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Accident and Emergency Dept. Data Sharing to Reduce Alcohol- Related Violence and Violent Crime.

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Presentation on theme: "Accident and Emergency Dept. Data Sharing to Reduce Alcohol- Related Violence and Violent Crime."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accident and Emergency Dept. Data Sharing to Reduce Alcohol- Related Violence and Violent Crime

2 Objectives: Why use A&E Data? The Process of Data Sharing; Partnership working; London so far….. Learning: Is there more we can do? Looking to the Future: Local Strategies for Local Needs!

3 Local Strategies for London: Create a “London Model” to tailor data sharing for a city with variable needs; Locality Specific to demands; Develop community safety dependent on local problems; Overall: Create a safer community for living and working! Reduce Alcohol related hospital admissions; Reduce Alcohol related violence on the streets; Reduction of violent crime.

4 London So Far: Ten NHS Trusts are sharing data; Further three to go live by mid-October; All local boroughs engaged;

5 What Data Are We Sharing? NEW DATA - ESSENTIAL Assault Type Assault location Body Part Weapon Pushed Unknown Body Part Fist Feet Head Other Weapon Glass Bottle Knife Blunt object Gun Other Bar/pub Club Street Own home Someone else’s home Workplace Other Free text facility to give specific details of location EXISTING DATA Age & gender Postcode of Residence Incident Type Assault Date & time of assault

6 Why Use A&E Data? A&E’s see more assaults than are reported; A&E’s can spot trends in injury data before other authorities; Enable targeted policing and community safety initiatives’ De-personalised data allows for analysis of trends in the location of assaults; Potential to build into Safeguarding procedures; Build safer communities – clinical engagement with the Community Safety Partnerships

7 Case Study: The Cardiff Model Data Sharing Model presented here is based on Cardiff Lead by Professor Jonathan Shepherd Data collected in A&E’s lead to identification of troublesome hotspots of crime and disorder the police formally were unaware of; Identified repeat attendees to the department; Result: Overall reduction of hospital attendances in Cardiff; Reduction of crimes related to alcohol in the city centre

8 Community Safety: Improve the design of licensed premises and management; Replace glass bottles with plastic ones; Appropriate staff training to encourage responsible drinking and customer care; Safer outside environments; CCTV, numbers of bars in one area, food outlets, street lighting; Traffic light system with local alcohol outlets to reduce problem establishments; Work along side police teams to monitor the night time economy and episodes of violent assaults.

9 How do we ‘use’ or ‘want’ to use the data? St Thomas

10 The Virtuous Circle Police Action / Targeted Intervention Alcohol-Related Assault Community Safety Data Collected in Emergency Department Identify Share Information Data Matching and Analysis Solution to cause – crime reduction

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