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Introduction to Inquiry- Based Learning Pamela J. W. Gore Georgia Perimeter College.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Inquiry- Based Learning Pamela J. W. Gore Georgia Perimeter College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Inquiry- Based Learning Pamela J. W. Gore Georgia Perimeter College

2 How do you define inquiry?

3 Inquiry is a multifaceted activity that involves making observations; posing questions; examining books and other sources of information to see what is already known; planning and conducting investigations; reviewing what is already down in light of experimental evidence; using tools to analyze, and interpret data; proposing answers; explanations and predictions; and communicating results. »National Academy of Science, 1996

4 Inquiry Teaching Inquiry teaching leads students through the experience of scientific inquiry. Students build their understandings of the fundamental scientific ideas through direct experience with materials, by consulting resources that include experts, and through argument and debate among themselves. –Stuessy & Thomas, 1998

5 Inquiry Defined “Inquiry is a simple three-syllable word that requires a paragraph to explain and a vision to make it real.” –National Science Foundation, 1997

6 Inquiry makes science education more like the process of science

7 Types of Inquiry Directed inquiry - teacher guides students along Guided inquiry - teacher sets up a structured experience for the students Open inquiry – problem-based learning; students identify questions; students determine what to do and how to do it

8 What Students Do: Explore and discover science by: Observations and questions Hands-on experiences Reflecting on what they have observed or measured to make meaning from their experiences Applying and extending their findings to new questions or problems.

9 What Teachers Do: Assess prior knowledge Ask guiding questions, without providing answers. (“Wait time” is important.) Arrange classroom to promote collaboration Provide opportunities for open-ended investigations Model analysis techniques Foster reflection and critical thinking skills Provide real-world connections and integration with other subjects.

10 Emphasis on HOW we know, rather than WHAT we know

11 See handouts in notebook Traditional vs. inquiry-based behaviors Indicators of inquiry An inquiry-oriented course provides opportunities for students to … Essential features of classroom inquiry and their variations (Five characteristics of inquiry)

12 5E Lesson 1.Engage – Get their interest 2.Explore – Do the investigation 3.Explanation – Figure out what it means 4.Extension – Relate it to other concepts 5.Evaluation – See what knowledge and skills were gained; check for misconceptions

13 Another handout Types of Assessments, Types of Evidence of Learning, and Examples

14 M&M Experiment 1.Watch an m&m in a cup. Write down a question.

15 M&M Experiment 2. Put the m on top. Add water. Watch carefully.

16 What happened to the “m”? Has it risen to the surface? Why? Titanium dioxide is the naturally occurring oxide of titanium, chemical formula TiO 2. When used as a pigment, it is called titanium white or Pigment White 6. Titanium dioxide is rarely pure; it contains contaminant metals such as iron. oxidetitaniumOpigmentiron Titanium dioxide occurs in nature as the mineral rutile, found in heavy mineral sands in SE GA near the Okefenokee Swamp. It can be mined and serve as a source for commercial titanium. titanium

17 Devise and conduct your own m&m experiment using the scientific method (think about controls and number of variables)

18 String Exercise Find a partner. One partner holds 3 pieces of string in the center of his/her hand. Make a fist around the string.

19 Next... Have the second partner tie each end of the string. Be sure the first partner does NOT RELEASE his/her fist as the string ends are being tied.


21 NOW... PREDICT what the result will be when you let go of the string. TELL your partner what you think. DRAW what you think the outcome might be. SHARE your predictions with your partner.

22 PREDICTIONS What do you think will happen?

23 Let Go! Observe What Happens


25 Mystery Bags Activity

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