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OCM BOCES APPR Regulations As of 3.22.12. 20% Student Growth 20% Student Achievement 60% Multiple Measures APPR.

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Presentation on theme: "OCM BOCES APPR Regulations As of 3.22.12. 20% Student Growth 20% Student Achievement 60% Multiple Measures APPR."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCM BOCES APPR Regulations As of 3.22.12

2 20% Student Growth 20% Student Achievement 60% Multiple Measures APPR

3 20% Student Growth 20% Student Achievement 60% Multiple Measures Knowledge of Students & Student Learning Knowledge of Content & Instructional Planning Instructional Practice Learning Environment Assessment for Student Learning Professional Responsibilities and Collaboration Professional Growth Growth over time Compared to Expected Growth Some Variables Considered SLOs Required Moment in time or growth Local or Purchased Some Variables Considered SLOs Optional APPR Could be school- wide measure

4 60% Multiple Measures 20% Student Growth Growth over time Compared to Expected Growth Some Variables Considered SLOs Required Growth 20% Key ideas:  SED’s part; SED’s rules  When SED-provided score, must use SLOs  Defined HEDI point ranges

5 5 Growth 20%

6 6 State Determines SLO process Identifies required elements Requires use of State test Provides training to NTs prior to 2012-13. Provides guidance, webinars & videos SLOs District District goals & priorities Match requirements to teachers Define processes for before & after Identify expectations School LE & teacher collaborate LE approval Ensure security LE monitor & evaluation Teacher Works with colleagues & LE Growth 20%

7 20% Student Growth 20% Student Achievement 60% Multiple Measures Local 20% Key ideas:  A process must be locally determined (many districts using SLO process)  HEDI definitions (well-above, meet, below, well-below)  Several options, including state assessments in a different way  Score distribution monitored by SED  School-wide measures permitted Moment in time or growth Local or Purchased Some Variables Considered SLOs Optional Could be school- wide measure

8 60% Multiple Measures Knowledge of Students & Student Learning Knowledge of Content & Instructional Planning Instructional Practice Learning Environment Assessment for Student Learning Professional Responsibilities and Collaboration Professional Growth Multiple Measures 60% Key ideas:  At least 31 points based on observations (out of the total 60)  At least one observation unannounced (of the multiple observations)  Score distribution monitored by SED  Feedback gathering from parents or students must use approved tool  Stand alone goals not permitted

9 60% Multiple Measures Knowledge of Students & Student Learning Knowledge of Content & Instructional Planning Instructional Practice Learning Environment Assessment for Student Learning Professional Responsibilities and Collaboration Professional Growth Multiple Measures 60% Rubrics:  In our BOCES, one of these three being used (so far):  FFT 2007 (ASCD)  FFT 2011 (Teachscape)  Professional Practice (NYSUT & NYSED)

10 Points: <29 points  Outside, impartial observation  Peer observation  Student feedback  Parent feedback  Other evidence of student development and performance (lesson plans, portfolios, other artifacts) Multiple Measures 60% 31-60 points  Based on multiple observations  Use an approved rubric

11 Points: Multiple Measures 60% 60 points  Could all be from the rubric

12 Points: Multiple Measures 60% >31 points  From the rubric from multiple observations <29 points  From the list of other possibilities, would need system of point determination

13 Rubrics: FFT 2011  Four Domains  No cost to use rubrics  Can only be used with Teachscape electronic system Multiple Measures 60% FFT 2007  Four Domains  No cost to use rubrics  Can be used with 3 rd party electronic systems NYS Practice  NYS Teaching Standards (7)  No cost to use rubrics  Can be used with 3 rd party electronic systems

14 Overall Requirements  Submit plans (prescribed form?) to SED for approval by July 1 st (but no penalty until January withhold aid action)  Subcomponent scores provided by last day of school; summative by September 1 st  Appeals must be timely and expeditious  SED will monitor scores (low correlation, inadequate differentiation)  HEDI points (91-100, 75-90, 65-74, 0-64) Revised Regulations

15 Content of APPR Plan 1. Plan to ensure SED gets all the data they require, including teacher subcomponent scores 2. Assessment development, securing, and scoring procedures 3. Describe how 60% are determined 4. Describe “timely feedback” and provision of subcomponent and summative scores 5. Appeals process 6. Improvement plan process 7. Required certifications (Lead Evaluator, etc.) and process for ensuring reliability over time Revised Regulations

16 Steps to the APPR Plan 1. Understand Big Picture & Components 2. Understand Growth 20% 3. Determine Local 20% Process 4. Multiple Measures  Rubric  Evidence collection methods & frequency  Timely feedback provisions  Point allocation 5. Appeals Process 6. Improvement Plans 7. Plan Attestations 8. Approvals Steps to APPR

17 OCM BOCES APPR Regulations As of 3.22.12

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