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Group 7: Performance evaluation, measurement, and management By: Adrienne Kwong, Juana Paredes, Kassandra Magtibay, Andres Ramirez, Carlos Garcia.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 7: Performance evaluation, measurement, and management By: Adrienne Kwong, Juana Paredes, Kassandra Magtibay, Andres Ramirez, Carlos Garcia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 7: Performance evaluation, measurement, and management By: Adrienne Kwong, Juana Paredes, Kassandra Magtibay, Andres Ramirez, Carlos Garcia

2 Adrienne Kwong The Invisible Eye? Electronic Performance Monitoring and Employee Job Performance By: Devasheesh P. Bhave

3 Key Terms 1.Electronic Performance Monitoring (EPM) 2.Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCBs) 3.Counterproductive Work Behaviors (CWBs) 4.Task Performance 5.Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) 6.Call Quality

4 Purpose of the Study ● To examine the relationship between supervisory use of EPM and performance (task performance, OCB, CWB, and call quality)

5 About the study ● Data collected from two large call centers o 204 CSRs and 24 supervisors participated ● Surveys completed by supervisors that assessed use of EPM systems and rated the subordinate’s task performance, OCBs, call quality, and CWB ● Separate quality departments for call quality o independent, objective assessments

6 Results

7 Task Performance CWBOCBCall Quality Supervisory use of EPM 0.36-0.020.412.97

8 Results

9 Take Home Message ● To avoid information overload, identify the key components used from EPM data o Scorecards, performance evaluations ● Supervisor training o consistent data interpretation ● Goal Setting ● Implement frequent performance evaluations-- every 2 months

10 Juana Paredes “Performance Management: Perceiving Goals as Invariable and implications for Perceived Job Autonomy and Work Performance.” By:Bard Kuvaas, Robert Buch and Anders Dysvik

11 Key Terms 1.Perceived Goals as Invariable 2.Perceived Job Autonomy 3.Performance Management 4.Goal-Setting Theory

12 Purpose of the Study ● To examine the use of Perceived Job Autonomy as a mediator to increase work performance. ● Hypothesis 2: Perceived Job Autonomy mediates the negative relationship between Perceived Goals and Invariable and Work Performance.

13 About the Study ● Online survey taken by employees from a municipality in Norway. o Educational, health, administrative and social services o 737 municipality workers, 40 supervisors ● Each sector heavily relied on the use of goals and goal attainment as indicators of employee work performance.

14 Results


16 Take Home Message ●Include employees in the goal-setting process. ●Reduce HRM practices or systems that negatively affect employee job autonomy. ●Engage immediate supervisor ●Develop an innovative work environment to increase job autonomy.

17 Kassandra Magtibay Managing To Stay In The Dark: Managerial Self-efficacy, Ego Defensiveness, and The Aversion to Employee Voice By: Nathanael J. Fast, Ethan R. Burris, Caroline A. Bartel

18 Key Terms ● Self-efficacy ● Ego defensiveness ● Employee voice ● Voice aversion ● Self-affirmation

19 Purpose of the study ● To examine the psychological processes that may lead some managers to become averse to employee voice

20 About the study Study 2 o Hypothesis: Ego defensiveness is the underlying mechanism explaining the relationships between managerial self-efficacy and voice solicitation o Method:  Managerial scenario: Commuter airline  131 adult participants  Pretest (manipulate self-affirmation) → Test (manipulate self-efficacy)

21 Results

22 ● The effects in the no self-affirmation group proved that they were driven by feelings of ego defensiveness (ED) o High ED (no self-affirmation) = Low self-efficacy, low voice solicitation, and negative feelings o Low ED (self-affirmation) = High self-efficacy, high voice solicitation, and positive feelings

23 Theoretical implication

24 Take Home message ● Ego defensiveness explains why employees withhold innovative ideas and why some managers hesitate to listen to their employees ● Executives can encourage their managers to foster a culture of voice and innovation o Workshops or training sessions o Online employee forum discussion board

25 Andres Ramirez Rocking The Boat But Keeping It Steady: The Role Of Emotion Regulation in Employee Voice By: Adam M. Grant

26 Key Terms ● Voice ● Emotion Regulation Theory ● Emotion Regulation Knowledge

27 Purpose of the Study -- to enrich our understanding of the critical ways in which emotion regulation can shape the incidence and outcomes of voice

28 About the Study -100 employees - Optometry Company -Emotion Regulation Knowledge - STEM -Emotional Labor Strategies (Deep/Surface Acting) - Surveys -Voice and Performance Evaluations - HR Managers

29 Results


31 Take Home Message -Managers: - Assist in motivating employees to speak up! - Create safe/friendly work atmosphere -Employees: - Practice speech - speak loud and proud! (respectfully)

32 Carlos Garcia Psychological Capital and Employee Performance: A Latent Growth Modeling Approach By: Suzanne J. Peterson, Fred Luthans, Bruce J. Avolio, Fredo O. Walumbwa, Zhen Zhang

33 Key Terms ● Psychological Capital (PsyCap) ● Efficacy ● Hope ● Optimism ● Resilience

34 Purpose of the Study ● To examine the within-individual change in psychological capital over time and its relation in two types of employee performance outcomes (Supervisor-rated performance and financial performance)

35 About the Study ● Three Hypotheses examined ● Sample of 179 financial advisory employees ● Repeated measures of individual data were collected at three time periods; spanning over seven months ● Supplemental analyses explored the causal direction between psychological capital and employee performance

36 Results


38 Take Home Message ● Developmental interventions aimed at increasing and sustaining overall psychological capital ● Resilience training to increase retention ● PCQ for selection and promotion

39 Group Take Home Message ● Managers need to set goals during each performance evaluation o Re-evaluate goals during each evaluation ● Management needs to incentivize more employee voice o Foster a safe/friendly work environment that encourages a strong voice ●Train leaders to role model positive work behaviors to increase work performance ●Personal or online training sessions with feedback

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