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Falconry By David Selden-Treiman Falconry Falconry in ancient times was a way for people to get food. Today falconry is mainly a sport today.

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2 Falconry By David Selden-Treiman

3 Falconry Falconry in ancient times was a way for people to get food. Today falconry is mainly a sport today.

4 Falconry SS ome types of falcons are: TT he American Kestrel9” to 12”falco sparverius TT he Prairie Falcon12”falco mexicanus TT he Merlin Falcon10” to 13.5”falco columbanus TT he Oyrfalcon 20” to 25”falco rusticolus

5 Falconry Here are some facts about falcons today. The smallest falcon is the American Kestrel. The Largest Falcon is the Oyrfalcon

6 Falconry II n ancient times falconry was a popular sport. The following is evidence to support that: II n Turkey, archeologists found several carvings from approximately 1500 b.c. It shows a large bird (held by its legs) in the fist of a human.  A lso in Turkey there is another carving dated to 722-705 b. c. with a falcon in its fist.

7 Falconry AA lso falconry was practiced in other countries. Some countries that used falconry are: CC hina, before 2000 b. c. JJ apan, India, Persia, and other Asian countries around 600 b. c.

8 Falconry AA round the second half of the 9 th century falconry was popular in England. Falconry was used widely until the first half of the 17 th century.

9 Falconry The following are some terms for falconry. –A–An aerie is a falcon’s nest –M–Mewing is when a falcon is molting –A–After a falcon molts it is called an intermewed –A–A falcons dive when it’s wings are closed it is called a stoop

10 Falconry Terms for falconry continued. –When a falcon seizes its prey it is called a clutch –When a falcon clings to its prey it is called a bind. –When a flacon is sleeping it is called jonking. –When falcons are fighting it is called crabbing. –Bating or fluttering of the wings

11 Falconry

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