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Geometry Area of mathematics dealing with solids, surfaces, points, lines, curves, & angles and their relationships in space.

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Presentation on theme: "Geometry Area of mathematics dealing with solids, surfaces, points, lines, curves, & angles and their relationships in space."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geometry Area of mathematics dealing with solids, surfaces, points, lines, curves, & angles and their relationships in space.

2 Geometry- Lines I CAN… draw points, lines, line segments, and rays tell the difference between parallel lines and perpendicular lines CCSS.Math.Content.4.G.A.1 Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in two-dimensional figures. CCSS.Math.Content.4.G.A.1

3 A straight path that goes on forever in both directions.



6 A location on a line marked by a dot.

7 the part of a line between two points The space between the two points is a line segment

8 Two lines or line segments in a plane that stay the Same distance apart & will cross.NEVER

9 Two lines next to each other that will NEVER cross.






15 Lines or segments that meet or intersect (cross) to form right angles, or a square corner.

16 Two lines that cross & form right angles, or a square corner.

17 Two lines that cross and form right angles, or a “T” shape.





22 Lines or segments that meet or cross at one point, but do NOT always from right angles (90°)- square corner Perpendicular lines are intersecting but intersecting lines are NOT perpendicular.

23 Two lines that cross but do NOT always from right angles. Perpendicular lines are intersecting but intersecting lines are NOT perpendicular.

24 Two lines that cross but do NOT always from right angles. Perpendicular lines are intersecting but intersecting lines are NOT perpendicular.

25 When I say Simon Says Be……. Acute Angle: Make an acute angle with your arms Obtuse Angle: Make an obtuse angle with your arms. Right Angle: Make a right angle with your arms. Straight Angle: Hold your arms out to the side. Parallel: Raise hands in the air like a “goal” sign. Perpendicular: Make a T or Cross with your Arms. Intersecting: Make an X with your arms – No right angles! Line – Arms out to the side with both fingers pointing Ray – Arms out to the side with one fist and one finger Line Segment – Arms out to the side with two fists.


27 A. Perpendicular B. Parallel C. Intersecting

28 A. Perpendicular B. Parallel C. Intersecting

29 A. Perpendicular B. Parallel C.Intersecting

30 A. Perpendicular B. Parallel C. Intersecting

31 A. Perpendicular B. Parallel C. Intersecting

32 A. Perpendicular B. Parallel C. Intersecting

33 A. Perpendicular B. Parallel C. Intersecting

34 A. Perpendicular B. Parallel C. Intersecting

35 A. Perpendicular B. Parallel C. Intersecting

36 A. Perpendicular B. Parallel C. Intersecting

37 A. Perpendicular B. Parallel C. Intersecting

38 A. Perpendicular. B. Parallel C. Intersecting

39 Perpendicular Parallel Intersecting.

40 A. Perpendicular B. Parallel C. Intersecting

41 A. Perpendicular B. Parallel C. Intersecting

42 A. Perpendicular B. Parallel C. Intersecting

43 Perpendicular Parallel Intersecting

44 A. Perpendicular B. Parallel C. Intersecting

45 Go Back!


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