0.3 each

76 Freestyle Poomsae Scoring Sheet

77 Freestyle Poomsae Videos
2014 World Poomsae Championships Senior Female Individual, Gold (USA) Senior Mixed Team, Gold (PHI)

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