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Discovering Data: The Adventure Begins Buckland Elementary 1/23/2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Discovering Data: The Adventure Begins Buckland Elementary 1/23/2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discovering Data: The Adventure Begins Buckland Elementary 1/23/2013

2 Setting the Course Rating Your Level of Comfort with Analyzing Data Tie-In to the NCEES Types of Assessment Break Analyzing Data from Formative Assessment Group Discussion Break Next Steps: Classroom Management Techniques Exit Slip Activity Reflection Evaluation of Presentation Additional CEU Credit






8 DEVELOPING...I know about it, I understand it, I research it, I do it occasionally, I am getting comfortable with the process PROFICIENT...I know about it, I do it, I use data ACCOMPLISHED...I know about it, I do it, I use data consistently, I participate/serve and offer solutions for a data-driven classroom DISTINGUISHED...I do all of the above and... I HELP ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO BE DATA DRIVEN INSTRUCTORS!! IN A NUTSHELL

9 LET'S BRAINSTORM FOR A MOMENT With your table group, brainstorm the various ways that you assess students in your classroom. List as many as possible. We will share out in a moment in another activity.

10 What is your level of understanding in terms of Formative and Summative Assessment? ESSENTIAL QUESTION

11 FIST-TO-FIVE ACTIVITY FIST - Indicates you are still thinking ONE FINGER - Indicates no understanding (I am a blank slate.) TWO FINGERS - Indicates developing level of understanding (I have heard of the types of assessment but do not actively use the information in classroom practice.) THREE FINGERS - Indicates proficient level of understanding (I am researching the types of assessments and use the information in my classroom practice.) FOUR FINGERS - Indicates accomplished level of understanding (I understand and use formative assessments/data regularly in my classroom practice.) FIVE FINGERS - Indicates distinguished level of understanding (I understand and use formative assessments/data consistently in my classroom students are included in this process as well. I also encourage others to be data-driven practitioners.)

12 Formative assessment or diagnostic testing is a range of formal and informal assessment procedures employed by teachers during the learning process in order to modify teaching and learning activities to improve student attainment.diagnostic testing (Wikipedia) Formative Assessment is part of the instructional process. When incorporated into classroom practice, it provides the information needed to adjust teaching and learning while they are happening. In this sense, formative assessment informs both teachers and students about student understanding at a point when timely adjustments can be made. These adjustments help to ensure students achieve, targeted standards-based learning goals within a set time frame. AMLE (Assosication for Middle Level Education) FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Educational consultant Rick Stiggins suggests "the student's role is to strive to understand what success looks like and to use each assessment to try to understand how to do better the next time." Formative assessments help us differentiate instruction and thus improve student achievement.

13 SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark. Carnegie Melllon Summative assessments are cumulative evaluations used to measure student growth after instruction and are generally given at the end of a course in order to determine whether long term learning goals have been met. LEARN NC Summative assessments are assessments of student learning. They are given at a point in time to measure the students’ achievement in relation to a clearly defined set of standards. These assessments are given after learning is supposed to occur. Iowa Department of Education Summative assessments (or more accurately, large-scale, standardized assessments) are frequently criticized for a variety of reasons. Nevertheless, summative assessments can provide critical information about students' overall learning as well as an indication of the quality of classroom instruction, especially when they are accompanied by other sources of information and are used to inform practice rather than to reward or sanction. The Gale Group



16 TICKET-OUT ACTIVITY Record your answers to this assessment on your airplane ticket. Give your completed ticket to one of the presenters as you head out for the break. WE WILL SEE YOU BACK IN 15 MINUTES!!!

17 "ROCK ON" 1. Name the three types of rocks. 2. What type of rock is shown in the picture to the right? 3. Give details to support your answer. 4. Where might you find this type of rock? Explain.

18 Digging though the Data Let’s say you give this math assessment to the class on basic addition, basic subtraction, addition with regrouping and subtraction with regrouping How can we use the assessment data to inform instruction?

19 Determining Proficiency Look at overall scores First, what determines whether the students are proficient in the particular skills? Let’s say that 80% or above is an appropriate proficiency level. 9 out of 15 or 60% of the class met or exceeded the determined proficiency level 6 out of 15 or 40% did not

20 Look for Patterns in Data Once you have determined who hasn’t met proficiency, look at the test items and determine how many students missed each skill assessed. Look for patterns to see if there are groups of students who missed the same skill. Let’s look at the data sheet to see if we can find any patterns.

21 Data Student Addition (out of 10) Subtraction (out of 10) Addition Regrouping (out of 5) Subtraction Regrouping (out of 5) Total Score (out of 30) Percentile A10 5530100 B10 542997 C109542893 D10 432790 E99542790 F108532687 G99442687 H98532583 I99432583 J10 032377 K108502377 L99052377 M108402273 N98502273 O84001240

22 Look for Skill Breakdowns All of the students except Student O are proficient in 2-digit by 1-digit addition and subtraction. Students J and L are still struggling with addition with regrouping. Students K, M, and N are still struggling with subtraction with regrouping. Student O is still struggling with basic subtraction.

23 Instructional Decisions Continue current instruction Reteach skills to whole class Flexible grouping What classroom management techniques have you used to group students?


25 I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW! Now that you have "collected" your data, it is time to do something with it!! Move into grade-level groups. In your groups, discuss/brainstorm strategies that you, a partner teacher, or your entire grade-level would use to address the learning needs of the students based on the addition/subtraction data. Then, create a visual representation of what your classroom/ classrooms/grade level would look like if Ms. Goldsby was observing!! We will share out in 15 minutes!!

26 LET'S WALK...GALLERY WALK THAT IS!! Before you head out for a short break, use the big stickies to comment on and/or ask questions about the visual representations presented by the different grade-levels. Stick them on the appropriate chart and head for your last short break See you in 5!!


28 IN CLOSING Reflection Evaluation Follow-Up Activity Extra CEU's

29 FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITY Individual Choose an assessment Determine proficiency requirements Analyze/disaggregate the data (report in chart format) Look for patterns Group students...describe how and why you grouped them Design an intervention plan Implement the intervention plan Reflect on the process and the results Due February 22 Total of 1.0 CEU vs 0.3 Using data to drive instruction....PRICELESS!!

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