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Profile Name Robertson Sondoh Jr KPLI TESL June 2010 Matrix No 6992 ID No 800215-12-5173 Hometown Putatan, Sabah Lecturer Pn. Noemi Linus click on anywhere.

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2 Profile Name Robertson Sondoh Jr KPLI TESL June 2010 Matrix No 6992 ID No 800215-12-5173 Hometown Putatan, Sabah Lecturer Pn. Noemi Linus click on anywhere to continue

3 How the Body Works by Robertson Sondoh Jr click on anywhere to start

4 Our Body Head Torso Arm Leg

5 The Torso

6 The Head

7 Arms and Legs

8 The Ear The ear is the anatomical organ that detects sound. It not only acts as a receiver for sound, but also plays a major role in the sense of balance and body position. The ear is part of the auditory system.

9 The Brain The brain is a part of the body that allows us to make sense of the world around us and to change our behavior to respond to it. Our brain is the control center of the whole body. It receives messages from all parts of our body and sends out necessary commands to control the body's actions. The brain is made up of a special type of cells. They are connected with each other and with the nerves in our body. The delicate brain is protected on the outside by strong skull bones.

10 The Eyes The eye is an organ for sensing light. About 97 percent of the animals known have eyes. Image-resolving eyes are present in cnidaria, molluscs, chordates,anneli ds and arthropods. The eyes found in different animals are different from each other. Some are simpler, others are more complex. Today, ten different kinds of eyes are known.

11 The Tooth A tooth is one of the hard, white things in our mouth. Teeth (plural) are used to chew food. Chew means to break up and crush food so it can be swallowed (pushed down into your stomach). Some animals also use teeth as a weapon.

12 The Tongue The tongue is the fleshy muscle inside the mouth. A tongue lets us taste because the top of the tongue is made mostly of tastebuds. It is very flexible, so it also helps us eat and talk.

13 The Nose A nose is a body part which allows animals to smell things. The nose also helps animals breathe. It has parts that make it work and send messages to the brain. The nose's parts include smell receptors and nerve connectors to receptors. In humans, the nose is on the front of the face. The power of the nose varies for animals. For example, dogs have a stronger sense of smell than humans.

14 The Lungs The lung is an organ in many vertebrates (animals having a spine, or backbone). It gives blood oxygen from the air, and takes away carbon dioxide. Most vertebrates have 2 lungs.

15 The Liver The liver is an organ in the abdomen. It is part of the gastrointestinal system. Sometimes people use hepato- as a prefix when they talk about the liver. For example if people talk about liver cells, they say hepatocellular. Another word for liver cell is hepatocyte (-cyte means cell.)

16 The Heart The heart is a muscle found in every animal that has a backbone. It is a very strong muscle that is about the size of a fist. It pumps blood through tubes called blood vessels. It has regular contractions, or when the heart squeezes the blood out into other parts of the body.

17 The Kidney Kidneys are two organs in the abdomen of vertebrates that are shaped like beans. They make urine (the yellow waste water that comes out of the urethra.) They are part of the urinary system. When medical professionals discuss the kidneys, they typically refer to the word renal. For example, renal failure is when the kidneys are sick and do not work.

18 The Stomach The stomach is part of the digestive system. It is a big sack between the esophagus and the small intestines. The stomach is the second stage in the digestive process. It holds food after ingestion. Food in the stomach then passes through to the small intestine where most of the food's nutrition is absorbed.

19 The Skin Skin is the outside covering of animals including humans. The skin of human beings usually has very small hairs on it that are hard to see. Some people have more hair, or hair that is easier to see, and some have less. People have hair that is longer and easier to see on some parts of their bodies, such as the tops of their heads and men's beards.

20 The Nail A fingernail is a hard part of the body at the tip of the fingers, of which most people have ten. Toenails are also similar, except that they grow four times slower and are on the toes. Only mammals have fingernails. Like hair, fingernails never stop growing. They must be cut from time to time. The nails are made up of a protein called keratin. Hair and skin also have keratin.

21 The Hair Hair is something that grows from the skin of mammals. The hair of non-human animals is usually called fur. Sheep and goats hav e curly hair, which is usually called wool. Hair is made of keratin. Keratins are proteins, long chains of amino acids.

22 Activities click on one of the button

23 Activity One Match the picture click on anywhere to start

24 Question One ? A) Arm B) Head C) Chin

25 ? Question One A) Arm B) Head C) Chin Correct! Click here to continuehere

26 Question One ? A) Arm B) Head C) Chin Wrong! Click here to continuehere X

27 Question Two

28 Correct! Click here to continuehere

29 Question Two Wrong! Click here to continuehere X

30 Question Three

31 Correct! Click here to continuehere

32 Question Three Wrong! Click here to continuehere X

33 Activity Two Answer the question click on anywhere to start

34 What is the fleshy muscle inside the mouth ? Question One A) TongueB) KidneyC) Heart

35 What is the fleshy muscle inside the mouth ? Question One A) TongueB) KidneyC) Heart Correct! Click here to continuehere

36 What is the fleshy muscle inside the mouth ? Question One A) TongueB) KidneyC) Heart Wrong! Click here to continuehere X

37 What organ is the size of a fist ? Question Two A) NailsB) HeartC) Eyes

38 What organ is the size of a fist ? Question Two A) NailsB) HeartC) Eyes Correct! Click here to continuehere

39 What organ is the size of a fist ? Question Two A) NailsB) HeartC) Eyes Wrong! Click here to continuehere X

40 What organ is a part of digestive system ? Question Three A) StomachB) EyesC) Brain

41 What organ is a part of digestive system ? Question Three A) StomachB) EyesC) Brain Correct! Click here to continuehere

42 What organ is a part of digestive system ? Question Three A) StomachB) EyesC) Brain Wrong! Click here to continuehere X

43 CONGRATULATION !!! You manage to answer all question, Good Job ! Try another activity if you have not try it yet


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